Wing X Report # 11 (2009-06-18)

This report was submitted by WC/GN Domi/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

Greetings pilots of Wing X and assorted guests; welcome to another instalment of the Wing X weekly report.

Not too much to report this week. Some medals were awarded and there was something about a promotion of some sort – I vaguely remember getting a transmission about it at some point. Hrmmm. Oh yes. Here we go……Oh, really. Him, eh? Not surprised really.

Anyhow, I wanted to let you all know that I will be going on leave effective Sunday, June 21st – Wednesday, July 1st. I am leaving CMDR Zosite Konstyte Styles in charge, if he is available, and CMDR Giovanni Palermo if he is not.

I’m continuing to work on the next edition of the Wing Commander’s Own. I am almost certain it will start on July 12 with a wrap-up date of July 26th. More details will be forthcoming but expect a lot of flying, including missions in TIE/XvT/XWA, some fiction and some graphics – something for every taste and ability I hope. All fiction and graphic entries, with the consent of the author of course, will be posted on the ISD Challenge web site.

Up for grabs are the titles – Wing Commander’s Own to the winning squadron and Wing Commander’s Elite Escort to the top two pilots based on total scores.

What? You think I forgot something? Hrmmm, don’t think so. Oh, wait…the promotion. You want to know who got promoted. Only the person who took the reigns of a long dormant squadron and led it to resounding wins over first Praetorian and then everybody else in the TIE Corps in thee recent RtF.

I’m talking about the man who’s energy and commitment to the TIE Corp seem boundless. Who’s willing to help where asked and can be counted on to encourage, motivate, recruit and otherwise do what it takes to make his squadron and his Wing successful. I’m talking of course about the newest Colonel aboard the ISD-II Challenge

I’m talking about none other than CMDR Zosite Konstyte Styles of Tempest Squadron. It is difficult to say in what state the TC would be without CMDR Styles, I can only be sure it would be not nearly as much fun. Congratulations, Colonel Styles. Drinks are hereby on your tab for one week!

Wing X Activity Report – 06/01 – 06/10

Roster Activity


Zosite Konstyte Styles – Colonel – Congratulations!

Flight Activity – 06/10 – 06/17
CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: XvT:DB #12; XvT:TC #55,59,70; TIE:TC #229; XWA:TC #1,24,33

SM/4 – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest – 100%

Wing X Pilot of the Week – 06/010 – 06/17
CM Dunta Polo/Tempest

Medals Earned
IS-BW – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Wing X Pilot of the Week -- 6/1/09 - 6/10/09
IS:GW – COL Zosite Konstyte Styles/Tempest: SP Ace of the TIE Corps – May 09
IS:BW – COL Daniel Bonini/Tempest: Ace of the TIE Corps - April 09, 3rd place
IS:SW – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Ace of the TIE Corps - April 09, 2nd place
IS:SW – COL Zosite Konstyte Styles/Tempest: Challenge Top Gun – May 09
IS:SW – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Wing X Pilot of the Month – May 09
IS:BW – CPT Crsepe/Tornado: Wing X Pilot of the Week – 05/24/09 – 05/31/09
IS:BW – COL Zosite Konstyte Styles/Tempest: Wing X Pilot of the Week – 05/17/09 –
IS:BW – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Wing X Pilot of the Week – 05/01/09 – 05/08/09
IS:BW – MAJ Giovanni Palermo/Tornado: Wing X Pilot of the Week – 05/09/09 –
IS:BW – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Tempest Squadron Pilot of the Month – May 09
ISM – CM Godo Nurok/Tempest: Creation of animated graphic for Tempest Squadron
PS – COL Daniel Bonini/Tempest: Merit award for April 09 evaluation period
BS – CM Dunta Polo/Tempest: Merit award for April 09 evaluation period
ISM – CM John T Clark/Tempest: Merit award for April 98 activity period

Wing X-Wide
Wing X Pilot of the Week
Starts: 8/2/2009
Ends: 7/2/2010
Details: Each week the pilot who is deemed to have the best participation records, whether it be IWATS, flight activity, MB posting or whatever, will be awarded an IS-BW. The pilot with the best record per month will receive an IS-SW.

Medals: IS-SW for the Pilot of the Month and IS-BWs for each Pilot of the Week.

Challenge Top Gun
Ends: 03/31/2010
Details: This one is for the true gunslingers out there. Each month the pilot with the best flight record wins.

Medal: IS-SW.

Wing X Squadron Comps
Tornado Squadron
-None at present

Tempest Squadron
The History of Tempest Squadron
Starts: 06/08/2009
Ends: 06/30/2009
Details: This competition focuses largely on the history of Tempest squadron. There are three elements. Flying is the first element, which will involve completing the battles TIE-TC #105, XvT-TC #80, and XWA-TC #48. Getting a battle high score is worth an IS-BW, and getting battle high scores for all three battles is worth another IS-BW. The second element involves writing a fiction piece, describing the history of Tempest squadron aboard the ISD Challenge before it became part of the EH TIE Corps. Originality and interesting characters are particular aspects to keep in mind as well as plausiblity within the Star Wars mythos. The best fiction wins an IS-BR. Finally, the third segment involves creating a squadron logo. Consider the use of colour, shapes and specific relevance to Tempest (ie. make sure it can be identified as a Tempest logo) as key points. The creator of the best logo will be awarded an IS-BR.
Medals: Multiple IS-BRs and IS-BWs

Tempest Pilot of the Month - June '09
Starts: 06/01/2009
Ends: 06/30/2009
Details: The first edition of the Tempest PotM series! The pilot with more missions flown on each week will be awarded the IS-BW (at least 10 to count). At the end of the month the pilot with more missions flown (at least 40 to be eligible, 10 for each week) will be awarded an additional IS-BW and the mighty title 'Tempest Pilot of the Month'. BTW, Tempest CMDR WILL NOT participate (he already had his days back in 2007) so feel free to give it a try!
Medals: 4 IS-BWs and an additional IS-BW (maximum)

Tempest Student of the Month - June '09
Starts: 06/01/2009
Ends: 06/30/2009
Details: The pilot with more IWATS Courses passed at the end of the month (at least 2 to be eligible) will be awarded an IS-BR and the sweet title 'Tempest Student of the Month'. Tempest CMDR WILL NOT participate (people say he'd die due to ID line excessive bloating ;P). And yes... it's obvious that nowadays there're not too many Courses to pick but I hope this will get fixed soon. On the other hand, in case of a tie, test scores will be used looking for an average in order to award the medal & title. Already passed Courses count as long as the former score is surpassed.
Medals: IS-BR

TIE Corps Wide
SP Ace of the TIE Corps – June ‘09
Starts: 01/02/2009
Ends: 28/02/2010
Details: The rules are familiar: whoever flies the most missions wins.
Medals: IS-GW – IS-BW

TACcy Quotes
Starts: 15/02/2009
Ends: 31/12/2009
Details: In each TAC report of 2008, there will be a TACcy Quote. First person to let me know from which movie it is wins an IS-BR. If you win a 3rd time, you get an IS-GR.
Medals: IS-BR (sometimes IS-GR)

TACcy Speed Test
Starts: 01/03/2009
Ends: 31/12/3009
Details: A bi-weekly competition, that deals with speed, nothing else. We'll be using one XvT free or XWA free mission each run, to be announced in the bi-weekly TAC report. The objective is to win the mission as quickly as possible. Pilot files must be submitted to the TAC via email, NOT the BSF form (TAC will BSF them for you). The one who flies the mission the fastest, will win the IS-SW. Everyone who flies faster than the TAC will win an IS-BW. TAC time to be announced when the run is over (TAC pilot file available on request if you wanna make sure I'm not cheating)
Medals: IS-SW/IS-BW

Respectfully submitted,

WC/GN Domi/Wing X/ISD-II Challenge
TIE Corps Flagship

WC/GN Domi/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
SS/BSx4/PCx10/ISMx3/IS-3GR-2BR/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/MoC-1doc-1poc-1goc-2soc-12boc/CoL/CoB/OV-11E [HUSS] {IWATS-

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