XvT and XWA MP April Rumble

Competition ID #: 2713
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2015-04-10 - 2015-04-19
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
In XvT and XWA multiplayer, fly against other TIE Corps pilots in 1v1 duels and 1v1v1 furballs. In addition to submitting the screenshots to the database for LoCs, send the screenshots to LC Plif at plif346@gmail.com.

Each time you win, you'll get one point. Each time you lose, you'll get half a point. At the end of the competition, we'll calculate the total scores and award the following:

  • 5+ participants: IS-GW for first place, IS-SW for second place, IS-BW for third place

  • 3-4 participants: IS-SW for first place, IS-BW for second place

  • 2 participants: IS-BW for first place

  • 1 participant: Your choice of treat from VA Crsepe's snack drawer (that's right, I found it)

  • Participation Bonus: Any pilot that flies at least ten 1v1 or 1v1v1 matches during the competition, win or lose, will receive an IS-BW in addition to any placement awards they might receive

Competition awards:

Iron Stars, number and level depending on participation (see description)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.