Kills for Thrills

Competition ID #: 4821
Status: Finished
Submitted by: MRD Marcus Caine
Competition dates: 2004-08-06 - 2004-08-20
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps Freeworlds pilots

This competition is to see who can rack up the most kills (PC and NPC) in 2 weeks. Player must register their participating character to me for their kills to be counted. Kills will be tracked using the server page: People will have until the 6th to register their character, then I will collect all starting kill counts. On the 20th I will again collect the kill counts and subtract to determine the kills for the period. Highest wins.

Competition awards:

1st - IS-GW 2nd - IS-SW 3rd - IS-BW

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.