ISDII Warrior Report # 9 (2015-10-21)

This report was submitted by COM/VA Plif/ISDII Warrior

REPORTING OFFICER: Vice Admiral Plif, Commodore
DATE SUBMITTED: 20 October 2015

This week, LC Repulsor decided to step down as Kappa CMDR. Repulsor did a remarkable job in Kappa, setting the squadron to rights after a short stint by a hit-and-run CMDR and turning it into our most uniquely enthusiastic group of pilots... and Tempest. Great job, Rep!

Kappa's new CMDR is MAJ Ulrich Drachen! He had the support of several Kappa pilots, which bodes exceptionally well. Good luck on your new tour of duty, Major!

September MSE awards were approved and distributed, congratulations to:

  • CPT Len Eode on his third Imperial Security Medal
  • MAJ Wondra on his fifth Imperial Security Medal
  • GN Pickled Yoda on his eighteenth Imperial Security Medal
  • MAJ Ulrich Drachen on his fourth Palpatine Crescent
  • CPT Xavier Sienar on his first Bronze Star of the Empire
  • MAJ Nolij on his fifth Bronze Star of the Empire
  • LC Wraith on his fifth Bronze Star of the Empire
  • Your fearless leader on his fourteenth Bronze Star of the Empire

Two awards were granted in conjunction with the MSE that reflected more than one month's service for different reasons. Congratulations to:

  • RA Hawkins on his second Silver Star of the Empire, for his service to Kappa Squadron during September and to the TIE Corps as COOA
  • GN Jarek La'an on his first Imperial Cross, for his service to Theta Squadron over the course of his tenure as CMDR and the TIE Corps as a whole over the many years of his career

Medals of Communication were awarded for September, congratulations to... well, pretty much all of you, really!

The September MSE brought a few AWOL declarations with it and we bid farewell to LT Clevin, CPT Dante, and MAJ Nebular.

The Warrior's website,, is coming along nicely! We had some routing issues this week that LC Wraith and I have been working on, but I think we've finally gotten those ironed out.

In LOTKO, LC Repulsor fell to COL Golbez Harvey in the semi-finals, setting up a championship round between our own LC Tempest and COL Golbez Harvey! Good luck, Tempest!

If you're playing Star Wars Uprising, Star Wars Commander (any platform), or Star Conflict and aren't in an EH in-game organization yet, let me know so I can get you added. I have officer access for each of them, so I'm the guy to talk to to get an invite.


MAJ Ulrich Drachen was awarded a Silver Star of the Empire by the LO for his service as one of the most productive contributors to the EH Wiki over the past few months. Way to go!

GN Pickled Yoda turned in second-place scores for all three TCoP missions this week and earned three IS-BWs. Nice work!

GN Pickled Yoda also placed second in our nearly-forgotten *THIS* is the TIE Corps competition, for which he received an IS-GR. Well fought, Yods!

CPT Xavier Sienar did well in TCoR this week, receiving an IS-GW and two IS-SWs. Great job!

LC Wraith earned a few awards from TCoR of his own, an IS-GW and an IS-SW. Well done!

LC Wraith was also the winner of Warrior Trivia this week, for which he'll be awarded an IS-BR!


A full list of active competitions is available on

Warrior Trivia Round Three is in its twelfth week, URL for this week is

33 Strong (-3) -
What I've been up to this week:
  • Running Warrior Trivia
  • Running Empire at War tournament
  • Running three Star Wars Commander competitions
  • Running Star Wars Uprising competition
  • Running TC battle storyline competition
  • Wrapping up newsletter naming competition
  • Writing the description for a Wing competition (almost done, really!)
  • Earned an IS-GW and an IS-BW from TCoR
  • Won *THIS* is the TIE Corps and my first IS-PR
  • Working with Yods to further improve the TC's new Who Are We page
  • Providing feedback to LC Wraith as he makes something special

With Sin, Theta, and Kappa all having changed CMDRs recently, that leaves CPT Len Eode as our longest-standing CMDR. The tables have turned!

As always, the only way forward is Through.

Vice Admiral Plif
Warrior of the Year, TIE Golf Grand Champion
COM/VA Plif/ISDII Warrior
CoLx2/CoB/OV-17E [CNTR] [Ace 2nd]


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