Theta Report # 9 (2014-06-08)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Theta Squadron WSR #9

Without dwelling too much on it, Raise the Flag is here and receding into the past with alarming alacrity - on the plus side we have around a 900 point lead on the Hammer, but that is beginning to close as their powerhouses finally gather momentum. Without blowing our own trumpet as of this report a total of 1047 points have been contributed by our own squadron, with 679 of those from Yoda alone. So far 4 Thetans are flying, while I know the remainder of you are capable of it. Its not all about HSs, any SP/MP will do. I've contributed 6 fictions and around 12 pieces of "art" in an attempt to gain additional credit, this is without any photo editing software more advanced than msPaint. They won't win prizes but they may well win points...

The bonus fiction round ends at midnight tonight, so if there are any last minute submissions, now is the time - myself, Yoda, and Mark have submitted, while others may well have joined us. If that is the case I'd remind and ask you all to cc me on any activity that won't generate a database mail! We're a day into the bonus graphics round, revolving around a ship/unit banner, so now is the time to fire up the PC.

Congratulations to Keth on his well earned promotion to Commander after 14 years as an LCM, with further congrats to Nebular on surviving his 36 hour tour of duty on the Phoenix - I'm not afraid to AWOL people who remain in prolonged and unannounced absences, but equally I'm more than happy to have you back if only you let me know!

Suffice to say it's been a busy two weeks since my last report, so please see below for full activity details. MSE medals at my level have been recc'd and are pending approval through the database, so I'll hold off from announcing them until they're formally approved. Rather than distract from RtF any Op Thetan activity will be calculated at the conclusion of the competition, in addition the intended flight vs flight comp will be implemented in the next few days. RtF remains the priority.

Prima Inter Pares

GN Pickled Yoda, as if there was any doubt...

Current Squadron Status

1-1 - COL La'an - IRC/Mail activity, CMDR Duties, WSR/MSE, 14x SP missions flown (1 Battle HS, 6 Mission HS), 133 RtF Points Earned, 6 Fictions (inc Bonus), 12x RtF gfx
1-2 - MAJ Nebular - Mail activity, brief AWOL/reassigned to 1-2
1-3 - Vacant
1-4 - Vacant
2-1 - COL Mell Kerrigan - IRC/Mail activity, XO Duties, RtF activity to come!
2-2 - COL Mark Schueler – IRC/Mail activity, LO Duties, 19x SP missions flown (1 Battle HS, 5 Mission HS), 133 RtF Points Earned, 1 Bonus Fiction
2-3 - COL Horus Blackheart - IRC/Mail activity, RtF activity to come!
2-4 - COL Torres - Mail Activity, RtF activity to come!
3-1 - GN Gilad Pelleaon - IRC/Mail activity, 41x SP missions flown, 102 RtF Points Earned
3-2 - LCM Keth Aalith - Mail activity, Promoted CM/re-assigned 3-2, RtF activity to come!
3-3 - COL Handril Madon - Mail activity, RtF activity to come!
3-4 - GN Pickled Yoda - Mail activity, 353x (???) SP missions flown (3 Battle HS, 40 Mission HS), 679 RtF Points Earned, 1 Bonus Fiction

Current Fleet Competitions

All current comps are listed @

Theta Competitions

Raise the Flag - quite simply at this stage the only one that matters - not withstanding its bonus rounds!!!

Operational Picture

...He's flown what, 379 simulated engagements in 8 days? Have you seen his caffeine intake, no wonder they're not getting him, his hands must be twitching on the stick, how's he getting passed the flight medic after mission? What he's not left his cockpit in 8 days??? Nappies and protein bars? He's either dedicated or insane, saying that those issue protein bars clog me up for days in any case...

(Theta Crew Chief, ISD Warrior)

...BOTini protocol continuing, registering coding error - location of TCCOM ID'd as flight active, T/D Astra not onboard Challenge. Does not compute... Re-booting... Coding error encountered. Re-booting... Activating secondary protocol, locating SOO, ID'd as inactive, location confirmed FSE datacore, relocating to secondary target. Uploading location, encountering jamming... potential threat detected... evading...

(---CLASSIFIED SOURCE---, Command Deck, ISD Challenge)

CMDR's Corner

Arrogance and cockiness won't save us, which strips us of our usual favoured weapon - this is going to be won by old fashioned flying and activity... Yoda is holding the squadron up at the minute, some consolation may be that without him Theta would be leading by 19 and the Warrior still clearly ahead - but I'm far happier with the current format, so support him!

Yours aye,

CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
MoC-1doc-1poc-2goc-3soc-15boc/CoLx7/CoB/LoAx5/OV-10E [DCRN] [Ace 4th] {IWATS-AIM-BFM-

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