Theta Report # 15 (2014-09-25)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Theta Squadron WSR #15

This was going to be a positive and uplifting report until Yoda soured the mood by letting me know he was enjoying the sea and sun in Hawaii, making my prefabricated office reminiscent of the worst bits of the 1980s pale in comparison. Anyway, another week has flown by and another report is landing on your doorsteps. Despite it all this is indeed a positive report for a few reasons. Firstly, MAJ Caine has taken to us well and gained 13 LoCs, so very well done. You will note that despite being an Aquilifer his profile is scant, the SOO will be updating and restoring his profile as soon as he is available. The TCCOM has ably kept on top of the majority of the admin tasks, however CoLs/MoCs etc will be awarded retroactively as and when Zos is able to rejoin us. On a slightly related our note the illustrious LO and indeed esteemed Thetan COL Schueler has taken on the MBs as part of his command portfolio. I know there’s been discussion regarding a way forward, but I’m happy to note that Mark looks to have a way forward. It’s been a long time since they were used greatly, perhaps social media and the now unavoidable TIE Corps mailbomb now carries the burden. It will be nice to see a more concerted effort being made to promote their use, some of the content is trash, but there are gems buried throughout.

On to wider affairs, a new Sigma CMDR has been appointed – congratulations to Flelm, former Thetan and continuing our Hydra-like infiltration of all surrounding squadrons. It’s a secret though, so don’t tell anyone… GN Kit has stepped down after a long tour of duty and will hopefully enjoy his role as a squadron member rather than leader for a little while at least. There’s always a place in Theta for him, even if that’s because I’m attempting to create a GN only flight! Congratulations also to CM Drake Starfire, having seen the light he has joined the Warrior as Kappa CMDR, replacing, or more accurately following on from, CPT Starkillerny who again has taken to the squads ranks to recover. I can only assume that myself or Plif are next for the axe, but he’s recently been appointed a COOA, so odds are Frodo is going to find an imaginative way to kill me off! I may just be paranoid…

As we approach the latter end of the month the MSE looms large, so now is the time for any extra activity. At present three pilots are on a LoA, while my lack of internet outside of work has completely hamstrung my medal collection attempts. In addition to that I’ll be on a short LoA myself from October 4th-10th – not quite Hawaii, but I’ll be enjoying a beach on a Mediterranean island, so hardly worth a complaint. In my absence I’ll be looking to Mark as FL2 to take the reins should anything be required. If there is anything likely to require CMDR attention please try to get it flagged up to me before I disappear, otherwise it will be answered on my return. That’s all for now…

Prima Inter Pares

MAJ Marcus Caine continues into a second week, the whole flying thing being making him the obvious choice. The rest of you take heed!

Current Squadron Status

1-1 - COL La'an - Mail activity, CMDR Duties, WSR, Warrior trivia, Submitted fiction to Sin/Theta comp
1-2 - MAJ Nebular – No Contact
2-1 - COL Mark Schueler – IRC/Mail activity, LO Duties, Warrior Trivia, MBs Gained to Action
2-2 – MAJ Marcus Caine – Profile pending restoration, 13x LoCs (SC), New INPR, TTT Theta Patch Added
2-3 - COL Horus Blackheart - Mail activity, limited availability/LoA
2-4 - COL Torres – Mail Activity, SWTOR
3-1 - GN Gilad Pelleaon - Mail activity, Warrior Trivia
3-2 - CM Keth Aalith - Mail activity
3-3 - COL Handril Madon - Mail activity, limited availability/LoA
3-4 - GN Pickled Yoda - Mail activity, LoA

Current Fleet Competitions

All current comps are listed @

Theta Competitions

Warrior Trivia continues while mention has been made to some form of TIE based competition involving a goat, or possibly golf, perhaps even an unusual combination of both. As ever I have every faith in the WCs ability to make it more unclear. Stay tuned...

Operational Picture

...Two down, two to go… That’s right, that’s it, I’ll make sure they’re all more junior, then they can’t possibly question me. Which one’s next then… Theta or Sin... Which one do I hate more. Oh wait, both, damn! I know I’ll bide my time, wait for an opportunity and see how the cards fall. Mwahahaha….cough….cough… LT Doralt, how long have you been there for? Hmm, no matter, away with you, my dais in the briefing room is looking clunky and angular, find me something shinier and less pixelated. Snappily, off you go! Right. Why is there a goat in my office??? Doralt, back here now!!!...

(WC’s Office, ISD Warrior)

…ZOSBOT reports negative return, adjusting parameters and requesting support…

(Undisclosed Compartment, ISD Challenge)

…Botini Delta continuing with tertiary assignment – monitor Warrior WC, ident Frown, rank “A-Hole”. Synchronising feed, Botini Alpha reports monitoring underway of primary target, designated TCCOM, no change in target movement. Alpha entering standby surveillance mode. Scanning proximity. Lifesigns detected at close range, categorise non-human. Signatures moving, four detected. Scanning for known ident… categorise, mammal, quadruped, hooves, approximate weight 15kg, classify “Goat”. Scans complete, erroneous items detected, categorise clothing, confirm ident category “Neck covering”. Query “cravat” negative, query “scarf” negative, query “tie” positive. Logic check – humanoid clothes worn by non-sentient animals, no return, log error check. New life sign ident “A-Hole” approaching, cabin access opened. Auditory input recorded, categorise “obscenity”, log keywords “Doralt” and “nerf-herder” for further analysis…

(WC’s Cabin, ISD Warrior)

CMDR's Corner

Better, but always room for improvement and at the minute one mans activity is a single point of failure, so I’d like to see a little more in the way of MP at least from those of you who have flown in the past. Me included…

Yours aye,

CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
Commanding Officer, TCCOMs Own Escort Squadron
Rx1/MoC-1doc-1poc-2goc-4soc-17boc/CoLx7/CoB/LoAx5/OV-11E [DCRN] [Ace 1st] {IWATS-AIM-

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