SOV vs. Chal

Competition ID #: 5386
Status: Finished
Submitted by: MAJ Granite
Competition dates: 2006-05-29 - 2006-06-26
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: ISD Challenge,SSSD Sovereign

Competition Details: -Single Player: Each week one FREE mission is announced to be flown.(deadline-one week) Each two weeks TC battle is assigned (two week deadline), and at the beginning CAB battle will be assigned with deadline of one month. -Multiplayer: will take place on #SSSD_Sovereign. Standard 1v1 matches. -Others: Fiction about Chal vs. Sov Struggle Graphics IWATS run Run-On on EH MBs -Scoring: SP: S=(X1/HS1+X2/HS2+...)100 (where S-score, Xx- Score pilot had in mission x of battle, HSx-HS of that mission. MP: 250-winner 50-loser Fiction: 50-300 points. GFX: 50-300 Run-On: 20 for each post (one-liners excluded) IWATS: Grade2 (except of OPT which is Grade*5 for being hardest) Duel on Top: XO or COM of other ship will choose Free mission for COM/WC pairs from Sov and Chal and then review them. Pair which gets better score (X/HS method) wins IS-BW Official comp website: Additional Contacts,

Competition awards:

IS-GW, IS-SW and IS-BW for top scorers. IS-SW for

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.