Delta Report # 4 (2012-10-28)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Anahorn Dempsey/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

   Delta Squadron Weekly Report #4 2012.10.28 

This week in the report:

  • Commander's notes
  • In the headlines this week
  • Joke of the week
  • Squadron activity report
  • Important Competitions
  • Squadron roster
  • Medals and promotions
  • Wrapping up
  •    Commander's notes

    Well, the last report for this month. In a few days, we'll be compiling a Monthly Squadron Evaluation. It's been a long while since I did that. We'll see what happens then :)

    Meanwhile,. Tuba's fiction competition has finished. I haven't seen anyone CC me on a submission, so for the moment I can only assume no one entered. If you did, let me know.

    Also, I finally got around to doing some TACcy work again. This resulted in some new stuff being released (go fly it!), and more stuff moving up in the queue onto the testing and correcting stage, so more should be coming up. I'm also slowly improving the coding for the website so pretty soon it should all be driven by a nice little SQL database. Man I'm rusty.

    It's still quiet on the competition front. Two regular players for the weekly trivia, and one who chips in every now and then. This is unsatisfactory people. Where is Sergeyli who took down the trivia week after week after week preventing me from getting my hands on them shinies? Where is the competition from everyone else. Wake up people! I'm sure Clark and Shado want more of a challenge :)

       In the headlines this week

  • LO Schueler has put out a call to all members to help him out by creating info in the wiki. Yes, he's the LO, but no, there's no way he can do it alone. So go out and make a wiki entry for yourself!
  • The IO is still working on the website, with new e-mail problems to be solved. One can only wonder....
  • TAC has released two new battles: XWA free 154: GAMMA Squadron - A Mission in Awesomeness by COL Master and XWA TC 63: Arms Race in the Mevari Cluster by yours truly. The appropriate medals were awarded accordingly.
  •    Joke of the week

    Know a funny joke? Send it in for extra credit!

    Two parents take their son on a vacation to a nude beach. The father goes for a walk on the beach and the son goes and plays in the water.

    A little later, the boy comes running up to his mom and says..."Mommy, I saw ladies with boobies a lot bigger than yours!"
    The mom says..."the bigger they are, the dumber they are." and so the kid goes back to play.

    Several minutes later he comes running back and says..."Mommy, I saw men with dingers a lot bigger than Daddy's!"
    Again, she says..."the bigger they are, the dumber they are." And again,. the kid goes back to play.

    Several minutes later he comes running back and says..."Mommy, I just saw Daddy talking to the dumbest lady I ever saw and the more and more he talked, the dumber and dumber he got!"

       Squadron Activity report

    You know the drill - this just shows who did what, assuming I know of it. Usually I will. If you did something that should have been here - send me an e-mail :)

  • MAJ Anahorn Dempsey
    FCHG rank: Archon (4534 pts)
    » e-mail contact
    » running several squadron competitions; compiling trivia scores
    » some TAC duties, approving pilotfiles, approving battles
    » awarding medals (yay!)
    » work on a Delta sqn website
    » IRC activity
    » perticipated in the Favorite Weapons competition

  • CPT Aija Alura Judarrl
    FCHG rank: none (5 pts)
    » no contact yet

  • LCM Shado Fenn
    FCHG rank: none (0 pts)
    » e-mail contact
    » 3 rounds of daily trivia

  • GN Gilad Pelleaon
    FCHG rank: Tesserarius (1236 pts)
    » no contact yet

  • CM John T. Clark
    FCHG rank: Gallant (240 pts)
    » e-mail contact
    » 5 rounds of daily trivia
    » perticipated in Delta Still Lives
    » won Delta Still Lives! week 2
    » won Delta's Weekly Trivia #104

  • LT Chris Pape
    FCHG rank: Paladin (306 pts)
    » e-mail contact

  • LCM Varik Kassal
    FCHG rank: Dragoon (141 pts)
    » e-mail contact
    » 1 rounds of daily trivia

  • COL Jarek La'an
    FCHG rank: Archon (4100 pts)
    » no contact yet

  • CM Sergeyli
    FCHG rank: Decurion (813 pts)
    » no contact
  • CM Zeke Freeman
    FCHG rank: Fusilier (95 pts)
    » no contact yet
  •    Important Competitions

    Competitions are the livelihood of this thing we do for fun. I encourage all of you to enter as many competitions as you want to/can. And just let me know about it! Don't forget to check out the website for more information.

  • Delta's Weekly Trivia
    Each day of the week (Mon-Fri) you will receive an email with a trivia question, same as before. 2 pts for the first correct answer, and 1 pt for 2nd 3rd. At the end of the week, the one with the most points wins the shiny. As usual, there's extra shinies available for getting a specific number of questions answered correctly.
  • Delta still lives! (part one)
    A 2 part starter competition to make sure Delta stays alive while we are awaiting a new squadron commander. part 1: flying Every Sunday in October I will send you a free mission. Well, actually I will send three of them: a TIE, a XvT and a XWA. The objective is simple: fly one of them and pump your score up as high as you can. The points you will receive for this mission is equal to your score divided by the current high score. You can send me pilotfiles for all three of them, or just the one, but only ONE of the pilotfiles will count for this competition. Send more than one, and the one which gives you the most points counts. Every week the pilot who has the most points on the mission wins. At the end of October, the pilot with the most cumulative points wins.
  • Delta still lives! (part two)
    A 2 part starter competition to make sure Delta stays alive while we are awaiting a new squadron commander. part 2: non-flying Every Sunday in October I will send you five random trivia questions. Some easy, some hard. Each question earns points. Each week, the one who gets most right first wins, and at the end the one with the most points wins an extra shiny.
  • Delta's High Score grind
    Every high score earned during the month of October will earn you an IS-BW for your efforts.
  •    Squadron roster

    Delta Squadron, Wing I, ISD-II Hammer
    Squadron mission: Reconnaissance
    Message Board:
    Motto Celerant mortalis
    Base ISD-II Hammer
    Nickname: Razor of Retribution
    Squadron reports:
  • MAJ Anahorn Dempsey, CMDR
  • CPT Aija Alura Judarrl
  • GN Gilad Pelleaon
  • LCM Shado Fenn
  • CM John T. Clark, FL Flight II
  • TBA
  • LT Chris Pape
  • LCM Varik Kassal
  • COL Jarek La'an, FL Flight III
  • CM Sergeyli
  • TBA
  • CM Zeke Freeman
  •    Medals and promotions

  • MAJ Anahorn Dempsey: MoT-rh
  • CM John T. Clark: 2x IS-BR (pending)
  •    Wrapping up

    Well, it looks like this week is the first report without any annoying errors like wrong dates and wrong stats (hopefully). We're off to a decent start, let's see November be bigger!

    At your service,
    MAJ Anahorn Dempsey

    CMDR-PROF/MAJ Anahorn Dempsey/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

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