Up to the Stars

Competition ID #: 304
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Tissaya Argat
Competition dates: 2003-04-13 - 2003-04-24
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: ISD Intrepid

When you were a kid, you looked up on the stars, dreaming about becoming a pilot.. to visit all planets in the universe. You wanted go up to the Stars.. Write a story about how did it happen that you became a pilot, what motivated you, or what made you to do it. Story about making the decision about joining the TIE Corps. Additional Contacts moonelf@op.pl

Competition awards:

1st place = IS-SR 2nd place = IS-BR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.