Scavanger-Hunt: 101 Bubble

Competition ID #: 3535
Status: Finished
Submitted by: MAJ Taurus
Competition dates: 2023-03-01 - 2023-05-14
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Greetings fellow Pilots,

welcome to Taurus Tour Service with the special tour through the Bubble.
Sadly the official Tour Carrier (and the host) has left the sector to explore new horizons,
but this special hunt will keep you on your toes, trust me. You all have the task to explore the bubble and the catch is to be the fastest.
Each two Weeks I will give you a group of targets you need to visit, sometimes it will be a specific target or sometimes it will be find something that looks like that in Elite Dangerous. Each Group has a theme and the targets in it are logically connected. Sometimes you will get a small hint, but in general you should have no problems to complete the whole Tour.
That said a good Frame Shift Drive will do your wonders.

The Groups will be released as Timed Tests and the best of all 5 Subgroups will be the proud winner of a Gold Ribbon.
For every completed group you will get an ORA.
To verify that you completed the task and found the targets, you will need to take a screenshot of your HUD, with the target clearly in sight and provide the answer to the questions spelled like in the game.
I've included a control image to show you, what is required to be a valid entry.
Good Hunting and good luck!

The first Group is called Stellar Vistas.
To complete it you must find:

  • THE only Neutron Star in the Bubble
  • A Black Hole near the Bubble (search in the Plaeiades Nebula)
  • Visit the 78th star system in the constellation of Ursa Major
    Hint: Inara, Elite Wikia and the in game Codex
Competition awards:

First place: IS-GR
Second place: IS-SR
Third place: IS-BR

ORA: One ORA for every completed full Sub-Group

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR LC Honsou For completing the whole bounty hunt through the bubble, finding all targets and answering all questions with excellence, while archiving the almost highest score possible (26 out of 31), LC Honsou is awarded the Iron Star with Gold Ribbon. Congratulation! 2023-06-06
IS-SR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For completing the second round of the bounty hunt through the bubble first and completing the bounty hunt through the bubble with 11 of 31 possible points, LCM Lenan-She Chabar has earned herself the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. Congratulation! 2023-06-06
IS-BR CPT Atashi Rain For completing the bounty hunt through the bubble third, earning 8 out of 31 possible points, CPT Atashi Rain has earned herself the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. Congratulation! 2023-06-06
ORA CM Lenan-she Chaabar For completing the third sub-group of Scavenger Hunt: 101 Bubble and finding all three superpower beacons in time, i recommend a Operational Readiness Award for LCM Lenan-she Chaabar. Well done! 2023-04-23
ORA LC Honsou For completing the third sub-group of Scavenger Hunt: 101 Bubble and finding all three superpower beacons in time, i recommend a Operational Readiness Award for LC Honsou. Well done! 2023-04-23
ORA LC Honsou For completing the second sub-group of *Scavenger Hunt: 101 Bubble* and finding all commodities and stations in time, i recommend a Operational Readiness Award for LC Honsou. Well done! 2023-04-02
ORA LC Honsou For completing the first group of *Scavanger Hunt: 101 Bubble* I award LC Honsou his well deserved Operational Readiness Award. Congrats! 2023-03-16
ORA CPT Atashi Rain For completing the first group of *Scavanger Hunt: 101 Bubble* I award CM Atashi Rain her well deserved Operational Readiness Award. Congrats! 2023-03-16