Theta Report # 23 (2014-12-12)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Theta Squadron WSR #23

An interesting week on my side over the last days, prior to Xmas as I’m sure you all find there is always a major rush to get things done and complete prior to escaping over the festive period. Paired with winter bursting onto the scene here on my small island in the northern hemisphere its been difficult to pay proper attention to Theta since my last report, an omission on my part but as you hopefully understand entirely unavoidable… In any case its been a very quiet week, the MSE having been forwarded to the COM on the 4th and the awards from it likely to appear very soon.

The Thetan Aces comp is now running as previously mentioned, having taken effect from the 7th, quite simply it will follow the same guidelines as the earlier Op Thetan comps – weekly high fliers earn themselves an IS-BW while at the close of every month the highest Thetan on either kill board receives an IS-SW.

TIE Golf finally ended in Plif’s favour, so a well earned victory to him – despite the quite likely possibility that even now the COM is plotting a low scoring revenge. On an entirely unrelated note we’re hoping to see some shipwide comps in Jan that should stir even the most base and lazy of us into activity – or at least that’s the plan!

The Pazaak competition is ongoing and despite my best intentions I’ve not had a chance to wade into it, fingers crossed this will change. The more communicative of you will have noted I can be found on the MBs and IRC increasingly, feel free to get hold of me there if an e-mail can’t find me.

Current Squadron Status

1-1 - COL La'an - IRC/Steam/Mail activity, CMDR Duties, WSR/MSE, Warrior trivia, new Thetan Aces comp
1-2 - MAJ Nebular – No Contact – AWOL recc’d in MSE
1-3 – COL Den Darkhill – Mail activity, Warrior Trivia
2-1 - COL Mark Schueler – IRC/Mail activity, LO, Warrior Trivia, MBs, Awarded IS-BR (Trivia)
2-2 – MAJ Marcus Caine – Steam/Mail activity, MB posts, Warrior Trivia
2-3 - COL Horus Blackheart - Limited availability/LoA
2-4 - COL Torres – SWTOR
3-1 - GN Gilad Pelleaon - IRC/Steam/Mail activity, Warrior Trivia
3-2 - CM Keth Aalith - No contact
3-3 - COL Handril Madon - Limited availability/LoA
3-4 - GN Pickled Yoda - Mail activity, MB posts, awarded IS-BR x2, IS-SR (Trivia)

Current Fleet Competitions

All current comps are listed @

Theta Competitions

Presently 1 squadron comp including what was originally billed as a whole 2 squadron competitions, a standing SP/MP comp that will be awarded on a weekly basis, starting from today. An IS-BW will be won by the pilot earning the highest SP mission count over the period, with a corresponding IS-BW for the pilot achieving the highest LoC count in the same period. Previously I’ve not taken part, but I’m planning on leading by example and will be doing my utmost to claim these medals. At the close of every calendar month the highest scoring Thetan on the SP and MP killboards will earn an IS-SW for his/her efforts in either field. Simple competition, simple rules – fly more than your comrades, take home the prize.

Operational Picture

...Have you seen the boss of late? Hmm, since the squadron went to reserve duty last month to repair and refit its all gone a bit… quiet… I know we’re all over the place and I’ve seen a few guys in the hangar stripping down fighters or in the sims, but not the CMDR. I know the Bus is still here so he’s got to be on the ship somewhere. I had word he was making friends with the new wing XO, but I heard she wasn’t having any of it – you think she’s had him killed? Could be a good promotion opportunity, although saying that I haven’t seen her in a few days either...

(Scandalous Rumourmongering, Main Hangar, ISD Warrior)

…Just push him over there a second, that’s it get him under the arms and pull – he’s heavier than he looks. Right, that’s it – we’re doing this for his own good, I loathe the man but this is beyond ridiculous. I’ve got Sigma herding TIE at the bow somewhere, so this far aft he has a chance to come to his senses. First things first, charge that pressurised line while I shackle him to the deckhead. You’re his 2IC so I’ll let you have the honour of pressure washing him Major, remember this is an intervention – as long as he comes to his senses and starts behaving like a human being I frankly don’t care what he tries to charge me with. Lovely to see you again by the way, dinner later?...

(Theta CMDR & Wing XO, WC Command Meeting/Intervention, Engineering Compartment 5TV, ISD Warrior)

…The COM just keeps laughing maniacally, it’s getting quite off-putting. I went into his suite last night to serve dinner and found him stood facing his viewport, hands clasped behind his back and just… cackling like a deranged loon, you know like those old holovids of Palpatine at the games? I don’t know what he’s got going on, hell he might have caught something from the WC, but I can’t help thinking he’s got something nefarious planned. He’ll have grown a beard next or end up cloning himself…

(Chief Steward, Senior Logistics Mess, ISD Warrior)

CMDR's Corner

2014 is ticking away, but there’s still time for some last minute glory.

Yours aye,

CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
Commanding Officer, TCCOMs Own Escort Squadron
Rx1/MoC-1doc-1poc-3goc-4soc-19boc/CoLx7/CoB/LoAx5/OV-11E [DCRN] [Ace 1st] {IWATS-AIM-

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