Fleet Commander on Leave...

GA Rapier

14 June, 2012 17:06
20 ABY

Starting friday the 15th at about 9am pacific I will be on leave till around the 25th or 26th. If you need something from me today is the day as I have no idea when or even if I will be able to check email, login to IRC or check the domain.


See you when I get back


Grand Admiral Rapier

Fleet Pay On The Horizon

VA Victor Tylyon

13 June, 2012 04:51
20 ABY



Greetings Fleet! I know its been a topic of discussion for quite some time here in the EH, but finally the fleet will soon be seeing a credit system. Now this system is still possibly weeks to months away but the beta version will be worked out soon to allow members access to a new aspect in the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet!! For now members will simply be earning credits but soon after several different shops will open, and members will be able to shop till they drop! Items ranging from a Com-Link to your own Palace, Capital Ship or even Space Station!!! Should you ever be able to aford it that is lol. This system is expected to get far more complex, but we all start somewhere and this beta will be an interesting test to see how well our fleet would respond to using a currency system!


Now to answer a few questions that I know a lot of people will have.


1 - There WILL be Enlistment Bonuses

2 - There WILL be Recruitment Bonuses

3 - There WILL be Misc Bonuses

4 - There WILL NOT be Rear Payments Owed, thats far to much math. All will start with three months pay.

5 - There WILL NOT be loans to begin with!

6 - All pays are NON NEGOTIABLE

7 - All members wanting to be paid WILL need a First Auroran Bank account! More details soon!

8 - Wire transfers WILL NOT be allowed to begin with.



For now I ask people do not bombard me with questions as I wont be releasing anymore than what you have read here until the program is closer to launch date. But I just wanted to give everyone something to look forward to, and confirm that we will soon have a currency system, along with shops and after that even insurance, stock and so on. :-)

TOR Server Migration

RA Tuba

13 June, 2012 01:07
20 ABY
Our TOR Guild is migrating to the Jedi Covenent server.  Below is a copy of the news from our emperorshammer.net guild site:

Transfer to new server under way...

Darth_Rapier posted 2 hours ago
In case you haven't heard transfers to the new server are happening... we are moving to a server called Jedi Covenent.
You should have recieved an email containing instruction but in case you haven't this is where you need to go look:
and once you login the first item on the left side is Character Transfer, click on that and follow the instructions.
Once your on the new server our new guild name is 'The EH'. It seems that Emperor's Hammer is in use and we'll see about getting it back once we're through all this.
Please either check on Vent or /whisper known members for guild invites... it will be chaotic over the night and probably through tomorrow but we will get you all over.

New battle released

Anahorn Dempsey

05 June, 2012 18:10
20 ABY
Yes folks, after a long time of abstinence, the time has come around again. LC Tempest pleases us all with his latest creation, Lord of the TIEs (released as TIE TC 244). Enjoy!

New battle released

MAJ Anahorn Dempsey

05 June, 2012 18:10
20 ABY
Yes folks, after a long time of abstinence, the time has come around again. LC Tempest pleases us all with his latest creation, Lord of the TIEs (released as TIE TC 244). Enjoy!