Sing when you´re thinking

Competition ID #: 5478
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CM Todar
Competition dates: 2005-04-17 - 2005-05-08
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Avenger Task Force

For a period of four weeks, in each of the BGCOM´s reports will be a part of a song lyric. Pilots have to find out the song´s name, at least one singer/band who performed the song and the year it was published first. Each correct answer gives one point, so up to three points can be earned in one week. The pilots with the most points in the end of the four weeks wins. If a tie occurs, a fifth song line will be published. The first one who submits all correct answers wins then. Example: Given line: "Before I finally go insane" Song: "Layla" Performer: Eric Clapton Year: 1970 Giving these three answers will earn the pilot three points. I will select the given lines, collect the answers and compile the standing, while BGCOM TK-2107 will include the lines I send him in his reports.

Competition awards:

IS-GR for winner, IS-SR for runner-up, IS-BR for t

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.