ISDII Warrior Report # 2 (2014-04-12)

This report was submitted by COM/HA Frodo March/ISDII Warrior

High Admiral Frodo March reporting for the ISD-II Warrior on this Saturday 12th of April 2014.

Commodore's Thoughts

So last week I was keenly reminded that the Warrior was once opened and housed a makeshift Wing VI for several months. I hereby declare those months of history null and void. Damnatio Memoriae is in effect. Any pink lizards will be shot on site! Of course I can do this. Don't ask questions.

I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow, the Motto and Nickname competition will end. Second place will be the nickname and motto of the wing! There are no limits of submissions any one pilot can send. So hurry!

I have received a few banner submissions, and one will be selected shortly. Probably in the next few days.

With the conclusion of that competition, we will start another! I've decided to steer clear of regular activity competitions (Most missions flown that month, most LoCs that month, etc) for the time being, since the COO and TAC have all flying venues mastered with appropriate medals being awarded and such, and I encourage the Commanders to run duplicate competitions for their units. Ship comps, in my opinion, should be of epic proportions, so I concocted an evil plan.

Starting Monday, I will be accepting pieces of fiction that could be turned into a TIE Free Mission. These pieces should have a general plot line, a briefing, and questions with answers for the briefing officer/secret order robe wearing guy. Be as directive as you want for how you want the Free Mission to turn out. There is no maximum or minimum amount of submissions one pilot can send, or size of submission, and you have until May 3rd to submit. The winner will be awarded the IS-SR, and his plot will be the cornerstone of the chain of free missions I intend to build about the ISD Warrior every now and then during our tenure here. Once the missions built and released, a competition will be held for high scores where IS-GWs will be up for grabs. This is our opportunity to design our own adventure, and satisfy our TAC's crazy desire for more missions. If there are enough submissions, we will have a voting period to decide which is best. Official details are still pending and will be sent when it is approved, probably sometime tomorrow.

I am still accepting applications for Sin Squadron Command. I've received some interest, and would like to fully canvas the Wing before I make my decision.


-Sin Squadron Command opened for applications
-Nickname and Motto Competiton has one day left
-New Warrior Free Mission Fiction Competition begins tomorrow!
-LC Emrys and CPT Crix Talra swapped positions, leaving CPT Crix in charge of Sigma Flight 2!


IS-BW to GN Pickled Yoda
IS-BW to CPT Flelm

*I've decided to no longer report LoCs in here... Which will literally double my free time! Keep up the flying boys! It's already driving me crazy.

Ship Competitions

-Nickname and Motto Competition:
-ISD Warrior Free Mission Fiction Comp: Details will be approved soon!

Competitions Centre for fleet and Squadron comps:


33 Strong. (Even)

From the Bridge of the Warrior

The Office of the Commodore, ISD Warrior. The Commodore's assistant, LT Doralt, freshly transferred from the Intelligence Division, enters the room.

LT Doralt: Sir, I have the new roster for Sin Squadron, as requested.
HA Frodo: ...Really? Well that's strange, especially since I didn't ask for it, and they don't have a Commanding Officer yet...
LT Doralt: Eh...Sir? I'm fairly certain you did, with respect. Here is the list.

Doralt hands the roster to the Commodore. Frodo looks the list over, pauses, and speaks.

HA Frodo: So you expect me to believe that this unit will be composed of LT Lust, LCM Gluttony, MAJ Greed, CM Sloth, CPT Wrath, MAJ Envy?
LT Doralt: eeeh... Yes sir?
HA Frodo: And commanded by General Pride?
LT Doralt: ....Yes .... Sir...

Doralt stands in front of the Commodore, realising his mistake...resisting the urge to tremble from the mix of embarrassment and fear.

HA Frodo: I should have you tossed out in a Z-95, and executed by dogfighting increasingly difficult opponents like it's some freak simulator mission.

LT Doralt stands in silence. Resigned to the fact that he would have to fight for his life, again.

HA Frodo: Let me guess... The TCCOM told you to give me this? And he sounded suspiciously like a droid?
LT Doralt: ...Now that you mention it... Yes sir, he did.
HA Frodo: Well... Don't just stand there, get Colonel La'an in here, and then close the door!


We had quite an active week with lots of LoCs. So much so that my Gmail is utterly confused. Well done. I'm also quite happy to see the amount of mission BSFs going through my inbox. Simply fantastic. Soon we will be flying our own story, as is my hope with our competition, and I hope we can all be on board with that!

Remember, it is not too late to apply for Sin squadron Command. Or send me mottoes and nicknames!

In service,

COM/HA Frodo March/ISD Warrior
44bh/LoC-CSx8/DFC-Rx1/MoC-2doc-1poc-2goc-2soc-17boc/CoLx3/CoSx7/CoB/LoAx10/OV-13E [CNTR]
[Officer 3rd] {IWATS-FLA-GFX-HIST-IBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-MCBS-MP/1-SGBMC-SM/2/3/4-TACS-TM/1-

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