September Monthly Topic

Competition ID #: 4932
Status: Finished
Submitted by: L Tomaas Montte
Competition dates: 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-30
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Brotherhood

The Monthly Topic Returns! The topic this month is "Hero for a Day." Each of us is a dark jedi and seen by most of the galaxy and even by many of our fellow Imperials as "bad guys." But we're all in service to the Empire and even as we wreak devastation on our enemies I'm sure someone might be grateful we kept that group of pirates off their freighter or that Occupation force out of their city. So here's your chance to write the story of one of your shining moments where you were perceived as a hero for something you did by the average citizens of one of our EH planets. Be creative and have fun here, maybe you didn't really do what they think you did, or you did something even more heroic, but no one knows. Or maybe you want to write a story where you make a sacrifice for the greater good of the Empire and no one ever knows the truth. Its all open as long as you follow the theme of heroism.

Since its been a long time since we've done this let me remind everyone that entries must be a minimum of five pages and a maximum of 20. You have an entire month to write and develop this story and it should NOT tie in to the main plot line (this is for you to shine solo and away from the main action). The top two stories will be awarded a Diamond and Ruby Crescent respectively and this competition is open to any active Dark Brotherhood member. Please send all submissions to

Good Luck everyone!

Competition awards:

(Cr-1D) First, (Cr-1R) Second

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.