Directorate Dilemena: Where in the &#%##$ is Carmen Sandiego?

Competition ID #: 5914
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Miles Prower
Competition dates: 2008-05-14 - 2008-05-30
Subgroup: Directorate
Units involved: Phare and Setii

There's a loose fugitive that's managed to bust out from the Complex! It seems she was able to sway a guard with her looks and escaped in a red trenchcoat and hat, along also evaded the ISD that was patrolling around. However Bothan SpyNet believes that she's driving a modified red Ferrari.

This shall not come to pass. Write a story about your idea of how we shall capture Carmen Sandiego. The most creative (humor's good too) gets the Seal of the Commander, followed by the Seal of the Strategist for Second and the Seal of the Tactician for Third.

Now get to work before I sing Rocapella

Competition awards:

SotC - First Place, SotS - Second, SotT - Third

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.