WO Report # 16 (2010-02-14)

This report was submitted by DEAN-PROF/VA Jedi Eclipse/M/PLT Daedalus

Imperial Weapons and Tactics School

Deans report

Welcome to this issue of TIE Pilot Illustrated : Swimsuit edition ... Just joking :P
  • Once again I want to remind everyone that IWATs has a new home at iwats.ecsquest.info
  • I have restored the MP/2 (Multiplayer), AMP (Advanced Multiplayer) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) IWATS courses now available for your enjoyment.
  • I have only had a few emails about errors with the server move. Please, let me know if you have problems!
  • It is time for me to get an accurate count of the professors that are still with us. All professors report into me by Sunday Next week (02/21/10). Professors that fail to respond may be stripped of their position. I want to know the current status of your course. Please go the the IWATS site, check the course material, check the tests on the TC site and let me know if there are errors or updates you want to make. I will provide the Source code for your course. Email me at jedieclipse{at}gmail.com.
  • If you have an idea for an IWATS course or if you are interested in holding the position of Professor for a course that is inactive or not assigned to a professor please email me with your intent and ideas for the course.

~::|Training Status|::~

-- Completed --

-- In training --

CT Brian Hancock
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Clair5as
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Jade
-IWATS Passed: complete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete
-recruited by: VA Horus Blackheart

CT Lorkan Par
-IWATS Passed: complete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Mitch Ryan
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT NinerOmega
-IWATS Passed: complete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Sirius Clay
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Thor43
-IWATS Passed: complete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Throne
-IWATS Passed: complete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

CT Zorn Ein
-IWATS Passed: Incomplete
-Flight Passed: Incomplete

Too many to flood you with!! Go Here

~::|IWATS course status|::~
Active Courses : 17
In-Active Courses: 12
- Under revision: 6
- In-active : 6

:: General ::

TIE Corps Core [{IWATS}] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

History of the Galactic Civil War [HIST] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Squadron Management 4 [SM/4] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Wing Management [WM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Weaponry [WPN] : Professor Rancorous

:: Platform Development/Tactics ::

Basic Flight Manuevers [BFM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Multiplayer 2 [MP/2] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles

Advanced Multiplayer Tactics [AMP] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles

Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards [MCBS] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 [TM/3] : Professor Dempsey

TIE Fighter Tactics [TT] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

X-Wing Alliance Mission Design [XAM] : TBA

X-Wing Mission Design [XMD] : TBA

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Mission Design [XTM] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Tactics [XTT] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Introduction to X-Wing Alliance [XWAI] : Profesor Kaisin Mirtez

X-Wing Alliance Capital Ships [XWAC] : Professor Kaisin Mirtez

:: Internet Development/Programming ::

Active Server Pages [ASP] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Computer Basics [CBX] : Professor Dunta Polo
[Pending revision]

mIRC [M/1/2] : Dean Jedi Eclipse

Flash [FLA] : TBA
[Pending revision - Eclipse]

Graphics [GFX] : TBA

Imperial Internet Communications (HTML) [IIC/1/2] : Dean Dean Jedi Eclipse

Internet Basics [IBX] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Aija Alura Judarrl]

Javascript [JS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Linux [LIN] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

mIRC Scripting [MS] : TBA

OPTing [OPT] : TBA

[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Visual Basic Scripting [VBS] : TBA
[Pending Revision - Eclipse]

Wiki Editing [WIKI] : Professor Anahorn Dempsey

XML [XML] : Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles
DEAN-PROF/VA Jedi Eclipse/M/PLT Daedalus
GS-SSx2/BSx2/PCx2/ISMx8/IS-1PR-1GR-5SR-1BR/MoI/LoC-CSx6/DFC-Rx1/MoC-1doc-1soc-3boc/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-8E [CAVL] {IWATS-

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