
Competition ID #: 4936
Status: Finished
Submitted by: L Tomaas Montte
Competition dates: 2012-04-08 - 2012-05-13
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: The dark Brotherhood

I'm launching a new DB-wide fiction contest today. The topic is the 'Revanite heresy.' For those of you unfamiliar with the Old Republic era this particular heresy survives into 'modern' times but is often more commonly known as 'gray Jedi/Sith.' Your task will be to craft a story that is 3 pages minimum (no maximum this time, but keep in mind I want a short story not a novella.) that revolves around the idea of these Revanites. Do you follow their teachings? Did you meet a Gray Jedi in your past? Do the really have access to powers beyond either the light or dark side alone? It's up to you, just make a great story for us to read.

If you are participating keep a few things in mind: This story can be set in either the main EH time line or it can be set in the TOR era. Whichever you choose it should feature your character from that era. The story should involve the Revanites/Gray Sith in some way. If you aren’t familiar with the concepts then take a trip to Wookiepedia and read up on them or load up Knights of the Old Republic and explore the depths of Kashykk (Jolee Bindo was a Gray). Finally keep in mind the standard caveats of not performing acts your character is incapable of. No blowing up planets, no use of canon characters, and if you want to use someone's EH/TOR character in your story get permission first and make sure they approve how their character appears in your story. Basically keep it reasonable and respect others in your story.

The winning story will also be posted so that your fellow EH members can enjoy your talent.

Please send all submissions to preferably in .docx, .odf or .txt formats.

Competition awards:

The first place winner will walk away with a Crescent with a Diamond Star, second will receive a Crescent with a Ruby Star, and Third will receive a Crescent with an Amethyst Star.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.