In the eye of two storms

Competition ID #: 1855
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL D. T. Hammer
Competition dates: 2007-12-15 - 2007-12-21
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Typhoon squadron,Tornado squadron

Once upon a time the CMDR's of Typhoon and Tornado had a little dispute in the Challenge Cantina. Now it is time for Typhoon and Tornado to fight for the honor of their respective CMDR. Both Squadrons will fly 2 free missions, one for TIE (TIE Free 67)and one for XWA (XWA Free 21). Scores will be calculated for each individual pilot file by dividing the score (laserless for TIE) through the actual Highscore for that mission and multiply it with 100. The result shows how close a pilot has come to the actual Highscore (in percent). Winner for each game platform will be the one with the highest ratio. Overall winner will be the one with the highest sum of ratios (all results added together). Medals: IS-BW for each gameplatform and for the overall winner. Additional Contacts (COL Master)

Competition awards:

IS-BW for best pilot for each mission IS-BW for be

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.