Psi Report # 0 (2001-01-01)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

Yo ho ho and a Happy New Year!
With luck, some of you won't be so smashed you won't be able to be welcomed to the first Psi Squadron report of the new millennium :-P

Here goes nothing.
No, wait, something.

-Squadron News-

- Yay! LT Tam is back! After undergoing severe problems with his e-mail server, the good Lieutenant returns after an unexpected two-week absence.

- Boo! LCM Otter is not back. As he will be considered AWOL in a week or so if he doesn't respond, will the good Lieutenant-Commander mind responding on his status? :-P

- Grunt! Christmas Extravaganza is over! And the results are in! The winners in each categories...

Graphics: CPT Jens Vigsted!

Fiction: LT Tam Weltl!


Congratulations to all the winners!

Now for the depressing, CMDR bit.

There were no entries in the TIE high-score section.
There was only one entry in graphics.
There were two entries in fiction.

All of the winners in each category participated to such extent / submitted such good fiction / graphics that Ford felt they were capable of winning a regular competition with more participation. Had they not been, no medals would have been awarded. But, those of you who participated did well, hence your victories. Well done :-P

Ford would have really liked to see more participation, but it was vaguely difficult, seeing two Psi members disappeared, one coming back after a bout with technical difficulties, the other still having yet to answer. Another was gone on leave for most of the month due to technical difficulties as well, and yet another was on semi-leave due to a large school load. This accounts for four out of seven pilots. Eech. The three remaining pilots, however, did well in participation...way to go, everybody :P
Again, it's disappointing that random hits like this nailed us this month, but Ford hopes we'll be luckier in January.

Again, well-done to all winners! Your ISMs are in the mail :-P

For those interested, here's the complete run-down on the FCHG race:

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect (not participating):

41 points

FM/LT Draegar:

11 points

FL/MAJ Sanj:

29 points

FM/CPT Jens Vigsted:

4 points

- Sin + Psi vs. Praetorian! The competition has been approved! Sin and Psi will be matching up against the Prae boys for a straight-up TIE comp. Highest laserless score wins, gentlemen. The competition begins on Jan. 15th and ends the 25th. An ISM will be awarded to the top two scorers in the competition...but much more importantly, bragging rights going to the winning squadron (hopefully, squadrons). This is our chance to prove our mettle, boys. Can we stack up against the Fleet's elite?
Can we get a hell yeah?

The battle, of course, will remain undisclosed until the competition begins.
(CMDR's note: apparently not, as it's listed on the competition approval form on

- Gargle! Psi is back at 7 pilots! Ew! Nasty! Recruit! The more pilots we get, the better chance of beating Prae we have! Plus, new members are inherently good :-P Get recruiting! Posting on the TC and EH MBs in general is good, especially on the Training / Help forum! Helping Cadets is good too. In short, anything (legal) that gets us Cadets is good :-P Get to it! :-P

- Ford's just downloaded TIE Fighter Workshop and created a battle outline...expect some news on TC-TIE "The Grocery Wars" soon :-P

- Random poll: How merry was *your* Christmas? Speaking for himself, Ford can say it was rather good :-P. (Bless relatives who have no clue what to get you and so they give you gift certificates ;-P). And yes, this is on the basis of crass commercialization and present-mongering, none of that sentimental, true-meaning-of-Christmas religious crap. :-P

- Gurgle!

- Splrgut!

- MAJ Sanj continues on his re-design of the Psi website...what Ford's seen looks nice thus far!

-Wing News-

- The Squeaker Search has started! The details, from LC Inky:

For the Wing II Where's Squeaker competition, fly TC-107 (attached)

-at random times of January, Inkwolf will order missions to be flown

and must be turned in within 24 hrs of that order.  So keep your eyes



Sergeant Akela and Melvin will be making a search

of the Emperor's Hammer.  Each day in January

(starting tomorrow), a message will be posted on

one of the EH messageboards, possibly with a clue

as to where the next post will appear.  Can you

keep up to Akela and Melvin?  Post a reply to

their message within 24 hours to prove your

Squeakorienteering prowess!


Submit a graphic showing Squeaker's current location!


Write a work of, er, documentary dealing with the

disappearance and return of Squeaker!

-Not only will medals be awarded in each category,

but there will also be medals for whoever

participated the most!  If, in Inkwolf's opinion, the

wing has not shown any particular effort, medals

will not be awarded.  So be sure to take part.

Send all TFRs to me, CPT Stele Pellaeon, send all

graphics and fiction files to Inkwolf directly (cc your

CMDR!)  Good luck to all, and may your Squeaker

hunt be successful!

(copied from the Sin report, which was copied from the Wing II report, which disappeared from Ford's hard drive. Thanks, Stele :-P)


Do stuff! Seeing as the comp with Prae doesn't start until the 15th, this is Psi's primary orders!

-Squadron Orders-

- Do stuff for the Wing II Squeaker Search comp!

- Recruit!

- Get revved up for the Prae comp! (mailing list, anyone?)

-Activity Reports-

(from the last two weeks, as there wasn't really a report last week)

CMDR/LC Ford Prefect:

12.20.00 - Completes TC-51
12.21.00 - Completes TC-145
12.22.00 - Completes F-TIE 94
12.22.00 - Proposes Fleet-wide TIE comp to FO and TO
12.23.00 - Creates recruitment moov for EH:AG
12.28.00 - Passes IWATS TIE Mission Creation
12.28.00 - Submits to search engines

FM/LT Draegar:

No Activity


FL/MAJ Sanj:

12.25.00 - Completes TC-165
12.25.00 - Completes TC-162

FM/LCM Canen F. Otter:

No Activity, almost AWOL...


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

12.28.00 - Returns from leave

FM/LT Tam Weltl:

12.29.00 - Returns from leave

12.27.00 - Submits graphics for Christmas Extravaganza

Bleh. Cursed disappearances.

::: goes to phone Cris Carter and the X-Files producers :::

-Fleet / Misc. News / Misc. / Fleet News-

- LA's Force Commander wins Gamespot's the 2000 Most Disappointing Game of the Year.

- If you can take good XWA screenshots, contact AD Kermee.

- LC Tiberius, TIE Tactics professor, has stepped down from his position, and HA Astatine has temporarily closed the course. If you're interested in the job, e-mail the TO.

- Outer Rim nights are back! Thanks to the good work of the EH:AG diplomatic team, the EH can officially participate in OR again. More details:

(now that RS relations are re-established, look for possibly some comps with some oldskool Psi nemesis...maybe Green Squadron, part III >:P)

- TAC/AD Striker has returned from his mysterious absence. Yay.

All for this hoopy and stuff.

CMDR-AMB/LC Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx18][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoL][CAVL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX]

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