Prequels Watch Party and Roundtable

Competition ID #: 7774
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CPT Maston Dane
Competition dates: 2024-04-19 - 2024-04-21
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Note: All times are given in North America’s Eastern time zone, apologies to everyone else in our international audience

Each night on Friday, April 19th; Saturday, April 20th; and Sunday, April 21st; we will host a watch party of the Star Wars prequel trilogy with one movie each night. All attendees must have access to a legal copy of the movie through Disney+, Amazon, DVD, Blu-ray or any other legal means.

Our special guests are LT Miguel Garcia, who has only very very recently seen these movies and LT Lucas Lucky Fin, who has never seen them and knows nothing about them.

On Friday and Sunday, we'll meet up at 6:30 PM on the TIE Corps Discord server with the movies starting half an hour later. On Saturday, we'll meet up at 8:30 PM with the movie starting half an hour later.

Despite being a live event in Discord voice chat, keeping talking to a minimum during the movie is encouraged. One special guest will have voice comms muted and the other who prefers a little chitchat during a movie may be on voice comms so spoiler-free talking only if they end up deciding to be unmuted but I’m advising him to be muted so he can better discuss the specifics of the movie.

There will be an intermission about halfway through each movie for 10 minutes for a bathroom break. A roundtable discussion will be held after each movie. CPT Maston Dane will have a list of questions, issues for comment, topics, and more to guide the discussion and ensure that the conversation isn’t aimless or too off-topic. These discussions will have the audio recorded and afterwards can be uploaded to YouTube both in full and with shorter videos of a single topic or compiling thoughts on a topic as more of the movies are taken into account.

CPT Maston Dane will serve as moderator of the discussions and we’ll take turns making comments or answering any questions they may have. Special guests have priority for speaking but all are welcome to give opinions. If it gets too hectic, CPT Maston Dane will implement a policy that when someone has something they want to say next they post “Next” in the group chat and will then call people in the order of when they sent “Next”.

CM OL"Davy Jonez will moderate the chat for people who don’t have voice comms and chime in if they have any questions.

Competition awards:

An IAR for each TC member who participates in a significant amount of any night’s movie and a second IAR for TC members who do so for all three

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.