SOO Report # 4 (2020-06-30)

This report was submitted by SOO/VA John T. Clark/TC-2/ISDII Hammer

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FROM: SOO/VA John T. Clark
TO: whole TC
DATE SUBMITTED: June 30th 2020
'Yes, sir, I can handle that.', Clark added some notes to his datapad. 'If the overall plans work out I will stay on the Warrior until Imperial Storm is over, based on the overall situation I assume that means about two more weeks.' John re-checked his schedule, 'So I guess Admiral Dempsey has enough time to get settled in on the Challenge before I make my inaugural visit.' 'That's settled then, remember the evaluations, this month I need to be more quickly included in decision making.', John could see the TCCOM tick off a point on his datapad via the holo-display. 'That should be all for today, we'll hear from each other over the course of the week.' Plif send his SOO a short smile and a smart salute: 'Enjoy your time on the Warrior!'
John took a deep breath and took down notes frantically, there was a lot of work to do. With the Challenge re-commissioned a lot of paperwork was heading for the TCCS.
And he had a scheduled training flight with a certain Lieutenant in one of Kappa's Missile Boats.

You all might have noticed the big news of the past two weeks. With the announcement of a new Star Wars flight game we've seen an influx of new recruits, which directly lead to the decision to open a third wing based on the ISD Challenge. A lot of history comes with this name, but I am sure HA Dempsey will do a very good job as COM. While details of the new game are still sparse, I look forward to a modern Star Wars platform that is focused on space combat.
We've seen some, thoroughly discussed, changes in the handling of PvP and CooP custom missions for the platforms allowing them. I recommend the latest COO report for an overview.


FA Silvius
'From COO/AD Miles Prower: Fleet Admiral Silvius has been as always an excellent asset to the Combat Operations Office while acting as a COOA. While his time under my auspices was brief, he helped set my rudder on the correct course and he has my appreciation as well as that of the Corps.'
From TCCOM/FA Plif: While I'm sure he'd say it was a team effort, FA Silvius served with distinction in his time as a COO Assistant. COOA tends to be a role of constant toil but little renown serving a critical purpose to the proper function of the TIE Corps, making it more than appropriate to award one of the highest honors we have to bestow. Recommended by FA Plif

FA Silvius
'In his first month as Commodore of the ISDII Warrior, FA Silvius started out strong and has been leading by example. But he’s also been exceeding our evaluation guidance for some time now by turning in piles of MP screenshots in addition to his normal duties. For his dedication to service and contributions to the Corps, I’m proud to present him with the Gold Star of the Empire. '

Recommended by FA Plif

HA Elwood the Brave
'For the past long while including May, HA Elwood the Brave has been exceeding our evaluation guidelines by turning in mountains of MP screenshots in addition to all his reports and other duties. For his dedication to service and contributions to the Corps, I’m proud to present him with the Gold Star of the Empire. '

Recommended by FA Plif

VA John T. Clark
'In May, VA Clark took on the enigmatic set of tasks that befalls the Strategic Operations Officer. Sometimes there isn't any rhyme or reason why things end up assigned to the SOO, but they need to get done and there's not always another logical officer to assign. On top of that, VA Clark jumped on being the point man for evaluations, tackling SOO reports, and approving awards with remarkable aplomb on top of finding time to achieve victory in over 200 MP engagements. For his efforts this month and his sustained output over the last few months, I'm proud to award him the Gold Star of the Empire. '

Recommended by FA Plif

LCM Genie
'For achieving CO-OP/PvE Private 1st, I hereby bestow this career award on LCM Genie '

Recommended by AD Miles Prower

CPT Drake Starfire
'For achieving Private 1st in PvE/Co-Op, I hereby endorse Captain Starfire for this career award! '

Recommended by AD Miles Prower

AD Miles Prower
'In his first month of the Combat Operations Officer, AD Miles Prower jumped in and started getting his new office in order which sadly didn’t leave him much time for flying. Hopefully next month will afford him more cockpit time! For his efforts in May, he’s earned the Imperial Security Medal. '

Recommended by FA Plif



Every week I will include an encoded transmission or question in my SOO report. Your task will be to decode the transmission or answer the question.

The code will be different every time, and the solution must be an readable and understandable English sentence. Questions must be answered in appropriate form.
The theme of the transmission will be the Star Wars based.

The first pilot sending the correct answer to the mailing list wins and get an IS-BR. 5th victory will be updated to an IS-SR, 10th to an IS-GR and 25th to an IS-PR.
The 2nd pilot who send the correct answer to the list will be given 3 points, the 3rd pilot 2 points and everyone else 1 point. Those points will be summed up: 10 points will give you a IS-BR and 25 points an IS-SR.

This week's transmission:
“Hvs Gwhv hccy sjsfmhvwbu tfca as. Fwddsr as tfca am achvsf’g ofag, aifrsfsr am pfchvsf, igsr as og o ksodcb, obr hvsb qogh as ogwrs.”

Hint: A is an encoded M.

Last Week's winner: LT Germ, third time in a row, and thus heading for that IS-SR!

standings wins 2020:

Anahorn Dempsey
Jack Wynand
Coremy Jertese
Zekk Terrik
Mark Schueler
Elwood the Brave
standings points 2020:
Zekk Terrik
Anahorn Dempsey
Coremy Jertese

E-Mail activity
Telegram & Discord activity
the usual SOO office administration
prepared SOO Report
played some SW: GoH
flew some SC Coop&PvP matches
We've seen a hard fought battle in Imperial Storm last week, in which the one side managed to destroy the other in a force-wise very unequal encounter. Big thumbs up to the Warrior team who managed to hit the theoretical point threshold for the SP mission with several pilots. And of course to the Hammer who managed to dish out enough LoS and LoCs to deal serious damage. From what I gather the next encounter is not far off, so keep your eyes on the mailing list and your joysticks warmed up!
respectfully submitted

John T. Clark
SOO/VA John T. Clark/TC-2/ISDII Hammer
OV-15E [Aquilifer] [Elite 3rd] [Top Ace Ranger] {TCCORE-SM/4}

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