Sin Report # 56 (2015-06-08)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Plif/Sin/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

SQUADRON STATUS: Reporting a very successful week!

Raise the Flag has finished its first week and both Sin and the Warrior have the lead! With strong performances from LC Wraith, GN Master, CPT Nolij, MAJ Flelm, and yours truly, Sin currently stands as the top squadron overall and the Warrior has about a 1300 point lead over the Hammer. Very well done, gentlemen!

We reached an impressive milestone this week after earning our 100th squadron citation! Sure, we'd probably lose most of them if we picked up a 9th pilot, but until then we're leading the TIE Corps in battle completion as a unit. Great job, Sinners!

If you haven't participated in the RtF fiction competition yet, there's still time! No minimum length, just have to write about a theoretical (duh) advance by the New Republic on EH territory. Every submission earns an additional 5 points for the squadron and ship, too!

The RtF graphics competition has started! Any graphic you submit will earn 1-5 points based on judging, 5 bonus points for the squadron and ship, and the potential to earn 25-100 more points if it places in the top four. Give it a shot, any medium counts!

LC Wraith's SP victories this past week have increased his FCHG rank to Optio and his MP victories increased his combat rating to Officer 2nd! Excellent job, Wraith!

CPT Nolij's MP victories this past week have earned him a combat rating increase to Elite 4th, nice work!

In other competition news, CPT Nolij picked up his first Iron Star with Gold Ribbon from placing first in the TIE Corps in his first appearance in one of our Star Wars Commander tournament competitions. Way to go, Nolij!

Last week I neglected to announce the winner of the final week of Sinner's Delight for May. For the most MP victories out of all Sin Squadron pilots that week, the award goes to CPT Nolij!

The Competitions Center and Combat Center on the TIE Corps site can provide all the details for each competition. In my reports, I'll just be listing short summaries of each open competition that are open to Sin pilots. Also, I'm treating the two Ace of the TIE Corps competitions as a given, since they're always around.
  1. Raise the Flag: Over the course of June, points are awarded for just about any TC activity you can think of. There are also four bonus competitions, one each week. (Whole TC, 2728)

  2. Raise the Flag Fiction: The first of the weekly RtF mini-competitions. Write a piece of fiction with the theme "the response of the TC navy to possible NR advances in its territories". (Whole TC, 2729)

  3. Raise the Flag Graphics: Create a graphic of a Star Wars combat scene, even if it's hand-drawn, watercolor, or MS Paint! Anything gets the 5 bonus points. (Whole TC, 2730)

  4. Star Wars Commander: Persistent Strife: Each time there's a big Commander PvP or PvE event, do your best and then send COL Plif a screenshot. (Whole TC, 2716)

  5. COO Monthly Challenge: Highest kill amount (with assists counted as half a kill) in Team Battle or Domination missions wins a DFC! This is now automatically tracked from LoC submissions, no need to send a separate email. (Whole TC, 85)

  6. TIE Fighter Replay: This year, we're also flying through the original missions in TIE Fighter! Pilot file should be sent to the TAC. High scores for the whole battle win awards! (Whole TC, 2665)

Sin Squadron - Long-range Support
The Unrepentant - "Sin like you mean it"
Wing II - ISDII Warrior

Flight I - Missile Boat Mk.II
Warbringers - "Victory through superior firepower"

[1-1] COL Plif FCHG: Optio, 1425 points - CR: Ace 3rd, 1608 points
    • Running Star Wars Commander competition
    • Kinda running EaW Double Elimination Tournament, got caught up in RtF
    • Awarded IS-GW for turning in the highest score for TIE Fighter Battle 5
    • Awarded 6 LoCs
    • Awarded 23 LoSs
    • Flew 45 TIE battles for a total of 258 missions
[1-2] MAJ Flelm FCHG: Aquilifer, 691 points - CR: Officer 1st, 353 points
    • Awarded 5 LoSs
    • Flew 7 TIE battles for a total of 23 missions
[1-3] CPT Wondra FCHG: Gallant, 222 points - CR: Marksman 1st, 128 points
    • No contact
[1-4] Open

Flight II - Missile Boat Mk.II
Demons - "Reach out and take hold of glory"

[2-1] LC Wraith FCHG: Optio, 1332 points - CR: Officer 2nd, 272 points
    • Awarded 4 LoCs
    • Awarded 50 LoSs
    • Flew 37 TIE battles for a total of 212 missions
[2-2] Open

[2-3] CM Yun FCHG: Knight, 283 points - CR: Marksman 4th, 27 points
    • No contact
[2-4] GN Master FCHG: Centurion, 1805 points - CR: Certified, 20 points
    • Flew 13 TIE battles and 2 XvT battles for a total of 89 missions

Flight III - Missile Boat Mk.II
Hellspawn - "Strike at the Heart"

[3-1] CPT Nolij FCHG: Legionnaire, 493 points - CR: Elite 4th, 728 points
    • Awarded 11 LoCs
    • Awarded 26 LoSs
    • Flew 8 TIE battles for a total of 40 missions
    • Awarded IS-GR for turning in the highest score for the Star Wars Commander Incineration Tournament
    • Awarded IS-BW for turning in the most MP victories during the last week of May
[3-2] LC Miles Prower FCHG: Hussar, 59 points
    • Mailing list activity
[3-3] Open

[3-4] Open
Colonel Plif
Warrior of the Year, TIE Golf Grand Champion

CMDR/COL Plif/Sin/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
CoLx2/CoB/OV-16E [OPTI] [Ace 3rd]

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