SOO Report # 10 (2009-09-14)

This report was submitted by SOO/VA Astin/ISDII Hammer

Strategic Operations Office
Vice Admiral Astin reporting in for the ISDII Hammer on September 14th, 2009


It's been a pretty quiet week. It was unavoidable for me, as last week was the first for classes this semester. I've been pretty busy, so I haven't been around as much as I usually am. With that out of the way, I can say that the TCCOM is currently working on the next step of our big story arc in the form of a pretty sizeable competition. It's still a ways away, but keep your eyes peeled and your fighters warmed up.

The Dean continues to do an excellent job with my old office and has a new course up this week. I'm also told that there will be more to follow soon, so make sure you keep an eye on the IWATS page for some new courses available that you may not have taken before!

On a side note, I'd like to thank the CMDRs for doing an excellent job with their squadrons since the restructure. You've all done a great job of keeping your squadrons happy and active, but also have been filing reports on time which makes our lives in the Admiralty Board so much easier. Thank you!!

Recruitment. This is something that needs to happen if this restructure is to succeed. If you have ideas, discuss it on the TC mail group! If you know friends that may be interested in joining (even if it means borrowing your copy of an XW game and having them only fly once a month), by all means talk to them about it! In light of how desperate we are for new members and to really show how big of a deal recruiting new members to our club right now is, for a limited time I will be offering a Gold Star of the Empire for every three new members you bring into active duty! That means both new recruits and retired members. To be eligible for this award, you need to inform me of your successful recruitment. I will then verify you are in fact the recruiter and start a tally for you. Remember, if you do not inform me of your recruit, I won't count it towards your tally! This is a limited time offer, and I will stop offering the medal if it has absolutely no effect for a long period of time or if it becomes extremely popular to the point where I cannot justify giving such a high award any longer. So go out there and start recruiting! We only need a couple new faces to open Wing I's remaining squadron, and just a handful more until we can open Wing II!

Roster Status

No transfers

Total Wing I Members: 53 (+0)


CPT Ard Royber, Epsilon Squadron -> Epsilon Flight II Leader

Merit Medals

No medals

Thats all for this week.

SOO/VA Astin/ISDII Hammer, Acting Wing Commander of Wing I

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