SIMS Report # 5 (2020-07-04)

This report was submitted by CMDR-SIMS/GN Phoenix Berkana/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer


Firstly thank you for an amazing turnout, we had over 32 individual participants take part in our penultimate battle.




Your update from Turns 27 & 28 are as follows.

Both fleets met in battle, and the winner of this event by a clear margin was the WARRIOR. Details can be found below, but I am assured we will likely have one more fight before we close this run of Imperial Storm on 30 turns


On a Single Player front -

Hammer Top 4 SP Average - 66.95%

This equates to 33.05% x the Warrior force worth of damage taken: 17438 points


Warrior Top 4 SP Average - 79.38%

This equates to 20.62% x the Hammer force worth of damage taken: 8356 points


^^ that bigger fleet the Warrior brought helps immensely here.


On a Multi Player front -

Hammer MP - 150 Legions 

This equates to 7.5% of their total worth of damage to the Warrior: 3039 points


Warrior MP - 333 Legions

This equates to 16.65% of their total worth of damage to the Hammer: 8784 points




Hammer takes 26223 points (64.7% of its fleet)

Warrior takes 11395 (21.6% of it's fleet)


Warrior losing 4 VSD’s and 9 squadrons to the Hammers 7 Assault Frigates, 3 standard Frigates and 10 squadrons plus additional pair of Assault Transports.





Hammer Score: 16,050

Warrior Score: 51,220




Map below for those who've not been following the action - Hammer held worlds in red, Warrior held in blue.





Your SIMS and COMS are doing their best to bring you one final closing battle – so you all better dust off those joysticks an this will be the big one….


CMDR-SIMS/GN Phoenix Berkana/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

GS/SS/BS/PCx11/ISMx17/IS-1SW-1GR-3SR-26BR/MoI/MoC-3doc-4poc-4goc-4soc-31boc/CoLx4/CoB/LoA/OV-20E [Hussar] {TCCORE-SM/2-WIKI}



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