Psi Report # 0 (2001-01-08)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

Word up to mah Wing II posse.

-Squadron News-

- As you can probably guess, an overall slow (very slow) week for the squadron. It was not, however, without it's happy tidings...

- Ford both left and returned from shore leave over the weekend without incident...any rumors of a strange man causing avalanches in a marshmallow factory in Tijuana have no relation whatsoever.

- A certain Sovereign WC needs to attend some sensitivity training in order to gain some respect for people dressing as cartoon bears.

- Yay! LCM Otter is finally back from his near-AWOL-absence! Now that he and Tam have both returned, the tale of the prodigal Psi pilots may now conclude with much feasting, drinking, dancing, and slaughtering and devouring of the fattened Ewok. Welcome back, guys :-P

- Approximately one more week until our competition with Praetorian kicks off! In case you happened to be at that marshmallow avelanche and were afflicted with severe head trauma and forgot, Psi and Sin will be taking on the elite boys of Praetorian in a straight-up, shoot-em-up, score-really-high-and-kick-some-elite-gludius TIE competition! Though the battle will remain un-named for obvious reasons, from Jan. 15th to Jan. 25th, Sin, Psi and Prae will all fly the same TC-TIE. It's quite simple: Combining Psi and Sin's scores against Praetorian's, the highest laserless score wins. Though a pair of ISMs will be awarded to the highest and second-highest scorer overall, more importantly, invaluable bragging rights go to the winners >:P We may not be elites, but we've got some maaaaaaaad TIE skillz, and Ford has high expectations for an excellent showing in this comp! Get pumped! As Ford types, he's sending off an e-mail to RA Calias of the DGN Lichtor V (Prae's base) that might set up a mailing list for some trash talking, so get your insults ready >:P

- (Tenatively), say a big hello to the newest member of Psi Squadron! Once he's recovered from his colon-removal surgery (possibly the first one conducted by brand-new wing doc CPT Astarosta...hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere :P), issued his scorpion-repelling bunny pajamas, and, uh, gotten his transfer approved by the FO, join us in the cantina to welcome LCM Nurel Turr! LCM Turr joins Psi after serving in Aylin Squadron, commanded by ex-Rho man CPT Jaster Sadista in Wing III, commanded in turn by everyone's favorite ex-Psi CMDR, GN Sasquatch! Welcome, Turr!

- CPT Jens Vigsted has submitted a nice graphical'll find it attached!

- There are several rather heated debates going on right now on the EH messageboard ( and the TIE Corps message board ( that directly involve the average pilot, so if you haven't been checking 'em out, Ford would encourage you to pay the MBs a visit! Not only are they wholesome fun for the whole family, but they give regular guys like us a chance to dish out our opinions on Fleet matters and life in general.

- As said before, not much squadron news...

-Wing News-

- Wing II is consumed by the Squeaker hunt! If you've been anywhere near any EH-related message boards, you've obviously caught the hysteria :-P Exact comp details are below, in the Squadron Orders section.

- CPT Astarosta and LCM Jan Wemmel, both of Kappa, have been appointed Wing Doctor and Wing Nurse, respectively. Congrats to both on their appointments! And in advance, no, Ford's quite sure his colon isn't re-growing and does not need to make an appointment of any sort to rectify the problem. No pun intended :-P

- Have you guys gotten the Wing II briefing yet? If not, please let Ford know...dunno if Jon fwded it whilst Ford was on leave.

-Squadron Orders-

- Be pumped and stuff for the Prae comp.

- Do nifty stuff for the Squeaker Hunt wing-wide comp! There's quite a few areas to participate in...

Message board hunt! Every day, messages will be posted from SGT Akela and PVT Melvin on their hunt for the missing Squeaker. We must follow their trail (posting responses to the message) until Squeaker is found! You must post within 24 hours of the original post to stay hot on the track.

Documentaries! Write a narrative of the hunt for Squeaker, and his eventual discovery!

Spy satellite photos! Conjure up an image detailing Squeaker's current location!

Immediate response! At random times throughout the month, a mission will be ordered throughout the wing, via e-mail and the wing message board. Participants must fly it within 24 hours and submit it. Rewards will go to those who have the highest cumulative score for those missions, and those that complete 7 out of the 8 to be assigned.

Farewell to old friends! We've been assigned to the ISD Vanguard flying TC-107 to see if we can spot Squeaker! Keep an eye open whilst you complete the battle.

As LC Inkwolf says, 'medals galore' are being awarded for this competition...but only if competition is stiff and fierce! Medals for incredibly high overall participation are also being awarded. Yay. Happy-medals-dance! :-P

-Activity Reports-

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect:

1.4.00 - Goes on Shore Leave
1.7.00 - Returns from Shore Leave

FM/LT Draegar:

No Activity


FL/MAJ Sanj:

1.7.00 - Awarded Imperial Security Medal

FM/LCM Canen F. Otter:

Returns from absence.


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

No Activity

FM/CPT Jens Vigsted:

1.7.00 - Awarded Imperial Security Medal
1.8.00 - Submits Psi graphic

FM/LT Tam Weltl:

1.7.00 - Awarded Imperial Security Medal

LC Prefect, LT Draegar, CM Doyle and CPT Jens have all also participated in the messageboard Squeaker Hunt.

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- In old news, still hasn't been updated.

- Though TAC/AD Striker is reportedly back, he's also reportedly leaving :-P No word yet on his replacement.

- If you've been anywhere near IRC, you know that Undernet (IRC network that the EH uses) has been undergoing severe problems...lag, removal of it's bots, among other things. If you're looking to get on anytime soon, consider yourself forewarned >:P
(CMDR's note: Why, oh, why, did we never switch to Sidenet, or EHNet...or anything besides Undernet...ugh.)

- Continuing the tradition of calamitous events that occur whilst Ford is on shore leave, COL Ricaud of Wing IX has been promoted to General.

- XWA League II has begun! If you've any interest in this comp, check out for more details..

- Jan. 7th marked the 6th anniversary of the Emperor's Hammer's existence! Yay for us! Happy-anniversary-dance! Do the happy hokey pokey, everyone! Now if we could only get a domain update to celebrate... :-P

- Happy! For quicker URL access to a CS homepage, just type in the abbreviation for it in front of Ex:,, etc.

- XvT pilot file BSF upload forms are up now. Yay.

- FCHG listings are off-line due to bugs. Un-yay.

- IWATS has passed 6,000 graduates! Yay.

- News about JediCon from COL Callista:

I would like to remind all of you of the upcoming Jedi Convention in Cologne, Germany, from April 13th-15th (Easter weekend). About 20 EHers have
announced their participation so far! We are going to have a little stand representing the EH on the convention, by setting up some PCs and letting
the visitors play our custom missions, and by giving info to anyone who's interested in the club! If you'd like to join our happy little group of recruiters,
please contact me at and I'll give you more info about our meeting there. If you need more information on the Jedi Con itself,
go to , the page is available in English as well :) Please make up your minds on whether you want to attend the meeting and
the convention soon, if you sign up before January 15 it'll save you 20 DM (10$/6 pound)! Together we'll make this an event to be remembered! :)

- The fiction compendium ( database of nifty EH-related fiction) is having woes with fiction over 40 pages long being submitted. Un-yay.

- From AD Priyum, results of ASF: Supremacy II competition:

After a long month of hard activity, the Supremacy II competition has finally come to a close and the results have been announced:

Winning Ship: ISD Grey Wolf - The crew of the Grey Wolf amassed an amazing total of 8943 points, and rightfully retain their title of ASF Flag Ship

Winning Squadron: Tartarus, Wing XIII - Winning by over 200 points (2251 in total), all members of the Squadron showed great activity of the past
four weeks. The squadron becomes the new ASF Escort Squadron

The most hard fought, and probably the most exciting part of the competition was the individual Pilot race. The final top three pilots are:

1st: CPT Raven Arestar, Tartarus ( - 1050 points. Awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire
2nd: CPT Brucmack, Vortex ( - 886 points. Awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire
3rd: LT Mace, Vortex ( - 491 points. Awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire

Many congratulations to all the medal winners, and thanks for making this competition fun to run! Full details of the final results can be found at


CMDR-AMB/LC Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx18][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoL][CAVL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX]

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