It's ISD Hammer Time.

Competition ID #: 3587
Status: Denied
Submitted by: LCM Das Oberon
Competition dates: 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: ISD-II Hammer

Attention all ISD-II Hammer pilots: RTF is nearly upon us. We must ensure that we defend our title as the Flagship of the TIE Corps. In order to be best prepared, Hammer's squadrons shall challenge each other in an ongoing PvP tournament. To ensure that we are fresh both in the skies and on our feet, PvP matches will take place on Battlefront 2 and Star Wars squadrons. Match setups will follow the guidelines for PvP match submissions as set forth in the Combat Operations Manual. The competition will begin on August 21st and finish August 31st.

Winning earns the victorious squadron two points.
Failure earns both shame and one point.
The final tally of points will determine the placement.
In case of a tie, the total number of matches participated in as a squadron will serve as the tiebreaker.

Competition awards:

Participants of the 1st place squadron will receive an Iron Star w/ Silver Wings.
Participants of the 2nd place squadron will receive an Iron Star w/ Bronze Wings
Participants of the 3rd place squadron will receive an Iron Star w/ Copper Wings

Each pilot who participates in three or more matches will receive an Operational Readiness Award.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.