XIX Fiction Compeition

Competition ID #: 441
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Thom Zack
Competition dates: 2003-06-22 - 2003-07-06
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing XIX

Here is the situation to write about: ----- The Super Star Destroyer Avenger is in dock, and is preparing to undergo an inspection by the Flight Officer and his staff. Though, en route, the Flight Officer's Cruiser has been pulled out of hyperspace by an Interdictor Cruiser, and it's escorts are out numbered by a New Republic Task Force. Wing XIX is being dispatched to protect and escort the Flight Officer's Cruiser to where the Avenger is docked. One of the Avenger's escort Victory Star Destroyers will be sent to assist XIX with the Interdictor and any capital ships. ------- The fiction can be as long..or short as you like, and it will be judged by myself, and another judge. Additional Contacts davi_anth@yahoo.co.uk, khaen@gmx.co.uk

Competition awards:

IS-SR (First Place) Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (Sec

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.