ISDII Warrior Report # 38 (2014-12-30)

This report was submitted by COM/HA Frodo March/ISDII Warrior

High Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISDII Warrior on this Tuesday the 30th of December 2014.

Commodore's Thoughts


We seem to slowly be awaking from our holiday slumber. I'd like to commend some of you for your stalwart activity during the holidays, making sure everything is well on the mighty flagship. Namely Repulsor and Hawkins who flew quite a bit in the last week. Well done, Kappans.

Christmas be damned! We had a news worthy item after all this week. Please welcome back to the fleet, and to Sin Squadron, former TAC and CA:TAC to none other than myself, the very well reputed Colonel Master! We're just thrilled to have him on board with us, especially since we require some help finishing all the rum, and we're out of blue egg nog.

At long last the November MSE medals are recommended and just waiting the final click from the TCCOM to have them magically shot into our inboxes. My apologies for the delays. I have no good excuse!

It appears to be customary to have a glance back at the calendar year, as this is inevitably the last report of the year for our mighty ship. I, however, will abstain from this particular custom as I much prefer to do so on the anniversary of the Warrior's reopening, March 31st, which I hereby declare "Warrior Day". You're welcome.

Progress is going well for the secret ship competition that will begin this January. The exact date will be a surprise. I'm trying lots of new things this time around. So get ready!

Trivia results:

Pilot Time to Answer Correct Answers
Len Eode 0:01:20 5
Lanil Jast 0:01:53 5
Yoda 0:02:43 5
Gilad Pelleaon 0:02:15 4
Hawkins 0:03:39 4
Repulsor 0:07:00 4
Yun 0:01:31 1

Well done Len!

This concludes Trivia for this year. I'm sure Plif has some overall stats and results to announce and will do so soon. Trivia should resume in February once the ship competition is concluded.

Trivia was a fun activity for all of us, and I think participation was stellar throughout the last 4 months. Well done all.


- MSE awards almost here. Coincidentally, MSEs for December are due next weekend!
- Next ship comp in January
- Welcome aboard Master!


IS-PW to LC Plif
IS-SW to CM Hawkins
IS-BW to CM Nolij
IS-BR to COL Mark Schueler

MoC-poc to MAJ Flelm, COL Jarek La'an,
MoC-soc to GN Gilad Pelleaon, MAJ Marcus Caine, MAJ Wraith
MoC-boc to CPT Repulsor, HA Frodo March, LC Tempest, LT Spiffy the Chicken, CM Yun, LC Plif, COL Mark Schueler, CM Nolij

Ship Competitions

ISD Warrior Trivia:

Competitions Centre for Fleet and Squadron comps:


39 Strong (+1)

From the Bridge of the Warrior

Let's check in with our Wing Commander, Colonel Gilbert H. Frown

Inline image 1

Q1: Have you welcomed COL Master aboard yet, Sir?

A1: Negative. I'm waiting for Mr. Master to report to me during in-clearance. I shall put an end to his years of debauchery and paperwork neglect with one mighty speech! Also, I want his autograph.

Q2: Are you pumped for the upcoming competition?

A2: No. It will inevitably involve much work from me tabulating the scores while the Commodore takes all the credit. Thankless times, new competitions are. The worst part is I'm not even allowed to help plan the secret competitions any more since the last incident.

Q3: Any plans for the new year?

A3: Yes. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! But none that I will announce to the likes of you.

...That's enough for now, Sir...


Tomorrow marks 14 years in the TIE Corps for me. Yes, some kids have absolutely nothing to do on new year's eve. 14 years is also more than 50% of my life so far...

Here's to one more year.

The only way forward is Through,

In service,

COM/HA Frodo March/ISDII Warrior
44bh/LoC-CSx8-Rx1/DFC-Rx1/MoC-3doc-2poc-2goc-3soc-21boc/CoLx3/CoSx7/CoB/LoAx10/OV-13E [CNTR]


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