Tartarus Report # 8 (2001-06-16)

This report was submitted by CM Tomaas Banys


by CM Tomaas A.J. WOLFMASTER Banys


ID: ISD Grey Wolf, #48

LOGIN: TC-5660
PASSWD: *********

wolf> publish report -f now

Hello! Welcome to the Tartarus Squadron weekly report. It's the 8th release, and an important one. Why? We showed them! We are the new WC's Own for May 2001!!! Jay! That made me drink and sing. I'm very happy that you have proven yourself, and I feel proud of you. So, let's get to the weekly report, shall we?


Recruitment is not our biggest concern. However, if you find a good pilot out there, he'd be more than welcomed here.


  1. We've got WC's Own for May 2001. Yaahooo!
  2. FCHG listings work again. The Fleet Systems Engineer did a good job.
  3. CA:XO Quake is stepping down.
  4. New URL for the GW site: http://greywolf.raptor.nu
  5. Operation Imperial Storm II will start soon (06/25/2001) so see the site: http://www.btinternet.com/~spellfire/impstorm.html
  6. New Propaganda Office Report is out.
  7. First Wing XIII official IRC meeting has ended. MadDog and DarkC were there.


by CM Tomaas Banys


Commander Tomaas Banys rolled his fighter left and entered a spiral. He noticed another warship joining the battle: it was a rebel escort carrier - one of the worst surprises he was readying for.
"Flight I, get me covered. I want Flight III to take down that escort carrier, concentrate on him. Use everything you can, we can't afford to fight another of their wings. Meanwhile, Flight II, get those incoming bogies a missile shower. The bombers are our biggest threat, don't let them near the Wraith."
Both Leslaw and DarkC acknowledged their orders by doubly tapping their comms. Tomaas checked the navicomp and noticed 72 X-Wings, 48 A-Wings and only 24 Y-Wing bombers. Luckily, there were no signs of the newer ships like the B-Wing or the E-Wing. He smiled, but still, he knew they had no chance of saving the Wraith.
"No!" he thought to himself as he pulled the trigger, hitting an X-Wing which broke off from enemy main formation. "It's not true, the Wraith can make it. I'm sure they won't lose."

Just when the imperials replied with fire, admiral Vartalian was standing in his personal quarters. He didn't pay much attention to the battle - his tacticians could do that. He just opened it, and he will make the final move, he thought to himself when the battle reports began coming. "And then... I'll be back in favours of the Senate! Nothing will stop me now. Not those pitiful imps."

Six TIE Advanceds have left the Wraith and engaged with the A-Wings. The missile boats were about to follow them, but a sudden explosion demolished the hangar of the once mighty Victory-class destroyer. The situation started to look a bit different. The rebels lost their Y-Wings, and most of their fighters engaged in dogfight with Tartarus squadron. However, the two mighty MC-90s were close enough to open fire. And the Wraith was no match for them.
"Woobee, help me out!" shouted LCM Leslaw as two A-Wings began to hit his rear shields. The escort carrier was still mostly intact, they destroyed most of the incoming torpedoes and were safe. Still, the third flight thried hard.
"Oh no, look at the Wraith, mate!" Woobee cried. Indeed, the destroyer lost it's rear control, and all guns stopped firing. Hovewer, the MC-90s didn't stop. About two or three seconds later, everybody saw a big flash of light, a flash of freed energy. The explosion accompanying the flash was a very loud one.

"They got the Wraith!" yelled lieutenant Jatz Crakker and fired his last torpedo in direction of the rebel escort carrier.
"No, they didn't" sounded commander Banys in his comm "...look."
ISD Mortificator and VSD Judicator have just arrived and various imperial and rebel starfighters poured out of the Rapid Reaction Force ships. They had the upper hand and the battle seemed fair once again.
As for the explosion, the escort carrier was hit by a single torpedo which bruised the helm a bit. The carrier accelerated in direction of the Democracy and drived into it.
"Jee-haa!" said Jatz, seeing the results of his small torpedo run. He was happy he nailed the bastard fly.

Admiral Vartalian pulled the trigger and his aide passed away. "You damn fools, do I have to do everything on my own?" he opened a channel to all rebel units "Concentrate the fire on that Imperial-class star destroyer! We're not defeated!" He grinned and rushed to the bridge.

Little more than sixty X-Wings, covered by few A-Wings - everything the rebels had - groupped together in the last ditch effort. Pilots locked their targets and fired the warheads.
"Incoming, 72 proton torpedoes, 70 concussion missiles! Approach sector 14-3-3, inbound time 4 seconds!" yelled young commander Striker, chief of staff aboard the Mortificator, who was currently monitoring the navigational station.
"Shoot them down. Rotate us in direction of that rebel shi--" those were the last words of the captain as the torpedoes were hitting the bridge one by one. This was too much for the shields. They generators melted.
The entire bridge exploded. What once was an imperial, great star destroyer, ended it's life. The remnants entered athmosphere of planet Altara.

"Damnit! Tartarus squadron! Wipe them out!" yelled the commander when he saw what happened to the Mortificator. His fiancee was aboard the ship as the Flight Nurse. His eyes watered, but it didn't brake his concentration.
"Scratch one bandit!" reported lieutenant Brian.
"This is two, I need assistance!" reported lieutenant Callousness.
"This is one, I'm right there. Hang on, Call!" cried the commander. He took down the X-Wing. "Thanks, commande--" ended the lieutenant. His TIE Interceptor, the "Pure Insanity", dissapeared in an explosion.
"Call! No!" this was everything Tomaas could say. He fired a double burst which finished the rebel A-Wing off, but he couldn't bring the fallen back to life. His heart cried quietly.

The Wraith and the Judicator have been recalled and jumped off.

"Your report, captain." the admiral asked.
"Admiral Vartalian, sir, we have destroyed the ISD. The two VSDs, however, managed to escape. They've left their fighters behind, and we finish them off. Enemy forces consist of two X-Interceptor squadrons, one Advanced squadron and few older ships, we think there might be 2 TIE Interceptors, 3 TIE Bombers and 3 Assault Gunboats. Should we use our quadlaser batteries?" the newly selected aide asked.
"No. We are heading back to our base. Let the fighters end them. And order our reinforcement Y-Wings to jump in."

Arcadius Calidus observed the MC-90 hop out. The battle was soon to be over. "Now, let's..."
His bomber came to a complete stop. Arcadius heard the sounds of silence, and he wasn't happy. He was stranded. 



Yes, it's the new feature of the weekly report. I want you to check out specific records, since you should be familiar with some of the music I listen to. Today's album is:

Electric Light Orchestra
<< ZOOM >> (Sony Music Europe / EPIC 502500 2)

...it's a return of one of the best symphonic-rock bands that ever walked the Earth... and one of the best 80's groups. I just got it. It's brillant. I'd recommend tracks #4 and #13... but the entire album is really worth listening to. A true return, it should reach the top position on the charts soon. Imho, it's a good piece of craftsmanship though a bit "refreshed", but as usual, it gives it the strong entrance. Try to listen to those reels!

CMDR's rating: 8+/10


Recipient: CM Tomaas Banys
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LT Brian
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LT DarkC
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LT Arcadius Calidus
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LCM MadDog
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LCM Leslaw
Medal: Imperial Security Medal
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: COL Woobee
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LT Jatz Crakker
Medal: Palpatine Crescent
Request: [by RA Khadgar] May activity. [...]

Recipient: LT Jatz Crakker
Medal: Legion of Combat
Request: [COO] Combat Event #855. [...]

Big congratulations to all awarded!!!


LT MadDog has been promoted to LCM! Congratulations, buddy! The request was done by MAJ Azazel based on your superb activity last month. Keep flying, ace.


Maybe I'll be boring, but I must say it: try to fly in mp competitions! I'm pleased of Jatz because he represented our squadron well. Good work, Jatz!


MP scores:
COL Woobee (21)
LCM Leslaw (2)
CM Tomaas Banys (2)
LT Jatz Crakker (1)

FCHG scores:
Centurion (400) - COL Woobee (418)
Knight (250) - LT DarkC (261)
Gallant (200) - LCM Leslaw(245), CM Tomaas Banys (201)
Dragoon (100) - LT Jatz Crakker (131), LT MadDog (129)
Hussar (50) - LT Brian (68), LT Vulcan (52)
Lancer (25) - LT Callousness (33)



Ladder is on! Brian has already flew there. It's on till the 4th of july (remember the significance of this day?) and it pays off even more. XWA, XvT, JK...I want everybodytotry at least two matches there. Details:

EH Graphics Competition (REPOSTED FROM LAST WSR)

Ends by 06/20/2001.A banner for EH and the RECON Office is needed. It has to be 400 x 40 pixels.
http://www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual/banners.html is the URL to check. They offer some IS-class stuff. AD Keiran Idanian( KeiranIdanian@aol.com) is the guy to ask.

Tomaas's uniform competition (REPOSTED FROM LAST WSR)

Simple and sweet, I need a new, good uniform. If I'll find the uniform nice and confortable, the author will get an ISM. If not... well,there is always another try, isn't it? In general, I'd like it to be fully official and to bear apropriate markings, no crappy-looks. 

Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 01.07.2001
People involved: ISD Grey Wolf
Mission/Battle used: Any Multiplayer Competition sponsored by the COO

Each Comp Without any LoCs = 1 point
Each LoC = 2 points
Each DFC = 3 points

For a Squadron, any event where half the Squadron was at the MP event earns them 5 extra points (this is commonly called a MP Citation). If someone leaves and 50% of the rest of the Squadron has flown at the Comp, it doesn't count, 50% of the people in the Squadron at the time of the Comp have to fly in it.

Contact person: RA Khadgar
Email: dmelenchuk@home.com
Competition URL: http://isdgreywolf.emperorshammer.ca


Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 01.06.2009
People involved: ISD Grey Wolf
Mission/Battle used: None
Details: Recruitment Competition. Most Active recruiter each month will receive an IS-BR.
Contact person: RA Khadgar

PSI Tournament [ACCEPTED]

All ten squadrons are divided into three pools, each with four squadrons in a pool.  A short (preferably 4-mission battle) will be assigned for the first round of competition.  Each pool will fly the same battle, and after a 10-day period, the winners will be announced.  The top squadron in each pool will automatically advance to the next round, as well as the overall top two
scoring squadrons who did not finish first in their pool, leaving five total squadrons the survivors.  In the next round, a Free-TIE will be played, with each squadron being given a week to fly it.  The three squadrons with the highest score in that round will advance to the championship round, where a longer (probably six mission-long) battle will be issued, with ten days to fly it.  The top-scoring squadron from the final round is then proclaimed the winner, with appropriate bragging rights issued.  Additionally, the aggregate top-scoring pilot from each of the final three squadrons will receive an Iron Star - Silver Wings.

Scoring will be measured by a highest total laserless scoring method.  Though averages are a popular method in multiple squadron comps, Ford feels that a simple highest total method encourages participation, so that members of each squadron who aren't quite as good as their comrades don't worry about pulling the squadron's average down, and are free to participate and chip in as their
skills allow. 

You'll also note that each squadron invited is of fairly small size - 6 to 8 pilots per squadron, usually.  The reasons for this are two-fold: first, so that not doing the competition by averages wouldn't have a very great effect upon some of the smaller squadrons, and secondly, to give some of the smaller units a chance to shine.  In most fleet-wide competitions, it's the 10 +
member squadrons who get the glory, while smaller units are left in the dust. Not in this competition, however.

Additionally, as to allay any fears that Ford running the competition will give Psi Squadron an advantage, CA:FO Havoc  will assist with the mission selection and judging.



XWA Zone Sunday

          Platform: X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
          Location: Internet Gaming Zone, X-Wing Alliance, Melee Room.
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.


Greenwich Wolf Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1530 to 1730 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #wingxiii
          Awards: LoC for every win. PC for overall winner, ISM for second

Wednesday ASF Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #WingXIII
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


Avenger Training

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #Avenger
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


Euro Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #Euro_LoC
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


          Platform: X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST
          Location: Internet Gaming Zone, X-Wing Alliance, Melee Room
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

Outer Rim War

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Jedi Knight
          Duration: 2:00 - 11:00 PM EST
          Location: InnerNET IRC channel #OuterRim
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each
          Webpage: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/outerrim/
          More Information: You need to visit the webpage for a PIN
          number the first time you play.


Every contact is to be made via your CMDRs office. :) Seriously, just ask me.


This was a good week, I saw most of you flying, and what else could I say? I'm happy once again. Well, I was getting healthier, but even I managed to fly a bit and score some points. PICTURES POSTED ARE TAKEN FROM SQUARESOFT SOFTWARE. All rights reserved. 

Tartarus 1-1: CM Tomaas Banys (hmm, that's me). I flew TC-TIE#4-5,8,37, IW-XvT#26, IW-XW#2 and done some other work (heheh... finals). But I think I've been active enough this week. And you have next part of the fiction.

Tartarus 1-2: LT Callousness.
Nothing this week. Absolutely nothing. So you say you'd like to transfer over to M/FRG Phoenix? I can arrange that if you won't fly this week. This is my last warning.

Tartarus 1-3: LT Brian.
Completed TC-TIE#1, TC-XvT#3-4. Good job! That's what I expected.

Tartarus 2-1: LT DarkC.
Another impressive week: TC-TIE33-34,38,40-42,44,121,137,165, TC-XWA#2. And, IWATS M/1-2. ACE OF THE WEEK!!! Good job. And a rose for you @`-,-`-,-- for your efforts.

Tartarus 2-2: LT Arcadius Calidus.
What can I say... IW-XW#2-3,5. Good job, Vulcan!

Tartarus 2-3: LCM MadDog. 
Flew TC-TIE#16,23,44,134,157,165 and DB-TIE#7. Good job, mate. That's what I like. You helped us to get 2 citations. Probably that's why you are a LCM - you fly and do it wisely.

Tartarus 3-1: LCM Leslaw.
Completed IW-XWA#22,24-25. Finally. Continue to fly.

Tartarus 3-2: COL Woobee.
Completed IW-XWA#26-27. Very good.

Tartarus 3-3: LT Jatz Crakker.
Impressive week. TC-TIE#169, TC-XvT#1-2, IW-XVT#10,23, FREE-XvT#3, IWATS M/2. I'm glad that you fly with us, lieutenant.


84th Imperial Starfighter Squadron: TARTARUS
COMMANDER: CM Tomaas Banys
NICKNAME: The Hellraisers
DUTY: Pacification
MOTTO: With Death, Comes Supreme Justice
HOMEPAGE: ***none***
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=36&v=0&s=1

NAME: Masters of Torment   MOTTO: Real men don't need shields
01] CM Tomaas Banys [T/I Andariel]
02] LT Callousness [T/I Pure Insanity]
03] LT Brian
04] ---

NAME: The Emperor's Shackles   MOTTO: Sending fools into pits of Tartarus
05] LT DarkC
06] LT Arcadius Calidus
07] LCM MadDog
08] ---

NAME: The Imperial Lunatics   MOTTO: Wake up and smell the burning rebels
09] LCM Leslaw
10] COL Woobee
11] LT Jatz Crakker
12] TBA


I found my office quite a comfortable place last week. But I have to ask you a thing: if you fly a TIE or XvT mission, please compress the pilot file to the .zip format. It takes little time, but greatly improves my work as your commander.
Another thing is that I got few BSFs from you when I was about to publish this report. Please send them earlier, ok? It changed some of the statistics, and it gave me two hours of extra work (this means a total of six spent on writing) so I was not very happy.


Battles to fly this week:

  • IW-XVT#10
  • IW-XVT#12
  • IW-XWA#24
  • TC-TIE#2

Squadron citations:16
Last week change: +2
TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TC-TIE Battle 16 - Dacian Downfall
TC-TIE Battle 157 - Operation Zupa 
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Enc
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
TC-XvT Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
DB-XVT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
IW-XvT Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
IW-XvT Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/CM Tomaas A.J. WOLFMASTER Banys/Tartarus/Wing XIII
*** Wing Commander's Own [Mar-May 2001] ***
incomtech@poczta.wp.pl  [ +48606612184]

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