Topgun of the Redemption

Competition ID #: 4187
Status: Finished
Submitted by: L Pellaeon
Competition dates: 2007-02-11 - 2007-03-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: MC80b Redemption

This will be a combined SP-MP competition to to choose our actual best pilot on the ship. The participiants are allowed to fly all frees and battles form the compendium. Each completed mission will count 1 point. Having a high score will count 3 points. For the MP section the points are awarded in an other way. Because it is not always possible to fly MP because there is no opponent or other problems, there will be more points for it. Flying 1 match and lose it will be 1 point. Win a match and recieve a LoC for that will count with 3 points. Winning a DFC will count additional 10 bonus points. At the end of the competion the winner of SP will recieve an IS-SW and the 2nd an IS-BW. The same is with MP. To choose the Topgun SP and MP points will counted together and the overall winner will recieve one additional IS-SW and the overall 2nd an IS-BW. So if you are a real elite pilot, you are able to recieve up to 3 IS-SW in one comp!

Competition awards:

IS-SW for each section and for over all winner IS-

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.