ISDII Challenge Report # 12 (2021-10-24)

This report was submitted by COM-COOA-IOA/VA Silwar Naiilo/ISDII Challenge

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The Storm's Gaze #12

Submitted: 2021-10-24

Commodore's report: 2021-10-15 - 2021-10-23

From the Desk of Silwar Naiilo
The uniform of Silwar Naiilo, #12630

Raise the Flag 2021 continues to press on! The Challenge remains in first place, although we can't rest yet - the Hammer continues to match our pace. Several bonus competitions have been awarded, with an excellent showing from the Challenge. While we didn't place well in the Star Conflict competition, we did in most bonus comps afterwards: I took first place in the fiction competition, and LCM Xylo Pethtel, LCM Sylas Pitt, MAJ Kalve Ryder, and COL Marenta were in the top ten with excellent entries. MAJ Kalve Ryder took a top-ten spot in the puzzle competition. In the EABF2 competition, I took third, while GN Stryker took fifth. In the graphics competition, MAJ Kalve Ryder took first place, CPT Graf D'Jinn took third, LCM Xylo Pethtel took fifth, and I took seventh. The SWS competition has ended, and we are awaiting results. Current bonus competitions include Puzzle #2, an XvT co-op competition and an XWA co-op competition- both created by LC Genie and tested by a number of folks from different ships and squadrons- and a SP competition.


  1. Challenge: 23,746
  2. Hammer: 19,741
  3. Warrior: 10,883
  4. Aggressor: 245

Squadrons (out of 16):

  1. Tempest: 1,3576
  2. Firebird: 4,967
  3. Eagle: 2,255
  4. Inferno: 1,032
  5. Thunder: 488

Top Pilots (out of 168, showing top 20):

  1. COL Phalk Sturm: 4,062
  2. LCM Colo Deste: 2,725
  3. MAJ Hermann: 2,522
  4. LCM Jaxx Nassin: 1,740
  5. MAJ Kalve Ryder: 1,343
  6. GN Stryker: 1,247
  7. VA Silwar Naiilo: 958
  8. GN Anahorn Dempsey: 796
  9. LCM Xylo Pethtel: 765

Congratulations to LT jospence on his promotion to lieutenant, and CMs Cody Lance and Colo Delste on their promotions to commander! CPT TI-40026 also has an updated ID line, as he has volunteered as a Combat Operations Officer Assistant, a key position in the TC that keeps multiplayer games running smoothly by reviewing screenshots and organizing combat events.

LCM Xylo Pethtel is running the competition 'Poetic Proficiency'. He posts a subject and format, and you write a poem. Round four has closed, and round five entries can be submitted. Round 5 will challenge you to use a Limerick poem in a funny story about one of your fellow squadronmates. It can be absolutely anything about them, but it must be a pilot from your squadron, who I'm hoping you'll get to know better. It should go without saying but please refrain from overly negative entries, this prompt is meant to be funny and wholesome, not a chance to put down your shipmates, so have fun, talk about it, and share a laugh!

COL Marenta's Inferno Signal Scramble, a competition where she posts an unknown acronymand you guess what it means has finished its 14th round. You can vote for the 15th round and enter the 16th round until November 7th.

Our next Real Heroes of the Challenge entry will be broken into multiple parts. In Phalk's first-place entry, he describes Roolothe mechanic. This is part three; to see the first, visit the report #9.


The Clone Wars had been a distant noise away in the galaxy, but somehow General Grievous and his henchmen had found another world to enslave. Gentes was a primitive planet, defenseless in comparison to the might of the Separatists, and what ensued was a massacre.

When the droids landed, they marched unopposed across the surface. The Ufflor constables were no match. Settlement after settlement fell with almost no losses to the CIS huge army. Within months, all populated areas in the open wasteland and the center land mass of the planet had been subdued or destroyed. Thousands of Ughnaughts were executed or captured and sent offworld to Grievous' command, to the mines in Mustafar, foundries in Geonosis, and all across the galaxy.

Roolo lost all his friends while trying to evade the initial droid attack on the Swampways. He barely escaped after losing most of his hand in an explosion, and although severely wounded, managed to make his way back to the remote location of the family farm. His father, Rolgast, in the meantime, had been harbouring refugees from all around, both his tribe kinsmen and others. However, the farm could feed only a few of those refugees, now pouring daily into the dozens. When Rolgast saw his first-born crossing the swamps back home, his joy was so immense, that all the grief and resentment he had for his son, was immediately erased. He was a proud Insorat tribesman, but alone and old, clearly no match to the scavengers flocking to his farm.

One night, after a few weeks Roolo and his family had rejoined, they eventually had to send most of the refugees away. Some, wearily thanked them, collected their few possessions and left, following the Ughnaught way, but a mixed group of scavengers, violently refused. One of them, a human, grabbed Ygloste by the neck and threatened to kill her if they were not to be allowed forever in the farm. The human grew bolder by seeing the Ughnaughts in shock, and demanded that his group was now in custody of the farm, and all of the dwellers within would become their ¨indentured servants¨, as it was a fair price for the protection his group would give to them and the farm.

Rolgast fell to his knees imploring this ruthless man not to kill his daughter. That all possessions he had were his now, but to spare the lives of those inside the farm. Roolo, who had been silently watching the scene from one of the sewage tunnels he was inspecting, crawled behind the man and decapitated him instantly with a proton axe. The rest of the group, heavily drunken, barely managed to show any reaction. Roolo charged on the group growling and screaming. The awful shrieks chilled the spine of those standing close to him, and he killed two more with his tusks and the axe. The rest of the group scattered and run anywhere they could.

Everybody in the farm, cheered and greeted Roolo, the prodigal son, the saviour. But Roolo knew better.

Scavengers were going to claim this isolated jewel, and they will come back. When, was the question, Roolo thought.

But, what came later, after a two weeks of total calm, was much worse. He was in the swamps with his sister Ygloste, harvesting eggs, when huge explosions were heard in the direction of the farm. A few flying craft crossed the skies, and then more explosions. They ran frantically towards their home, to see flames, buildings destroyed and dozens of droids pouring from all sides in massive armored vehicles, so huge, like Roolo had never seen before.

Scattered around, on the fields, several corpses could be seen. Roolo knew that he had not to expose himself or his sister if they wanted to avoid a certain death. They hid for days in the draining tunnels leading into the swamps. Finally, he mustered some courage and told Ygloste to wait for him for a full day, and if he didn't come back, to walk towards the sea, following the swamps, until reaching the old temples by the shore.

Although he had a maimed hand, Roolo could shoot very effectively with his other hand, and fortunately he had brought his old CD34 Blaster Rifle, as he always did whenever venturing in the swamps. He approached the farm from the northern side, crawling in the mud and entering the sewage system of the farm. He emerged inside one of the stables, where the Blurrgs were normally held. Empty. Nothing. Only loose forage here and there, but no sign of the dozen blurrgs his family had. Upon approaching the doors, he scoped the area with his rifle's optics, but nothing again. No droids, no corpses, no vehicles. The farm was barren. He ran across the ruined buildings that flanked the main house. The barn, the stores, windtrap and moisture collectors were completely destroyed. He stopped to collect his thoughts and very much needed breath. The tension was unbearable. Knowing he might be captured any time soon and leaving his sister, helpless, at the mercy of slavers, scavengers or the droids, was a thought that forced him to maintain his awareness at the expense of his fears.

Roolo finally reached his old house. Smouldering rubble, all there was left. In the kitchen, amidst the debris, he could find some ionized meals and a drum full of water. He filled his canteens and put everything that seemed edible inside his backpack. He carefully made the walk back to the sewers entrance in the stables. A few hours later he rejoined his sister. She was waiting in their makeshift hutt,

under a thick canopy of swamp trees, gnarly branches and thick vines. They hugged and rubbed noses and tusks. She was so happy to see him again. They both laughed. After some time, they lit the first campfire after days of hiding, and finally had a proper meal from the ionized packages. Roolo fell in a deep slumber while his sister kept watch.

'PIG FACE! GET UP YOU SWINE HEADED USELESS OLD BASTARD!!!', someone shouted and Roolo startled in fear, hitting his head against a metallic frame inside the Spectre gunship.

Ship Stats
  • Missions completed: 1504
  • Reviews submitted: 325
  • LoCs earned: 260
  • LoSs earned: 277
  • Badge icon for LieutenantSL -> LT jospence
  • Badge icon for CommanderLCM -> CM Cody Lance
  • Badge icon for CommanderLCM -> CM Colo Delste
Icon for ssSilver Star of the EmpireIcon for ss
COL Phalk Sturm
Icon for bsBronze Star of the EmpireIcon for bs
CPT Graf D‘Jinn, LCM Xylo Pethtel, LCM SirCaleb, LCM Taurus, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LC EvilGrin, CPT Honsou, CM Colo Delste, CM Morgoth
Icon for pcPalpatine CrescentIcon for pc
COL Marenta, LCM Akreseus, GN Anahorn Dempsey, CPT Richlet, LT Gisornator, CM LegionX
Icon for ismImperial Security MedalIcon for ism
LT Badkid312, CM Cody Lance, MAJ Kalve Ryder, LC Tygra Shadowclaw, LT Ryuzokin, CM Dynamus
Icon for iarImperial Achievement RibbonIcon for iar
LCM Cupcake, LCM Taurus, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LT Badkid312, LCM Sylas Pitt, CM Turel, CPT TI-40026, COL NiksaVel, LC EvilGrin, LT Mosey, COL Marenta, LT Dirty-Ari, LCM Dougal Ceallaigh, CPT Honsou, CM Colo Delste, MAJ Hermann, MAJ Kalve Ryder, GN Anahorn Dempsey, CPT Richlet, CM Morgoth, COL Phalk Sturm, LT Hawksniper, VA Silwar Naiilo
Icon for moiMedal of InstructionIcon for moi
LCM SirCaleb
Icon for is-grIron Star - Gold RibbonIcon for is-gr
LCM Jaxx Nassin, CM Morgoth, VA Silwar Naiilo
Icon for is-srIron Star - Silver RibbonIcon for is-sr
LCM Xylo Pethtel, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LT Ryuzokin
Icon for is-brIron Star - Bronze RibbonIcon for is-br
CPT Graf D‘Jinn, LCM Xylo Pethtel, LCM Critical Hit, LCM Taurus, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LCM Sylas Pitt, CPT TI-40026, COL Marenta, CM Colo Delste, MAJ Kalve Ryder, COL Phalk Sturm, LT Ryuzokin, VA Silwar Naiilo
Icon for is-crIron Star - Copper RibbonIcon for is-cr
CPT Graf D‘Jinn, LCM Xylo Pethtel, LCM Critical Hit, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LCM Sylas Pitt, CPT TI-40026, LT Shiro Kusanagi, CM Colo Delste, CM Morgoth, COL Phalk Sturm, LT Ryuzokin, CM Dynamus, VA Silwar Naiilo
Icon for locLegion of CombatIcon for loc
CPT Graf D‘Jinn, LCM Xylo Pethtel, LT jospence, LCM SirCaleb, GN Stryker, LCM Taurus, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LC EvilGrin, COL Marenta, LT Dirty-Ari, CPT Honsou, LCM Akreseus, CM Colo Delste, MAJ Kalve Ryder, CM EchoVII, CPT Richlet, CM Morgoth, LT Ryuzokin, VA Silwar Naiilo
Icon for losLegion of SkirmishIcon for los
CPT Graf D‘Jinn, LCM Cupcake, LCM Xylo Pethtel, LT jospence, LT Drummer The Gunner Nate, LCM SirCaleb, GN Stryker, LCM Jaxx Nassin, LCM Sylas Pitt, CPT TI-40026, LT eriksen1803, COL NiksaVel, LC EvilGrin, LT Mosey, LT Shiro Kusanagi, COL Marenta, CPT Honsou, CM Colo Delste, MAJ Kalve Ryder, CPT Richlet, CM Morgoth, LT Gisornator, LC Tygra Shadowclaw, LT Ryuzokin, CM Neko, CM Iam Thinking, VA Silwar Naiilo
Combat Ratings Advancements
PvP Rating Advancements
  • LCM Xylo Pethtel: Officer 3rd
  • LT jospence: Marksman 4th, Certified, Trainee
  • LCM SirCaleb: Officer 4th
  • LCM Taurus: Officer 1st
  • LT Dirty-Ari: Certified
  • CM EchoVII: Officer 3rd
Co-Op Rating Advancements
  • CPT Graf D‘Jinn: Gunner's Mate 4th
  • LCM Cupcake: Private 3rd
  • LCM Xylo Pethtel: Gunner's Mate 3rd
  • LT jospence: Beginner
  • LT Drummer The Gunner Nate: Qualified
  • LCM SirCaleb: Private 3rd
  • CPT TI-40026: Ranger 3rd
  • LT Shiro Kusanagi: Beginner
  • CPT Honsou: Campaigner 4th
  • CM Morgoth: Gunner's Mate 3rd
  • VA Silwar Naiilo: Campaigner 3rd
  • LT jospence to FM/SL jospence/Eagle 2-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
  • CPT TI-40026 to FL-COOA-SQXO/CPT TI-40026/Firebird 3-1/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
Raise the Flag 2021 until 2021-10-31 for the Entire TC.

THE BIG ONE. Fly, write, draw. Everything counts. Bring victory to the Challenge!

Challenge's Poetic Proficiency until 2021-11-14 for the ISDII Challenge.

LCM Xylo Pethtel will announce a format and subject biweekly. Write and vote on poetry.

Starship Designers until 2021-10-18 for the Entire TC.

Design the exterior and interior of our very own starship. Send entires to LT Scarlette in Discord.

Crossword Challenge until 2021-09-30 for the Entire TC.

Every month, Solohan50 will send out a crossword puzzle. Winners determined by number of correct answers.

Challenge Championship League until 2021-08-08 for the ISDII Challenge.

A 3v3 fleet battles league for pilots of the Challenge

Inferno Signal Scramble until 2022-01-01 for the ISDII Challenge.

Fill in the acronyms from random letter combinations; Google Forms link posted to the Challenge Discord channel

The Challenge with Words until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

COL Marenta will generate a word search and post the link.

COO's Star Wars Challenge Episode VII - 2021 until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Accumulate the most LoCs or LoSs in Squadrons.

MP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021 until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Pilots earn monthly and yearly medals for the most LoCs earned. Squadrons games not eligible.

COOP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021 until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Pilots earn monthly and yearly medals for the most LoSs earned.

SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2021 until 2021-12-31 for the Entire TC.

Pilots earn monthly and yearly medals for the most singleplayer missions played.

Activity for VA Silwar Naiilo
Email, Discord
Flight Activity:
Squadrons PvP, Squadrons PvE, XvT PvE
New PvE Rating:
Campaigner 3rd
Completed Battles:
XvT-IW 10, XvT-TC 22, XvT-TC 46, XvT-TC 96
Submitted Reviews:
XvT-TC 46
Medals Awarded: 13x LoC; 22x LoS; 1x IAR; 1x IS-BR; 2x IS-CR; 1x IS-GR
Icon for locIcon for losIcon for iarIcon for is-brIcon for is-crIcon for is-gr

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