Eta Website Competition

Competition ID #: 5725
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Flint Darkstar
Competition dates: 2005-10-20 - 2005-11-15
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Eta Squadron

After seeing that LT Dimitri chose Eta at least partly because of our website, I think it's more than obvious that we need a nice, legal recruitment page added to the site. I thought I'd send an email to all of you to tell you this, but why not put medals up for grabs for it? For this competition, I'd like you to either write or create graphics for our Recruitment page. I'd like the page to be both informational, and visually appealing for any CTs or Reservists who visit it. For the written portion, I'd like some sort of informational piece about Eta Squadron: what we are, why a pilot would want to join us, what we've accomplished in the past, things of that nature. Any format is fine, but note that I may edit formatting a bit to make things fit together. The graphics created should be something Eta-related that will jump out to the visitor and make them want to read on and in the end join Eta. Pretty open ended here. Note: You can collaborate with each other for a single entry! Feel free to work together on a recruitment "pamplet," or in creating a graphic. Just make sure you both let me know in writing via email when the entry is submitted that you and pilot X worked together on that specific entry. And, collaborating on one entry does not exclude you from making entries of your own. Submit as many times as you want for either the written or graphical portions of the page. Rewards: Anyone who creates anything I decide to use on the page will be awarded an IS-BR. If you create 2 graphics and work with someone else for a written submission, for example, then you will receive a total of 3 IS-BRs!

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.