Symbols of Clan Drakonan

Competition ID #: 6010
Status: Finished
Submitted by: D Surgo
Competition dates: 2021-10-03 - 2021-10-31
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Art
Description: Clan Drakonan and its battleteams is in need of symbology as it grows in strength and power - icons which we can use to claim our assets and show our pride. I require four sigils: one for Clan Drakonan, and one for each battleteam; Stingray, Sentinel, and Hyperion Flight. See traditional examples of sigils here, but feel free to be creative with it and take it in any direction you wish. This call goes out to all members of the Dark Brotherhood, and will end on November 1st. Each winning entrant may earn up to a Crescent with Diamond Star, depending on the number of entries. One individual may only earn one crescent per group, earning up to four medals, but may submit as many entries as they wish.
Competition awards:

CR-1D on down. If fewer than seven entries, awards will be filled from the bottom up, starting with CR-1Q for the lowest-placing entry.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.