Time for some Intel

Competition ID #: 5994
Status: Finished
Submitted by: SOR Blade
Competition dates: 2009-02-24 - 2009-03-24
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: HET Validus

Landing on an unknown planet or in our case moon, the first step travelers and explorers often take is to explore the land around them and get a feel for what is there. They put down such observations often in an log or journal. The purpose of this competition is to do just that, imagine we have landed on the Moon Lien and from your standpoint write a Fiction piece on what you observed.

The Fiction would be have to be at least 2 pages. Descriptions often take up more space ;p. As a Guide I give you this link: http://dir.emperorshammer.org/sysman/pirath.php
You will find the information on the planet. Also on the 24th a picture will be given to you from HET's pretty picture book to encourage imagination. You may also include sketches or pictures you would have made during your observations as well in your submission just so you know.

As a last word of advise there is a cathedral located on the moon that has dark side energy. I would suggest you write your journal/log directing that as to your final destination or at least your most important discovery.

So conclusion:

Write a fiction log/journal about your observations on Lien using words and pictures, if you wish, of at least 2 pages in text. Any questions just ask me.

Competition awards:

Cr-1E for first and if shown to be required Cr-1T, Cr-1Q

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.