Helmet Design for Lambda

Competition ID #: 3447
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL TheBlackxRanger
Competition dates: 2022-09-15 - 2022-11-15
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Lambda Squadron

Lambda could benefit with a custom helmet design to further distinguish and solidify our identity. You are tasked to design a helmet using any form of media (hand drawing, digital, TTT3, etc).

Best design chosen will be awarded a Bronze Ribbon and runner up will receive a Copper Ribbon. Those who submit an entry using TTT3 will be awarded the Operational Readiness Award.

TTT3 Instructions ReadMe instructions included in the google drive


Example of TTT3 Generated Image:

Competition awards:

IS-BR for 1st
IS-CR for 2nd
ORA for designing a helmet in TTT3

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR LC Gytheran On Behalf of BlackRanger, to Gytheran for taking 1st place in the custom Lambda Design Helmet Competition! 2022-11-21
IS-BR RA Genie On Behalf of BlackRanger, to Genie for taking the 2nd place in the custom Lambda Design Helmet Competition! 2022-11-22
ORA RA Genie On Behalf of BlackRanger, to Genie for crafting his own custom Lambda Helmet! 2022-11-22
ORA LC Gytheran On behalf of BlackRanger. awarding Gytheran with an ORA for crafting his own custom Lambda Helmet! 2022-11-21
ORA MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana On Behalf of BlackRanger, to Wolve for crafting his own custom Lambda Helmet! 2022-11-21
ORA CM Therj'en'nuruodo On Behalf of BlackRanger, to Galen for crafting his own custom Lambda Helmet! 2022-11-21
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger On Behalf of BlackRanger, to ... PinkRanger! for crafting his own custom Lambda Helmet! 2022-11-21