Tempest Report # 12 (2022-07-23)

This report was submitted by CMDR/LC Honsou/Tempest/Wing X/ISDII Challenge

ISD-II Challenge

Tempest Squadron

Blown with the Wind #12

Tempest Banner
Tempest Squadron logo, featuring a horse rearing in front of a lightning bolt.

From: LC Honsou
To: LC Denys Elara
CC: VA Silwar Naiilo
Submitted: 2022-07-23
For Dates: 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-30

From the Desk of Honsou Kessen
The uniform of Honsou Kessen, #55973

"Moving Day-Something Fowl: A (not quite) Honsou Story. Pt 1"

The atmosphere in the main hangar of the ISDII Challenge was electric with activity. The day had finally come for the Infiltration Wing to claim their place aboard the newly assigned MC-40 that had arrived to join with Battle Group III. Her sleek, smooth, almost bulbous hull stood out like a sore thumb against the strong angular lines of the Imperial vessels of the fleet. All of the fighters and support craft of Firebird and Eagle Squadrons had to be moved over to the MC-40 along with the pilots and all of their belongings and equipment. The transports and shuttles had already shifted the heavy gear and the crew of the MC-40 along with the assigned droids were hard at work putting everything in place for the arrival of Firebird and Eagle Squadrons. Without warning a loud Bawk sound erupted through the hangar bay. The cacophony stopped immediately. A sound like a robotic rendition of an enormous Endorian Brahma, also known as a tip-yip in Ewokese, a species of fowl that originated in the forests of Endor. These domesticated animals were kept by the Ewoks primarily as a source of food, and their meat was considered delicious. However, Captain Travis of Firebird Squadron had developed a fondness for these creatures and now it seems had requested his personal, jet black, R2 unit use the Brahma’s cry as some kind of replacement for it's more traditional beeps and boops. "BAWK" the droid announced it's presence again to the hangar's occupants. Several confused engineers and deck officers started looking around, understandably disturbed by the sound that was seemingly getting closer and louder. “Now don’t y’all stop workin’ on account of me and F0-H07n (fo-horn) here. Get back to it.” It was Travis alright, there was no mistaking that accent. Honsou smiled to himself, Travis had a way with the crew members, a charismatic yet dangerous war-dog. Honsou respected that. A thought occurred to him and his smile uncharacteristically became wide and he chuckled to himself as he continued his project work for the MC-40s little hangar issue, which was also unironically the actual issue.

to be continued...

Congratulations to LT CapukkiOne and LT Kertron Seven, on your LT promotions.

Tempest Squadron have completed all ReMob tasks laid out for the second year running. Again with 100% participation from the squadron Well done everyone! Special callout to LT TwinJedi for not giving up when their PC motherboard died. Completing a fiction entry, on a work laptop, as their contribution! Also further congratulations to all Squadrons that completed ReMob tasks, it was a super tough one this year.

Flight [object Object] ship

Flight 1: Storm Knights

With this lance I judge, for he that dies pays all debts

Badge icon for Lieutenant ColonelLC Honsou
Email, Discord
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP/PvE
Tempest Squadron Admin, Two top-secret projects, Multiple TC and external competitions
Medals Awarded: 9x LoS; 6x LoC; 1x PC; 1x DFC; 1x IAR
Icon for losIcon for locIcon for pcIcon for dfcIcon for iar
Badge icon for CommanderCM Akreseus
Flight Activity:
Badge icon for MajorMAJ Kalve Ryder
Flight Activity:
Star Conflict PvP/PvE, SP Battles
Completed Battles:
TIE-TC 168, TIE-TC 76
Submitted Reviews:
EH based projects, Art/Graphics submissions, Reviewed and submitted bug report for new TIE Battle
Medals Awarded: 12x LoS; 1x SS; 1x IS-GW; 1x LoC
Icon for losIcon for ssIcon for is-gwIcon for loc
Badge icon for LieutenantLT TwinJedi
Flight Activity:
ReMob fiction writing
Flight [object Object] ship

Flight 2: Heralds of Maelstrom

Hell is empty, and all the devils are here

Badge icon for CaptainCPT Colo Delste
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP/PvE, SP Missions/Battles, BFII PvP/PvE
Completed Battles:
TIE-TC 70, XvT-TC 33, TIE-TC 38, XvT-IW 11, XvT-TC 110, XvT-TC 25, TIE-TC 245, TIE-TC 31, TIE-TC 36, TIE-TC 13, TIE-TC 5
Submitted Reviews:
TIE-F 104, TIE-F 147, TIE-F 154, XvT-TC 33, TIE-F 201, XvT-IW 11, TIE-F 28, TIE-F 8, TIE-F 5, TIE-F 4, TIE-F 2, XvT-TC 110, XvT-TC 25, TIE-TC 245, TIE-TC 5
New PvE Rating:
Campaigner 3rd
Multiple TC and external competitions, Flight leader activities, Several Battle and Mission review
Completed and passed SM/5
Medals Awarded: 33x LoC; 1x BS; 1x IAR; 1x IS-CW; 1x IS-SW; 1x LoS
Icon for locIcon for bsIcon for iarIcon for is-cwIcon for is-swIcon for los
Badge icon for LieutenantLT Kertron Seven
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvE
New PvE Rating:
Congratulations on LT promotion
Medals Awarded: 3x LoS
Icon for los
Badge icon for GeneralGN Anahorn Dempsey
Flight Activity:
SP Missions
Multiple TC competitions
Medals Awarded: 1x BS; 1x IS-CW; 1x IS-BW; 1x IS-BR
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Flight [object Object] ship

Flight 3: Paladins of Fulmination

You'll see the lightning but will be dead before the thunder

Badge icon for CaptainCPT Morgoth
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP/PvE, SP Battles
Completed Battles:
TIE-TC 199
Multiple TC and external competitions, Flight leader and SQXO activities
Medals Awarded: 40x LoC; 1x BS; 1x IAR; 1x IS-CW; 1x LoS
Icon for locIcon for bsIcon for iarIcon for is-cwIcon for los
Badge icon for ColonelCOL Phalk Sturm
Flight Activity:
SP Battles/Missions.
Submitted Reviews:
TIE-F 164, TIE-F 162, TIE-F 166, TIE-F 104, TIE-F 282, TIE-F 297, TIE-F 5, TIE-F 156, TIE-F 153, TIE-F 148, TIE-F 147, TIE-F 144, TIE-F 154, XvT-TC 147
Completed Battles:
XvT-TC 147
Multiple TC and external competitions
Medals Awarded: 1x ISM; 1x IAR; 1x IS-CW; 1x IS-GW
Icon for ismIcon for iarIcon for is-cwIcon for is-gw
Badge icon for LieutenantLT CapukkiOne
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP
New Combat Rating:
Congratulations on LT promotion
Medals Awarded: 1x LoC
Icon for loc
Badge icon for Lieutenant CommanderLCM Newt
Discord, Email
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP/PvE
New Combat Rating:
Marksman 3rd
Operation Wholesome lead artist, Numerous artwork/graphics submissions, heavy involvement in the AirLock Podcast and TC D&D campaign
Medals Awarded: 9x LoC; 3x LoS; 1x ISM; 1x IS-BW
Icon for locIcon for losIcon for ismIcon for is-bw
Raven Squadron Patch until 2022-08-31 for the Entire TC.

GN Stryker invites the TC to design a Patch for the 3rd Infiltrator Squadron, Raven Squadron.

Squadrons Feats of Strength I until 2022-08-31 for the Entire TC.

COL Genie lays down the gauntlet to the pilots of the TC. There are EIGHT feats of strength with increasing difficulty (and decreasing sanity for the pilot involved).

The Chalquilla Cup II until Someday for the Entire TC.

A 3v3 fleet battle tournament between squadrons, hosted by Genie and Silwar Naiilo.

Challenge Against Huttese until 2022-07-30 for the ISDII Challenge.

CM Ryuzokin invites members of the Challenge to Cards Against Humanity. Matches will be on Saturdays at 7 PM Eastern for three weeks.

The Great Bounty Hunting Race until 2022-08-15 for the Entire TC.

CM KEBLAOMEGA invites you to take part in this very interesting bounty hunting competition, which has a lot in common with the Great Hunts of old Mandalore.

The Challenge with Words until 2022-08-31 for the Entire TC.

Finish the word search as fast as possible.

MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 until 2022-12-31 for the Entire TC.
COOP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 until 2022-12-31 for the Entire TC.
SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 until 2022-12-31 for the Entire TC.
In Closing
A later than usual monthly report but I was focusing on ReMob and wanted to congratulate every single member of the squadron as soon as it was complete. Also to show off our beautiful new Tempest-Class TIE/ca's. (many thanks to Kalve for the artwork)

This is LC Honsou, CMDR of Tempest Squadron, singing off. "We Are The Storm!"

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