Emperor's Hammer Internet Office Site of the Week

Competition ID #: 5388
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Lenvik
Competition dates: 2005-03-19 - 2005-09-17
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire EH

To promote a high standard of maintenance of Emperor's Hammer websites, and to maintain a long-standing Internet Office Tradition, I will be awarding a weekly Site of the Week. I ask you, the membership of the Emperor's Hammer, to submit sites that you believe are worthy of a site of the week award. To qualify as site of the week, a site should look alright (doesn't need uber graphics to win though), have plenty of relevant information about the particular unit or function, and is updated regularly. I will be browsing for my own candidates, additionally you can send in your reccomendations to me at io@emperorshammer.org

Competition awards:

1st Place (For each Site of the Week) - Iron Star

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.