A Narrow Victory

Competition ID #: 442
Status: Finished
Submitted by: MAJ Jaron Kai
Competition dates: 2003-06-23 - 2003-07-23
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing XVIII

Last month's victory in BJ was narrow for Wing XVIII, a little too narrow... Working alone, or in pairs, the pilots of Wing XVIII will create a battle suitable for submission to the Compendium on the platform of their choice, playing out the events of that narrow victory. There will be three divisions, one for each platform, and winners will be chosen from each division. The battle must be at least 4 missions long, with no maximum length. Each mission will be graded invidiually and awarded up to 10 points for style, lack of bugs, playability, fun, creativity, etc. In addition, up to 5 bonus points may be added for a highly cohesive story, demonstrated through some sort of background story and the course of the missions. Non-working missions recieve no points, and it is better to have 4 high quality missions than 8 mediocre ones.

Competition awards:

3 x IS-SR, 3 x IS-BR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.