Trivia For The Challenged 2024 - Season 1

Competition ID #: 7771
Status: Open
Submitted by: COL Miles Prower
Competition dates: 2024-04-06 - 2024-10-31
Time remaining: 6 months, 4 days
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Battlegroup III

Season 1 Schedule:
Start: April 6, 2024
End: October 31, 2024
Question Day: Saturday

Every Saturday, a set of four trivia questions will be issued by the TIE Corps website's Timed Test system. These questions are based upon a chosen category selected by a randomizer which has relevance to the EH and Star Wars in some manner. Correct answers earn points as does faster response time.

You have until 23:59 UTC on Friday for your submission of the week to be considered valid and playable.

Correct Answer: 1 point
Correct Answer w/Fastest Time: 2 points
Correct Answer w/Second Fastest Time: 1 point
Maximum Points: 12 points

Historical Standings will be available at this document

Competition awards:

IS-GR: For the pilot with the highest score at the end of the season
IS-SR: For the pilot with the highest score at the end of a month as well as the second highest score at the end of the season
IS-BR: For the pilot with the highest score at the end of a week as well as the second highest score at the end of a month and for the overall third place for the season.
IS-CR: For the pilot with with the overall fourth place for the season.
ORA: For pilots with 5 weeks of participation which stack for each additional 5 weeks. Also for pilots for every 50 points earned.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.