Lieutenant Colonel Tempest (#5779)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders

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RSV/LC Tempest/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
MoH/GOE/GS/SSx2/BSx4/PCx11/ISMx13/IAR/MoT-rh-gh/MoI/MoC-3doc-3poc-3goc-4soc-27boc/IS-2PW-21GW-20SW-33BW-PR-4GR-2SR-10BR/LoC-CS/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-23E [Decurion] [Trainee]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2000-11-30
(over 23 years ago)
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
(2003-09-17 - over 20 years ago)
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Top Awards
Titles Earned
Title Season/Event
TIE Golf Grand Champion 2007

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                16th Echelon

Flight Certified - 16th Echelon
Points: 2,021

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Decurion (964 points)
Total missions completed: 654
Battles completed: 89
Free missions completed: 142
Current battle high scores: 10
Current mission high scores: 98
Battles created: 1
Free missions created: 1
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (5 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)
Mission High Scores (98)
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Mission 1
TIE-TC 39: Up and at Em! Mission 4
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy Mission 1
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy Mission 2
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy Mission 4
TIE-TC 67: The Siege of Maltar Mission 1
TIE-TC 68: Minos Cluster, Battle Two Mission 2
TIE-TC 68: Minos Cluster, Battle Two Mission 5
TIE-TC 161: The Immortal Campaign Mission 4
TIE-TC 193: The Trouble with Harold Mission 2
TIE-TC 193: The Trouble with Harold Mission 4
TIE-TC 193: The Trouble with Harold Mission 5
TIE-TC 195: Wing II : Inkwolf's Raid Mission 4
TIE-TC 201: Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef Mission 8
TIE-TC 201: Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef Mission 10
TIE-TC 204: Adventures in Other Space Mission 4
TIE-TC 226: Rendez-Vous with Peril Mission 1
TIE-TC 226: Rendez-Vous with Peril Mission 3
TIE-TC 226: Rendez-Vous with Peril Mission 6
TIE-TC 228: Tornado makes a discovery Mission 1
TIE-TC 228: Tornado makes a discovery Mission 2
TIE-TC 228: Tornado makes a discovery Mission 3
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 1
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 2
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 3
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 4
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 5
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 6
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 7
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 9
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 10
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict Mission 11
TIE-TC 232: Vindication Mission 1
TIE-TC 232: Vindication Mission 2
TIE-TC 232: Vindication Mission 3
TIE-TC 232: Vindication Mission 6
TIE-DB 13: Circlet of Domination Mission 6
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia Mission 2
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia Mission 3
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia Mission 5
TIE-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Mission 3
TIE-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Mission 4
TIE-CAB 1: Assault On the Hast Shipyards Mission 4
TIE-CAB 2: Assault Of Aurora Mission 13
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Mission 2
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Mission 4
TIE-F 3: Ja24 #3 Mission 1
TIE-F 36: Danman #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 46: Mynock #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 69: Pierce #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 72: Pif #3 Mission 1
TIE-F 74: Pif #5 Mission 1
TIE-F 92: The Belhassa Marches Mission 1
TIE-F 94: Destroy Rebel Morale Event Mission 1
TIE-F 105: Blowing Crap Up Mission 1
TIE-F 113: Sword vs. Hawk Squadron Mission 1
TIE-F 142: Confiscate from the Hutts Mission 1
TIE-F 143: Cutting Out Mission 1
TIE-F 144: CUV Mission 1
TIE-F 154: Khadgar #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 159: Learn from the Past Mission 1
TIE-F 175: War Games Mission 1
TIE-F 179: The Hunt for Piglet Mission 1
TIE-F 189: Mu's Assault Mission 1
TIE-F 202: ASF: ISDII Vanguard Mission 1
TIE-F 203: Wing II: Wrath of the MiniFords Mission 1
TIE-F 213: Nu Squadron- Minos Cluster Mission 1
TIE-F 220: Save Odin's Spear Mission 1
TIE-F 224: Omicron Squadron -- Minos Cluster Mission 1
TIE-F 226: Cluster Patrol Mission 1
TIE-F 228: Ronin's backseat driving Mission 1
TIE-F 231: Tereeka's Folly Mission 1
TIE-F 232: Ain't Technology Wonderful? Mission 1
TIE-F 233: Karuani Encounter Mission 1
TIE-F 234: Destroy it! Mission 1
TIE-F 235: Ambush at Setii Mission 1
TIE-F 239: Distress Signal Mission 1
TIE-F 241: Training Mission 1 Mission 1
TIE-F 243: Boozehounds: Chapter 1 Mission 1
TIE-F 244: Roaming Ghosties Mission 1
TIE-F 245: Domi's 15 Excursion Mission 1
TIE-F 246: Garrison Duty Mission 1
TIE-F 248: Wing XX - Training #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 249: TIE Fighter: Demonstration Mission 1
TIE-F 250: Rescue Brukhar Mission 1
TIE-F 251: Khadgar #3 Mission 1
TIE-F 253: Save the Alcohol Mission 1
TIE-F 254: The Inspection Mission 1
TIE-F 255: The Defector Mission 1
TIE-F 258: Sovereign: April Fool's Mission 1
TIE-F 261: Hot Inport Nights Mission 1
TIE-F 263: Impact! Mission 1
TIE-F 264: Assault on Kuat Yard N226G Mission 1
TIE-F 265: Kappa Squadron: Crackdown Mission 1
TIE-F 267: The Mortal Immortal #1 Mission 1
TIE-F 278: Report retrieval Mission 1
TIE-F 279: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #1: Cargo Convoy Mission 1
TIE-F 282: Starfighter Histories: Assault Gunboat Mission 1
Battles Created (1)
Free Missions Created (1)
TIE-F 263: Impact! 2006-06-07

Combat Record

Battles completed (89)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 5: Pirate Uprising Medal of Security
TIE-TC 6: Destruction Medal of Destruction
TIE-TC 7: Betrayal Medal of Folly
TIE-TC 8: Strike Against the Pirates Medal of Prevailing
TIE-TC 9: Tracking the Defectors Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 10: Battle for the Death Star Medal for the Death Star
TIE-TC 11: Renegade Battle Medal of Victory
TIE-TC 12: Jedi Hunt Medal of Pursual
TIE-TC 13: Finding the Lakul Medal of Alertness
TIE-TC 14: Vader Takes Command Medal of Sith
TIE-TC 15: Special Operations Medal of Stealth
TIE-TC 16: Dacian Downfall Medal of Dacian
TIE-TC 17: Zaarin's Missile Boats Medal of Finality
TIE-TC 18: Interception Medal of Speed
TIE-TC 19: The Tethys Honeymoon Medal of Commitment
TIE-TC 20: Escort Carrier Missions Medal of Renewal
TIE-TC 21: Break the Sky Medal of Pain
TIE-TC 22: Aftermath Medal of Avenge
TIE-TC 23: Daedalus Medal of Readiness
TIE-TC 24: Save the Emperors DNA Medal of Replication
TIE-TC 25: Spoils of War Medal of Aries
TIE-TC 26: The Dark Troopers Medal of FutureShock
TIE-TC 27: (X)-Wings of Glory Medal of Wings
TIE-TC 28: Conquest Medal of Conquest
TIE-TC 29: Communications Wars Medal of Vigilance
TIE-TC 30: Save the Emperors Archives Medal of Archives
TIE-TC 31: Hidden Agenda Medal of Revelation
TIE-TC 32: Assassinate the Fleet Commander? Medal of Assassination
TIE-TC 33: Strike at Incom Medal of Devastation
TIE-TC 34: Encounter at Charybdis Medal of the Chromium Cloak
TIE-TC 35: Unexpected Encounter Medal of Efficiency
TIE-TC 36: Weekend Retreat Medal of Recreation
TIE-TC 37: CM Howies Battle Medal of Metallurgy
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Medal of Orion
TIE-TC 39: Up and at Em! Medal of the V-Wing
TIE-TC 40: Deception Medal of Deception
TIE-TC 41: Rebel Demise Medal of the Dark Sheath
TIE-TC 42: Jealousy Medal of Envy
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy The Armor of Protection
TIE-TC 44: Military Complex Operation Medal of MilCom
TIE-TC 45: Traitors Medal of Recreant's Demise
TIE-TC 47: Get That Rat! Medal of Personal Combat
TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries Medal of Reconciliation
TIE-TC 64: Pruscian Betrayal, Part I First Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 65: Pruscian Betrayal, Part II Second Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 67: The Siege of Maltar Medal of Obliteration
TIE-TC 68: Minos Cluster, Battle Two Second Medal of Strength
TIE-TC 76: Mirror Universe Medal of Reflection
TIE-TC 79: Drop The Hammer Medal of Belligerence
TIE-TC 97: Hammer's Week The Iron Warhammer
TIE-TC 107: Farewell to Old Friends
TIE-TC 116: GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TIE-TC 123: Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC 125: Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC 126: Strategic Termination Medal of Termination
TIE-TC 161: The Immortal Campaign Medal of the Immortal
TIE-TC 165: The Hunt for Zsinj Medal of Ruthlessness
TIE-TC 169: The Rooster Trap
TIE-TC 171: Fury of the Colossus Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 177: Space Port F-16
TIE-TC 184: Chronological Influences
TIE-TC 185: Joining the Heroes
TIE-TC 192: Claws of Death
TIE-TC 193: The Trouble with Harold
TIE-TC 194: Terrorist Attack Medal of Repression
TIE-TC 195: Wing II : Inkwolf's Raid Medal of Raid
TIE-TC 200: Ascension Medal of Ascension
TIE-TC 201: Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef
TIE-TC 204: Adventures in Other Space Sleeping Pill Cross
TIE-TC 214: The Virus Medal of Infection
TIE-TC 215: Colon Wars
TIE-TC 225: Inferno's Crazy Adventure
TIE-TC 226: Rendez-Vous with Peril SSL 2005 Participation Certificate
TIE-TC 228: Tornado makes a discovery Tornado Funnel
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict The Wasii Cross
TIE-TC 232: Vindication Medal of Vindication
TIE-TC 233: The Adventures of Darby the Love-Bot
TIE-TC 244: Lord of the TIEs Platinum COMPOST Membership Card
Dark Brotherhood
TIE-DB 13: Circlet of Domination
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia
TIE-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Pyrathian Medal of Haste
Combined Arms Battle
TIE-CAB 1: Assault On the Hast Shipyards Hast Shipyards
TIE-CAB 2: Assault Of Aurora Medal of Aurora
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Medal of Phare
TIE-CAB 4: Battle for Kronos Medal of Kronos
Free missions completed (142)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 1: Ja24 #1
TIE-F 2: Ja24 #2
TIE-F 3: Ja24 #3
TIE-F 4: Ja24 #4
TIE-F 5: Dorja #1
TIE-F 7: Dorja #3
TIE-F 8: Ronin #1
TIE-F 22: MFlux #1
TIE-F 25: Ace #1
TIE-F 27: Ace #3
TIE-F 36: Danman #1
TIE-F 38: Dactyl #2
TIE-F 45: Mor #1
TIE-F 46: Mynock #1
TIE-F 49: Dragon #1
TIE-F 53: BGKurt #1
TIE-F 56: Drizzt #1
TIE-F 59: Gibbs #1
TIE-F 60: Hades #1
TIE-F 67: Mat #1
TIE-F 68: Murdock #1
TIE-F 69: Pierce #1
TIE-F 72: Pif #3
TIE-F 73: Pif #4
TIE-F 74: Pif #5
TIE-F 79: Deep Strike
TIE-F 80: Jedgar #1
TIE-F 83: Tad #1
TIE-F 88: Scoser #1
TIE-F 91: Mugaari Cargo Operation
TIE-F 92: The Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 94: Destroy Rebel Morale Event
TIE-F 96: Shin Squadron's Ambush
TIE-F 100: Lord Bufford's Manor
TIE-F 104: Aurora Online
TIE-F 105: Blowing Crap Up
TIE-F 106: The Courtship of Callista
TIE-F 111: Ricardo's Escape
TIE-F 113: Sword vs. Hawk Squadron
TIE-F 114: TAC Incident
TIE-F 117: Fight for Chalquila
TIE-F 118: Clash of the Infiltrator Wings
TIE-F 119: Snake Eyes
TIE-F 121: Psi Squadron's Reunion
TIE-F 123: Unexpected Twist
TIE-F 125: Noname Squadron
TIE-F 126: Ambush in the Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 127: A Quiet Little Patrol
TIE-F 128: Brothers At Arms
TIE-F 131: Ambush of Surprises
TIE-F 133: Welcome to Wing II, Ready or Not!
TIE-F 136: 1:00 AM
TIE-F 137: The Baker's Dozen
TIE-F 138: Battlecry One
TIE-F 139: Battlecry Two
TIE-F 140: Protect the DGN Lichtor V
TIE-F 141: Operation: Salvage ISD
TIE-F 142: Confiscate from the Hutts
TIE-F 143: Cutting Out
TIE-F 144: CUV
TIE-F 145: Demons and Angels
TIE-F 148: Tod's Anniversary
TIE-F 149: Patrol of Somewhere
TIE-F 152: The Slaughter of Phantom Squadron
TIE-F 154: Khadgar #1
TIE-F 157: Crammed with Walnuts
TIE-F 159: Learn from the Past
TIE-F 160: Colossus: Gold Rush
TIE-F 161: Midnight Raid!
TIE-F 164: Evacuate Platform
TIE-F 167: I Just Work Here
TIE-F 173: Ride of the Valkyries
TIE-F 175: War Games
TIE-F 176: Yoink
TIE-F 177: Tartarus Squadron Wipeout: Paladin
TIE-F 179: The Hunt for Piglet
TIE-F 182: Dangerous Intentions
TIE-F 183: Mixed Fortunes
TIE-F 185: Secure the Valkire system
TIE-F 188: Reconcile a Rebel Dispute
TIE-F 189: Mu's Assault
TIE-F 191: The Untouchable
TIE-F 192: When Cargo Ferries Attack
TIE-F 197: Where's Waldo
TIE-F 198: The Intrusion of Light
TIE-F 200: The Expendables
TIE-F 202: ASF: ISDII Vanguard
TIE-F 203: Wing II: Wrath of the MiniFords
TIE-F 206: Spider Squad
TIE-F 208: Talons' First Patrol
TIE-F 209: Historic Mission #1367
TIE-F 210: Cause For Alarm
TIE-F 213: Nu Squadron- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 215: Pi squadron- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 216: Indaro's Little Adventure
TIE-F 218: Pirates!
TIE-F 219: The Rush
TIE-F 220: Save Odin's Spear
TIE-F 221: The Relentless COM's Honour Guard
TIE-F 224: Omicron Squadron -- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 226: Cluster Patrol
TIE-F 228: Ronin's backseat driving
TIE-F 229: Occupation on Inigew
TIE-F 231: Tereeka's Folly
TIE-F 232: Ain't Technology Wonderful?
TIE-F 233: Karuani Encounter
TIE-F 234: Destroy it!
TIE-F 235: Ambush at Setii
TIE-F 237: The Yod Maniacs
TIE-F 239: Distress Signal
TIE-F 241: Training Mission 1
TIE-F 243: Boozehounds: Chapter 1
TIE-F 244: Roaming Ghosties
TIE-F 245: Domi's 15 Excursion
TIE-F 246: Garrison Duty
TIE-F 248: Wing XX - Training #1
TIE-F 249: TIE Fighter: Demonstration
TIE-F 250: Rescue Brukhar
TIE-F 251: Khadgar #3
TIE-F 252: The Promotion Party of AD BubbaX
TIE-F 253: Save the Alcohol
TIE-F 254: The Inspection
TIE-F 255: The Defector
TIE-F 256: Tides Of War
TIE-F 258: Sovereign: April Fool's
TIE-F 259: Interceptor Escort
TIE-F 260: A Station Too Far
TIE-F 261: Hot Inport Nights
TIE-F 262: AI Field Test
TIE-F 263: Impact!
TIE-F 264: Assault on Kuat Yard N226G
TIE-F 265: Kappa Squadron: Crackdown
TIE-F 267: The Mortal Immortal #1
TIE-F 276: MTT10: Pirates!
TIE-F 277: Folly: The Endless Struggle
TIE-F 278: Report retrieval
TIE-F 279: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #1: Cargo Convoy
TIE-F 281: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #7: Taking the bait
TIE-F 282: Starfighter Histories: Assault Gunboat
TIE-F 283: Starfighter Histories: TIE Advanced
TIE-F 284: Starfighter Histories: TIE Interceptor
TIE-F 287: Siegebreaker

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2016-06-20 8y,25d RSV/LC Tempest/M/FRG Phoenix
2014-05-23 2y,28d FM/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2013-04-27 1y,26d RSV/LC Tempest/M/FRG Phoenix
2011-04-01 2y,25d FM/LC Tempest/Gamma 2-3/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2009-01-25 2y,2m,6d RSV/LC Tempest/M/FRG Phoenix
2008-05-11 8m,14d FM-OPSA-TCT-TCS/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2008-03-15 1m,26d FM-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2007-06-08 9m,7d FM-TACA-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2006-03-28 1y,2m,10d FM-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2004-07-21 1y,8m,7d FM-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2004-05-24 1m,27d FM-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2003-09-17 8m,7d CMDR-OPSA/LC Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2003-05-13 4m,4d CMDR-OPSA/MAJ Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2003-01-07 4m,5d CMDR-OPSA/CPT Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-10-23 2m,15d CMDR-OPSA/CM Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-10-21 2d CMDR/CM Tempest/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-31 6m,19d FL/CM Tempest/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-17 14d FL/CM Influenza/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-14 3d FL/LCM Influenza/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-07 7d FL-ROA/LCM Influenza/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-12-05 3m,2d FL-ROA/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-11-17 18d FM-ROA/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-03-15 8m,2d FM/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-12-11 3m,4d FM/LT Tempest/Kappa 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-12-08 3d FM/SL Tempest/Kappa 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-11-30 8d TRN/CT Tempest/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 23 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 22 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

For the continued processing of Platinum COMPOST Membership Cards, a special bonus for those who complete TIE-TC 244, despite being a Reservist and not having to do anything of the kind. Thank you, Tempest!

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
May 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
April 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
March 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
February 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
January 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
December 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
November 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
October 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Iron Star with Gold Wings

1st place in the Logistic Officer's TIE Fighter Knockout.

Recommended by: FA Pellaeon for competition LO's TIE Fighter Knockout!


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communications
September 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of August 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of July 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of June 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Imperial Security Medal

I would like to recommend Tempest for an Imperial Security Medal for his quality flying during the course of the month, the previous high scores were not so easy to beat.

Recommended by: LC Repulsor


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of May 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Iron Star with Silver Wings

LC Tempest won second place in the ISD Warrior COM Protector High Score Theft Competition. Well done Tempest... It was a close one!

Recommended by: HA Frodo March for competition ISD Warrior COM Protector and High Score Theft Competition


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of April 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of March 2015.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Winner of Dempsey's Weekly Riddles #8

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition Dempsey's Weekly Riddles


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of January 2015.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of December 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of November 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of October 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of September 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of July 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of June 2014.

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Palpatine Crescent


A ball was dropped! In June 2014, LC Tempest heroically helped defend the ISD Warrior, Wing II, and Kappa Squadron's honour with 64 RTF points, having flown 29 missions with an absurdly large percentage of High Scores. He also participated in two of the four bonus comps with great results. Somehow, over the course of the following three months, with the turmoil of CMDR changes and summertime fun in the sun, this particular medal that was approved by the TCCOM already via the MSE process, was never awarded. For this, I humbly apologize, and blame COL Frown. Tempest was part of our winning effort and earned this PC. Well done.

Recommended by: HA Frodo March


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Second Place TIE score in Raise the Flag 2014 - Bonus Single Player Competition

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini for competition Raise the Flag 2014 :<br> Single Player Bonus Competition


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of May 2014.

Recommended by: VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles


Iron Star with Silver Wings

For Coming in 1st Place in the Kappa on Patrol Competition (SP).

Recommended by: COL Ulrich Drachen for competition Kappa on Patrol (SP)


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Tempest has won the Commodore Protector competition with the Top Score and high score for TIE Free 278. He is the ISD Warrior COM Protector effective immediately!

Recommended by: HA Frodo March for competition Commodore's Wingman/Commodore Protector


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Beat the COM's score in the Commodore Protector/Wingman competition!

Recommended by: HA Frodo March for competition Commodore's Wingman/Commodore Protector


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Tied for second place for the ISD Warrior Nickname and Motto Competition. His submission will be the Wing's motto! Well done Tempest!

Recommended by: HA Frodo March for competition ISD Warrior Nickname and Motto Competition


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Monthly comms levels of a high standard throughout August 2013 despite alleged retired status... Well done!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Awarded for high communications presence and activity across multiple media in the month of Feb. 2013

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Palpatine Crescent

Great activity by Tempest. He managed to fly5 battles this month alone, as well as regularly participate in the issues concerning the TIE Corps through the mailing list. I believe he has earned a Palpatine Crescent! Congratulations!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Imperial Security Medal

Nice activity by Tempest in the past few months. He managed to fly for every competition we’ve had, and always with good performance. For his commitment, I’d like to recommend he receives an Imperial Security Medal! Congratulations, Tempest!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest was victorious in The One You'll Regret to Win competition! Congratulations!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest is a participating member of the winning squadron in Gamma vs. Delta!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Tactics - Red Hammer

Creation of TIE TC 244: Lord of the TIEs

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For scoring higher than the Squadron Commander in the mission assignment of Gamma's Tactics competition! Congratulations!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For submitting the best tactics for successfully completing the mission assignment in Gamma's Tactics competition!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For achieving the highest score in Gamma's Tactics Competition!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Palpatine Crescent

November MSE Recc missed, Cmdr recc: Once again, LC Tempest is a shining beacon for Gamma. He has participated in every round of the TC Flight Comp so far, and remains active in many other ways, being helpful in every way he can, with everyone in need. I really enjoy having him in my squadron. For his commitment and participation, I’d like to recommend LC Tempest for an Imperial Security Medal. Congratulations!SOO: In light of its overlooking and with Decembers activity in mind this medal award has been increased to a PC. Very well done LC.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Gold Wings

SOO Award - TC Flight Comp - 1 Weekly High Score (Week 2 (TIE)).

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Participating member of 2nd Placed Squadron - TC Flight Comp. SOO Award.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

LC Tempest has been chosen as The Black of Black, Gamma's Pilot of the Month title for October/2011. Congratulations!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Palpatine Crescent

September MSE: Upgraded to PC by SOOCMDRs Citation: LC Tempest has displayed an incredible performance in the squadron wide competition we had this month, Operation: Razor’s Edge. He has won almost every round of the competition, and has showed an impressive flying activity and skill, with almost 40 missions flown, with new high scores achieved. For his excellent performance, I’d like to recommend LC Tempest for an Imperial Security Medal! Keep up the great work!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

3rd place, Ace of the TIE Corps, September 2011

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest has achieved outstanding victory in the Operation: Razor's Edge competition. Brilliant job, Lieutenant Colonel!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

LC Tempest achieved victory in the "Demotivate Me!" competition run by former Gamma CMDR, COL Master. Congratulations, Tempest!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Imperial Security Medal

For the creation of a new splendid uniform patch for Tempest Squadron. A true piece of art that nobody but the good old "Mr.T" could have come up with. Besides, he did it from the sweetness of his heart (true story, he must have one of those somewhere). Thanks a lot, Lt. Colonel!

Recommended by: VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of April, 2008 (Retrodated Award)

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of May, 2008 (Retrodated Award)

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

2nd in trivia, june 8

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of February, 2008 (Retrospective award)

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

- Active on the Mailinglists and Messageboards
- Flew TIEFREE80, 202, 250, 254, 154, 243, 244, 249, 233
- Flew TIETC226 and 229
- Flew for 9+17=26 FCHG
- Awarded 6 Iron Star Bronze Wings
Commander's Comments - "I would like to recommend that LC Tempest be awarded the Imperial Service Medal for his consistently outstanding performance for Kappa on the TIE Platform. Not only has Tempest won both TIE divisions of the SovCOM?s Own that he flew for, he has registered 19 highscores and a battle highscore."

Recommended by: LC Brin Chaser


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of December, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place squadron in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Week 3 TIE Division.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place individual in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Week 3 TIE Division.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

2nd place squadron in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Monthly Classification.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place squadron in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Week 2 XvT Division.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place individual in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Week 2 TIE Division.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place squadron in "SovCOM's Own 2008 - In The Beginning" Week 1 XvT Division.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Palpatine Crescent

For services to the TAC Office

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of November, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Honor

In short, for TTT2. The long version: Tempest has contributed a massive amount of work for the final product that is TTT2. He contributed a large amount of work in the development of the new uniform system, taking it from my sparse text descriptions and bad diagrams into 3D demos and test renderings. He put up with my numerous silly ideas and contributed constructive feedback and ideas during the design process. The work on the TTT2 program itself is really summed up in the "FC Uber uniform" rendering, where you can see the detail and effort put into each part of the new uniform system - the weave of the cloth, the detailing of the medals, the reflection on the belt buckle. Lastly he has shown grace in response to feedback about the new TTT, resulting in a positive response to the program by the members. Overall, an exceptional contribution to the EH and a well deserved medal.

Recommended by: Astatine


Iron Star with Platinum Wings

Winner of the overall Grand Chapionship in TIE Golf with 1337 points

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Imperial Security Medal

For flying 21 missions for Raise the Flag and for other good work in competitions during November I request that LC Tempest receive the Imperial Security Medal

Recommended by: GN Rancorous


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Golf - lowest score on a hole
1st place holes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - heads up hole winner
holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Gold Wings

TIE Golf - overall winner

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

TIE Golf - below par on 9 holes

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of October, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of September, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Tempest earned the highest number of KAPS points for the KAPS Race - September, and therefore has earned this IS-BR as a result, as per the guidelines of competition # 2883

Recommended by: CPT Shimir Sheerelk


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC recc for excellent levels of consistently high communication, across a range of media, for the month of August 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

Golden Tugs 2007; TIE Golden Spoon: Best TIE Free Mission of 2006.
TIE-FREE #263 - Impact!

Recommended by: GN Master


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

Golden Tugs 2007; Technical Realization of 2006.
TIE-FREE #263 - Impact!

Recommended by: GN Master


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of July, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Pageant winner for title of Mr EH 2007!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of electronic media in the month of June, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Palpatine Crescent

For providing the Flight Officer with a brand new stiled uniform even before TTT 2 was created, I'd like to recommend LC Tempest for a Palpatine Crescent. Thank you, Tempest, and congratulations!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of May, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Bronze Star of the Empire

Tempest has provided invaluable testing for protyping of EHBL2. If not for him I couldn't have got the concept of locking missions files to properly work. He has also been extremely helpful in testing alternate security measures on a range of operating systems.

Recommended by: COL Den Darkhill


Iron Star with Silver Wings

High Score! TIE DB 16! An IS-SW is in order for this competition! Good job Tempest.

Recommended by: HA Frodo March


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

November MoC Award - For continued and frequent communications, over a range of media, across the Emperor?s Hammer and her subgroups during the month of November.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Winner of the RTFC multiplayer competition! Congratulations Tempest, thats some top flying.

Recommended by: HA Frodo March


Imperial Security Medal

Date of last promotion: 17.9.2003
General activity: Moderate
Flew: 07/12/2006 TIEFREE255, 258, 264, 265 (new HS in every mission)
07/25/2006 TIEFREE250
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: 07/20/2006 PC (MSE medal for June)
07/25/2006 IS-BW (for victory in Kappa vs. SIN comp)
CMDR?s notes: I can?t say it often enough, Lieutenant Colonel Tempest is by far the best TIE pilot I know and he is willing to prove it over and over again. During month of July he participated in KvS competition and (of course) became the highest scorer of the comp. The fact that his skilful flying played the crucial role in our victory goes without saying. He also flew several TIE free missions and set new high score in all of them. Therefore I recommend him to be awarded with Imperial Security Medal.
Recommendation: ISM

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Lieutenant Colonel Tempest participated in Kappa vs. SIN competition and since his squadron prevailed he should be awarded with IS-BW. Thanks for your effort Tempest!

Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar


Palpatine Crescent

Date of last promotion: 17.9.2003
General activity: Moderate
Flew: 06/10/2006 TIEFREE234, 259, 260, 261, 263 (new HS in every mission), TIETC225 (new battle HS)
06/21/2006 TIEFREE244
06/27/2006 TIECAB1 (new battle HS is still being processed by the TAC office)
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: 06/07/2006 MoT-gh (for creating TIEFREE263)
Additional notes: Took the 9th place in individual pilot ladder of Sov vs. Chal competition
CMDR?s notes: Well, what can I say? Tempest proved once more that he is one of the best TIE pilots in the fleet (if not THE BEST TIE pilot in the fleet). His skillful flying played important role in success of Kappa squadron and the whole SSSD Sovereign in the recent Sov vs. Chal competition. Moreover he flew several TIEFREE missions and set the new high scores in all of them. I believe that the Palpatine Crescent is suitable reward for his dedicated work.
Recommendation: PC

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer

Creation of TIE-FREE #263 - Impact!

Recommended by: GN Master


Imperial Security Medal

Date of last promotion: 17.9.2003
General activity: Moderate
Flew: 01/30/2006 TIEFree221 (first place in TIE in KvC2 competition)
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: 01/11/2006 MoC-soc
CMDR?s notes: Tempest once more proved to be one of the best TIE pilots in the fleet, when he achieved awesome score and took first place in TIE during our recent competition with Cyclone. This achievement had paramount importance for our victory in the competition and I am immensely grateful to him for his skillful flying and dedication to cause of Kappa. We don?t have to be afraid to engage any squadron in the fleet with pilot like Lieutenant Colonel Tempest in our ranks. For his exploits listened above I recommend him to be awarded with ISM
Recommendation: Imperial Security medal

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest participated in KvC2 competition and since his squadron won he should be awarded with IS-BW. Great job Tempest!

Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

Constant IRC presence and high level of communication

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Submitted to my Limerick comp in the last two COMM reports

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Nov MoC - Evidence Cited: Very good IRC presence and an active communicator

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

Date of last promotion: 17.9.2003
General activity: Moderate
Flew: 8/15/2005 TieFREE105 (first place in KvC)
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: 8/17/2005 ISM
8/19/2005 IS-BW (Victory in TIE part of KvC)
CMDR?s notes: Once again, Tempest proved to be essential member of Kappa. Thanks to his extraordinary flying skills we managed to defeat illustrious Cyclone squadron of Wing X in the recent squad vs. squad competition. He also posts in the Wing II e-group quite often and helps to keep social live in the wing going. I would like to award him with ISM for his.
Recommendation: ISM

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Imperial Security Medal

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest was the highest scorer of the TIE section of Kappa vs Cyclone competition and therefore he should be awarded with IS-BW. Great job Tempest!

Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar


Imperial Security Medal

Date of last promotion: 17.9.2003
General activity: Moderate
Flew: 7/14/2005 TieTC195
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: 7/9/2005 IS-BW
7/17/2005 IS-BW
7/19/2005 ISM
CMDR?s notes: Tempest is definitely the best TIE pilot in Wing II and probably even on Sovereign, he played crucial role in our victory over Sigma squadron and he participated in most of competitions (be it Kappa campaign or Imperial Storm) which occurred in the last month. He is also very active on Wing II e-group.

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Imperial Security Medal

CMDR?s notes: Tempest was very active on Wing II e-group, won the Tie section of wing wide comp, finished Kappa campaign (Kappa squad level comp) and also was active on ICQ. For this, I want to recommend him to be awarded with ISM

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest was the highest scorer in Tie section of Kappa vs Sigma competition and therefore he should be awarded with Iron Star - Bronze Wings for his great effort.

Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LC Tempest has completed Kappa campaign and therefore he should be awarded with IS-BW

Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar


Imperial Security Medal

Flew: 5/8/2005 TieFREE94
5/16//2005 TieFREE104
5/20/2005 TieFREE105
5/28/2005 TieCAB3 (HS)
IWATS: none
Medals Awarded: none
CMDR?s notes: Tempest was very active on email, helped me to update our homepage, participated in Kappa campaign, Wing II pilots vs. Wing II command competitions (achieved high score in TieCAB3), and also fought for Sovereign in Battle of Calamari (and became our highest scoring TIE pilot). Therefore I want to reward him with Imperial Security Medal for his great performance during the month of May.

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Iron Star with Silver Wings

winning the TIE part of that competition

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Commendation of Loyalty

January 2005

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Iron Star with Silver Wings

for placing 1st in this TIE based event

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, Finals, TIE, SSL.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Platinum Wings

Season Champion from SSL Comp for TIE portion

Recommended by: GA Cyric


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 2.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 6.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 5.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 3.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Third place, TIE, SSL CR 4.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 7.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL CR 8.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place, TIE, SSL round one.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

First place. (Restoring medal lost in database fiasco.)

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Lost in database wipeout:
The Iron Star - Gold Wings has been awarded to:
FM/LC Tempest/Kappa 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
The request was made by: COM-PROF/AD Proton/SSSD Sovereign
Reason given for request: First place, TIE, SSL round one.
[Competition ID #: 1340]

Recommended by: AD Proton


Palpatine Crescent

I request that LC Tempest be awarded the Palpatine Crescent for his fine work as the CMDR of Kappa before stepping down. Tempest has been extremely helpful as the CMDR of Kappa Squadron and has ensured a smooth command of that position. He was always helpful with helping me relay information to his pilots and always performed his duties to the best of his abilities. His actions were beneficial for the wing in that he was readily available to answer any questions asked by any pilots throughout the emails. Because of his outstanding service I request the Palpatine Crescent for LC Tempest.

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Commendation of Loyalty

Recommended by: Astatine


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Member, third-place squadron, TIE division, SSL 2003.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Highest Scorer in the Tempest vs Kappa match

Recommended by: VA Locke Setzer


Iron Star with Platinum Ribbon

Won comp

Recommended by: COL Daniel Stephens


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Winner, SSL, TIE, round 4.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Palpatine Crescent

Second try.
I'm awarding MAJ Tempest the PC for having helped me setup and retouch the Wing II site.

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Squadron earned first place in Theta Squadron Invitational tournament, requested on behalf of MAJ Zekk Terrik (PIN 5118)

Recommended by: HA Ari


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

Winner of the TC banner competition. Congratulations Tempest.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Silver Star of the Empire

Continual running of the Operations Office squadron patch program. You've done good work Tempest, keep it up.

Recommended by: FA Howlader


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Second place, TIE, Sovereign Battle of the Month competition, October.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Gold Star of the Empire

TTT Version 1.0, General OPSA'ings (even before he was appointed to the position). Design of the squadron patches.

Recommended by: FA Howlader


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

First place, Web page division, Sovereign recruiting comp.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Third place (tie), active recruiting division of the Sovereign Recruiting Competition.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

CM Tempest top scored for Kappa in the Inter-Squadron competition versus Hammer.

Recommended by: MAJ Algaron Xerves


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

CM Tempest was top scorer in the recent Kappa vs. Praetorian inter-Squadron competition.

Recommended by: MAJ Algaron Xerves


Bronze Star of the Empire

For consistently reporting in with new news and even if there is no news to tell. Thank you and Congrats!

Recommended by: HA Keiran Idanian


Medal of Instruction

Assisting Training of #9082 - SL TK-9082

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Second place, SSSD Sovereign Free Mission Blast No. 1.
Note to WC: GN Gonorrhea, please get the Kappa names changed back to normal -- this is a pain in the *** to track down who is who in the database. The pilots (and I, and thouest Ego) hath suffered enough). ;)

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

Winner of uniform competition (full dress). Grats.

Recommended by: FA Marcin Szydlowski


Silver Star of the Empire

Creation of the Uniform Program Maker Deally. Great work!

Recommended by: FA Howlader


Bronze Star of the Empire

For continuing to report in while I was onleave without any reminders. As well as putting as much information as you can gather in each report, and reporting in over the Holiday season!

Recommended by: HA Keiran Idanian


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

For coming in 2nd in the ISC Splash Banner comp. Congrats!

Recommended by: HA Keiran Idanian


Palpatine Crescent

High activity and loyalty to Kappa Squadron in the month of October and in many previous months, activity including constant W2PL flying, uniform creation, service as an acting CMDR, to name but a few.

Recommended by: GN Ford Prefect


Bronze Star of the Empire

For finding new groups for the AG to contact through his position of Divison Commander of the ISC. He never missed a report and has been an excellent officer!

Recommended by: HA Keiran Idanian


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Winner of the inagural Arena competition.

Recommended by: GN Ford Prefect


Commendation of Bravery

Completion of 171 missions :P

Recommended by: GN Ford Prefect


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Wing II Pilot League Sharpshooter--highest accuracy level in both missiles and lasers

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

LCM Tempest turned out winner in the trivia held during the Kappa Online Meeting at #Airlock54, on 6-05-01

Recommended by: COL Astarosta


Imperial Security Medal

Qualified for the award from participation in the Sov Ewok Competition.

Recommended by: COL Ricardo


Letter of Achievement


Recommended by: Fondor


Palpatine Crescent

First place Squeaker Hunt messageboard hunt
Where's Squeaker? Wing II competition event

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Grand Order of the Emperor

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Commendation of Loyalty

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Colonel Tempest
Current ID line: RSV/LC Tempest/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
Gender: Male
Species: human
Date of birth: N/A
Place of birth: An asteroid pirate base in the Minos Cluster
Marital status: Single
Family information: None
Social status: Wealthy
Significant events of childhood: I grew up on a pirate base. Yeah baby! We killed everything that passed by and sold the remainders. It all ended, though, when some imperial Admiral struck a deal with Fitzip (our fearless leader!). There was an imperial pilot by the name of Doralt who was facing life imprisonment, but that Admiral wanted to save him to use him in some secret organization of hers or something like that. The deal was that the guy should fly towards our base, shoot down some of our less valuable colleagues and finally fake his own death. Good plan. Only that the bastard didn't kill just a handful of our pilots, but all of them. Fitzip was extra-pissed, so he ordered his execution. But Doralt killed the executioners as well. It was then when Fitzip got really annoyed and took him on himself. He fought valiantly and gallantly. For about three seconds, then Doralt vaporized him, too, and escaped. The pirate business was then pretty much over since everyone was dead. Except me, because I couldn't fly that day. There weren't enough fighters for all and I was the youngest pilot, so I had to stay behind. What? No, really! Anyway, with the rest of the money I could find I hired some bounty hunters to track down and kill Doralt. Unfortunately, they failed abyssmally. From what I heard, they got owned even worse than my own people.
Significant events of adulthood: I then left the base and started looking for Doralt myself. I needed money for that, so I sold the asteroids to a mining company. It turned out that Fitzip had been sitting on a rock of valuable ore all the years without knowing it, so I got filthy rich and had enough money to go after Doralt. I learned that he was part of an imperial fraction called the Emperor's Hammer. So I joined there as well. I thought it would be easy to find him, but it turned out that, after slaughtering all my comrades, he became part of their Intelligence Division. They all use false names and weird codes there, so I couldn't find him. As I had some fighter training, though, I joined the TIE Corps. I like pilot life pretty well. Butchering rebels is almost as fun as butchering civilians, just the loot is worse cos, you know, the rebels only own crap.
Alignment and attitude: I'm a pretty nice guy, unless you steal my cookies, kill my friends or suggest to put pink stuff on uniforms.
Previous occupations: Pirate! Arrr.
Hobbies Looting, grilling Ewoks, and tailoring.
Tragedies in life: That bastard Doralt killing everyone I knew.
Phobias and allergies: Escort Shuttles, Doralt, or any combination of the two. Oh, and pink stuff on uniforms.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: They are harboring sick killers. But since I am one myself, I can hardly complain.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Doralt.
Other comments: If you see Doralt, contact me at
Last updated: 2007-11-30

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 63
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-02-10 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-12-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 16th Echelon
2022-11-30 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2021-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 21th Echelon (OV-21E)
2021-07-15 Medal awarded : Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR)
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 12th Echelon
2020-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 20th Echelon (OV-20E)
2020-08-11 Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank corrected (Internet Office data quality run) : Decurion
2020-01-21 Battle completed : TIE-TC 244 (6 missions)
2019-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 19th Echelon (OV-19E)
2018-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 18th Echelon (OV-18E)
2017-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 17th Echelon (OV-17E)
2017-03-02 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 16th Echelon (OV-16E)
2016-06-20 New assignment :
RSV/LC Tempest/M/FRG Phoenix
2016-06-15 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster (MoC-doc)
2016-05-18 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2016-04-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2016-03-14 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - platinum oak cluster (MoC-poc)
2016-02-18 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2016-01-13 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-12-14 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster (MoC-goc)
2015-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 15th Echelon (OV-15E)
2015-11-12 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-11-03 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Gold Wings (IS-GW) [Competition ID# 2755]
2015-10-25 Battle completed : TIE-free 277 (1 mission)
2015-10-25 Battle completed : TIE-free 192 (1 mission)
2015-10-16 Battle completed : TIE-free 241 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-10-15 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-10-09 Battle completed : TIE-free 279 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-10-09 Battle completed : TIE-free 281 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-10-08 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 279
2015-10-08 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 279
2015-10-08 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 282
2015-10-08 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 281
2015-10-06 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 228
2015-10-02 Battle completed : TIE-free 228 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-09-30 Battle completed : TIE-free 59 (1 mission)
2015-09-29 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 59
2015-09-24 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 275
2015-09-21 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 175
2015-09-21 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 284
2015-09-21 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-09-18 Battle completed : TIE-free 175 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-09-18 Battle completed : TIE-free 284 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-08-18 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2015-07-18 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-06-09 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2015-06-08 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-05-17 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW) [Competition ID# 2714]
2015-05-17 Battle completed : TIE-free 74 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-05-14 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 74
2015-05-14 Battle completed : TIE-TC 228 (4 missions)
Highscore(s) in mission(s) 1, 2, 3
2015-05-12 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 228
2015-05-10 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster (MoC-doc)
2015-05-08 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 256
2015-05-08 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 256
2015-05-07 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 291
2015-05-07 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 291
2015-05-07 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 292
2015-05-07 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 292
2015-05-07 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank achieved : Tesserarius [TSRS]
2015-05-07 Battle completed : TIE-TC 232 (6 missions)
Highscore(s) in mission(s) 1, 2, 3, 6 and new battle highscore!
2015-05-06 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 286
2015-05-06 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-free 286
2015-05-06 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 232
2015-05-06 Submitted bug report for battle TIE-TC 232
2015-04-25 Battle completed : TIE-free 287 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2015-04-24 Battle completed : TIE-free 252 (1 mission)
2015-04-24 Battle completed : TIE-free 5 (1 mission)
2015-04-24 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 287
2015-04-24 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 5
2015-04-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-03-30 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR) [Competition ID# 2672]
2015-03-20 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2015-01-25 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - platinum oak cluster (MoC-poc)
2014-12-28 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2014-12-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 14th Echelon (OV-14E)
2014-11-15 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2014-10-17 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster (MoC-goc)
2014-10-17 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2014-10-17 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2014-10-13 Medal awarded : Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2014-07-08 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW) [Competition ID# 2604]
2014-06-30 Battle completed : TIE-TC 161 (4 missions)
Highscore(s) in mission(s) 4 and new battle highscore!
2014-06-27 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 161
2014-06-27 Battle completed : TIE-CAB 2 (20 missions)
Highscore(s) in mission(s) 13
2014-06-16 Battle completed : TIE-free 36 (1 mission)
New mission highscore!
2014-06-16 Battle completed : TIE-TC 47 (4 missions)
2014-06-13 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 45
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 44
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 43
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 42
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-TC 41
2014-06-05 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 209
2014-06-02 IWATS Course added to Academic Record by the DEAN : [CTW] - 92%

Showing all 96 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor is the highest medal a member of the Emperor's Hammer may be awarded. The recipients of the Medal of Honor have performed consistent service above and beyond the call of duty and have personally and significantly improved the entire Fleet through their direct actions. Examples of such service would include sacrifice of one's pilot in the line of duty while saving others or personally introducing an aspect to the Fleet which proves to be instrumental in its growth. This medal can only be awarded by the Fleet Commander.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (8)
Competition Award End Date
Dempsey's Weekly Riddles Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2015-12-31
LO's TIE Fighter Knockout! Iron Star with Gold Wings 2015-10-31
ISD Warrior COM Protector and High Score Theft Competition Iron Star with Silver Wings 2015-05-16
Raise the Flag 2014 :<br> Single Player Bonus Competition Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2014-06-30
Kappa on Patrol (SP) Iron Star with Silver Wings 2014-05-31
Commodore's Wingman/Commodore Protector Iron Star with Gold Wings 2014-05-24
Commodore's Wingman/Commodore Protector Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2014-05-24
ISD Warrior Nickname and Motto Competition Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2014-04-13
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Computer Basics 100% 2001-02-19
Crazy Tactics that Work 92% 2011-04-22
Graphics 95% 2001-04-05
mIRC 1 100% 2000-12-14
mIRC 2 100% 2001-02-23
Squadron Management 2 99% 2001-11-05
Squadron Management 3 92% 2002-12-09
TIE Corps Core Pass 2003-05-13
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 1 100% 2001-02-22
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 82% Unknown
TIE Fighter Tactics 100% 2001-03-20