Alpha Report # 149 (2022-01-02)

This report was submitted by CMDR-ROA/LC Alejandro Araujo/Alpha/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo, PIN #11929
(Week #130-Decembers's Weeks #1-#6: 2021.12.01.0:00:00 – 2021.12.31.23:59:59) 

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Roster: 12 strong.
FLIGHT I- Spectre Advanced Missile Boat
[1: Alpha 1-1] LC Alejandro Araujo
[2: Alpha 1-2] LCM Milo Antu
[3: Alpha 1-3]  SL Ilios
[4: Alpha 1-4]  LT James379
FLIGHT II- Spectre Advanced Missile Boat
[5: Alpha 2-1] LCM Aaron Cremel
[6: Alpha 2-2] SL Haro
[7: Alpha 2-3] LT Hopfot
[8: Alpha 2-4]  COL Horus Blackheart
[9: Alpha 3-1] COL Talons Pryde
[10: Alpha 3-2] MAJ Gustan
[11: Alpha 3-3]  LT Raist
[12: Alpha 3-4] LT LouisdeFuines

Happy New Year 2018 penguins! :D May the lag be not so strong so you can actually connect to the internet!

Now, I want to tell you about something.

The Eye of the Penguin.

Penguins of Alpha! For years we've been quietly observing the EH-verse. In the past we did some serious attempts to achieve high places in boards and competitions.

Now, I've been an XvTer for decades, since the game was released. I had my fair time flying on competitions and won some before joining the corps in 2006 or so. When I came back of retirement the first thing I did was to volunteer myself to return to a commanding position. Why? because I had to somehow give a retribution to all the EH has given to me: the Empire has been my home, the Empire has been my family. The Empire has been there when nobody else did. Hard times came and I fought back and I did resist all the hardness just to stay on this position, with the privilege of serving the Empire. We resisted, we waited , we rebuilt our forces and now it is the time to strike back at their pitiful rebellion!

I want you to consider why did you join us, why did you join the Emperor's Hammer , think about it and now think about this my penguins: In the future, it won't matter who we are, it'll only matter what we did. We are what we do, what we achieve. Wouldn't you like to be remembered for something amazing you achieved on your hobby? Of course we don't have the time. Of course we'll always have something to do. That is fine, for a bomber receives more and more flaks when it is closing its target. It is time to make this squadron shine with its own light of excellence and service to the Empire. Each one of you have a part in this. I can't do this alone Alpha Squadron. I need each one of your skills and your will to win.

I want you to look in the mirror, yes, look at you. You have nothing to lose, you only have respect and glory to gainm you have the eye of the penguin. Now, be ready for the next days we'll give you flight and non-flight orders to proceed and retake what is rightfully ours, Alpha, the first squadron!


Emperor's Hammer
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 Alpha Squadron

As I said, be on comms, be active or say what are you up to if you're on a LoA but let your CMDR know either you're active or you're busy. Getting along is always good for us so don't be afraid to talk and share with the rest of the unit
SL Ilios produced such a fine piece of work on this standalone mod called 'Embers of the Empire' for X-Wing Alliance. What we have here is a full campaign featuring technical improvements using XWAU plus some of his own work. I truly recommend it: interesting storyline, voice acting, awesome graphics... here also leave your comments here:!AlsTsaEmjwXbfVz4KB6jbwomGSE?e=0B8CC8.
LT Hopfot  completed his profile on the Hammer site here:  which is truly awesome. I recommend , I invite you to do the same whenever you can (and if you can have a uniform like he does, the better!). Hopfot has also printed Alpha logo on his t-shirt hehe isn't it nice? :D
COL Pryde has been streaming his gameplay. I recommend you follow him on Twitter at:

 TIE Fighter Sequel/ImperialXWAU Project.

I leave this as a changelog. I'll try to update the mod with the latest reeleases ASAP.

       18-08-2021   Ilios work fulfilled my goal of showing what can be done with XWAU.  I still plan on building the campaign tho.
       09-08-2021 With TFTC being the basis of the mod, the task ahead is to port previous shipset and try to understand how Babu Friki and Palpatine Total Converter works.
       09-07-2021 TFTC folks are enabling coop for TIE campaign so I no longer need to do that.
       03-07 TFTC released. I'll be using this as the basis for our CP
        I believe we can wait on the release of the RebelCP and see if we can combine it with the Imperial Concourse files. I need to talk this with the XWAU team. The rest of the custom craft can be added on demand via hooks. No need to make things complicated.

        1) Installed GoG XWA
        2) From XWAU site ( installed the following:
        2.1) 2020 Mega Patch
        2.2) Update 2.0
        3) Applied XwaExePatcher 1.0.25
        3.1) Craft count per region from 96 to 192.
        3.2) Sound format from 22050 Hz to 96000 Hz
        3.3) Fix gun convergence to AI
        3.4) Remove warhead count of 9
        3.5) Replace laser count from 64 to 256
As for modding, if all works, on XvT we'd be playing the following flight plan:

1) TIE Campaign part I - Battles 1-7 - coop enabled
2) Default XvT/BoP missions - coop enabled

3) BoP campaign - coop enabled

4) TIE Campaign II: battles 8-13 - coop enabled

5) TC PvE - coop enabled missions and battles.
Note: this would do a fine addition to the EHSP. I mean, enable the use of some of the custom craft the EHSP brings in. Plus, the 60 FPS patch and maybe the laser and bloom effects for XvT, not sure. But, I want to include the TIE campaign into it.This guy, Waylon , created a set of conversions from XW, TIE and XvT into XWA. I could adapt those into this version of XWA meanwhile ...until the TFTC is done. The XvT to XWA is a keeper tho. We could use those campaigns there. I mean, should be interesting to test them on DSUCP.
So there will be a lot of PvE for us to do on XvT/BoP.
For XWA I plan for us the following:

1) Converted TIE Campaign - Actually, I could just wait for TFTC, right? Then set them up as coop.

2) Converted XvT/BoP missions - coop enabled

A full list of active competitions is available on

Pilot SP LoSs LoCs Other Activity/Awards/Comments
[1: Alpha 1-1] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LC Alejandro Araujo Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: Submitted 1x WSR.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[2: Alpha 1-2] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LCM Milo Antu Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[3: Alpha 1-3] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
SL Ilios Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[4: Alpha 1-4] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LT James379 Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[5: Alpha 2-1] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LCM Aaron Cremel Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: IS-SRx1+ISS-CRx1.
Observation: none

[6: Alpha 2-2] 0 0 1 Communications: Discord.
SL Haro Flight Operations: 1xLoCs.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[7: Alpha 2-3] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LT Hopfot Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:   IU course
Administrative Tasks: Submitted 1x WSR.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[8: Alpha 2-4] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
COL Horus Blackheart Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations: none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[9: Alpha 3-1] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
COL Talons Pryde Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[10: Alpha 3-2] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
MAJ Gustan Flight Operations: none.
(  Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[11: Alpha 3-3] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LT Raist Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none

[12: Alpha 3-4] 0 0 0 Communications: Discord.
LT LouisdeFuines Flight Operations: none.
( Non-flight Operations:  none.
Administrative Tasks: none.
Awards & Achievements: none.
Observation: none


Hit me up on Discord or email. I’m usually able to respond 24/7.

Well, not much to say yet. Dismissed!

Respectfully submitted:
Lieutenant Colonel Alejandro Araujo
CMDR-ROA/LC Alejandro Araujo/Alpha/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
email: , Discord: Haakan#5400, Message Boards
Telegram: @AA_11929

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