Dark Brotherhood Design Archives

Competition ID #: 6087
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ADT Silvius
Competition dates: 2017-02-01 - 2017-12-31
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: entire DB

Dark Brotherhood Design Archives
Every member of the Dark Brotherhood has his imaginations and pictures. Everybody has a story to tell. But time is rare as a Sith occupied with missions and studying the dark side.
I want to give you the opportunity, to show your images, whenever you want.
This is a competition, which would be running until the end of the year. Over the whole year, you have the possibility to design your pictures and submit them. You have no time restrictions. The only restriction is: no cartoon style pictures!
You can let your imaginations go, where ever you want.
Here are some suggestions for pictures, as help when you do not have an idea:

    1. Ship battle.
      Design a picture which shows a battle between fighters, destroyers or rebel ships.
    1. Ground Battle
      Design a picture which shows a battle between Siths and Jedi or Rebels
    1. Temple invasion
      Design a picture which shows an old temple or the inner of it.
    1. Explore the Stars
      Design a picture which shows a map of the stars.
    1. Show me your weapon
      Design a picture which shows your new weapon. Light sabre, sword, bow or sword.

Every single picture will be awarded with a Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-T).
In the end of the year following awards will be handed out for the ones who submitted the most pictures:

  1. Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star (Cr-A) (5 participants or more)
  2. Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star (Cr-S) (4 participants)
  3. Place: Crescent with Emerald Star (Cr-E) (3 participants or less)
Competition awards:

Every single picture will be awarded with a Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-T).
In the end of the year following awards will be handed out for the ones who submitted the most pictures:

  1. Place: Crescent with Amethyst Star (Cr-A) (5 participants or more)
  2. Place: Crescent with Sapphire Star (Cr-S) (4 participants)
  3. Place: Crescent with Emerald Star (Cr-E) (3 participants or less)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.