TAC Report # 7 (2019-02-03)

This report was submitted by TAC/AD Pickled Yoda/CS-6/VSDII Sinister

TAC Report #7
REPORTING OFFICER: Admiral Pickled Yoda, Tactical Officer

We're back for another report. The schedule is currently an approximate first-weekend-of-the-month deal. So far so good!

Ace of the TIE Corps

Ace of the TIE Corps results for January 2019 are as follows:

- LT Starithm - 89 missions (IS-GW)

- AD Pete Mitchell - 75 missions (IS-SW)

- LT SL8c8 - 18 missions (IS-BW)

Nice work, all! The medals have been submitted for approval to the SOO.


In stark contrast to some northern hemisphere colleagues, in the Land Down Under there's been a month of heatwaves to melt joysticks and fry simulators.

Once I found some oven mitts that I could type with, I did manage to achieve a breakthrough in a long-running struggle to reverse engineer the EHM format.

This week, I was able to generate the EHM version of a TIE free mission ZIP from the TAC Office Website which is huge news. I've been working on this for some time and it's a big step towards having the optimised release workflow of my TAC-dreams.

In directly related news, TIE F 275 has been updated with 4 bug reports (all variations on a theme) fixed. The correction work was all thanks to Mark Schueler, but the ehm was from my new code. Exciting!

(Full disclosure, he fixed it months and months ago. My bit held up the release substantially.)

The old EHM tool still works, but now we've got a white-box system instead of a black-box system. This is A Good Thing.


- Project Pyrite

- Trivia

- BSF approvals

- Flying in the TCCOM comps. I hope the spam comp takes off because I've been training for my entire TIE Corps career for it...

- Bug count from 576 to 572 (-4)

Transmission Ends

TAC/AD Pickled Yoda/CS-6/VSDII Sinister


IMPR | Veteran 4th | Ranger 3rd


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