Theta Report # 18 (2021-06-30)

This report was submitted by CMDR-TCCOMA/COL Pete Mitchell/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Theta Squadron Report #18

Date Submitted: June 29, 2021
From: COL Pete Mitchell
To: Theta Squadron, RA Zekk Terrik – Warrior Commodore

CC: TIE Corps Fleet


It’s been the calm before the storm the past couple weeks, but the storm is here!  Imperial Storm III that is!  Since we have a few new pilots on the team, it’s a war-game between the three ships that is map based (hexagons for the first time!) and about controlling territory.  Points are also awarded for big victories in battle.  There is battle attrition as well.  The important thing to know is don’t wander too far from the briefing room, because if the Warrior has a battle, we’ll need you to fly a free mission and fly a bunch of LoS’s or LoC’s.  Keep your eyes on the email and discord for a battle.  Full rules are here:


Other than that, it’s the end of the month, so TCiB battles are due in under 24 hours.  Submit them if you’ve got em!  Even spam (super low scores) flying is fine.  We get participation points as a ship and squad for those. 


June MTD Numbers


COL Pete Mitchell – Theta 1-1

·        SP: 154

·        LoC: 6

·        Email, Discord


LT Wintr Kvitravn – Theta 1-2


SL Adalla – Theta 1-3

·        LoC: 1

·        MoI

·        Discord


LC Michael Emrys – Theta 1-4


CM Wodi Untok – Theta 2-1

·        Discord


GN Mark Schueler – Theta 2-2

·        Discord


LT DigiAndAnime

·        LoC: 4


LT Tac Balon – Theta 2-4


CPT SL8c8 – Theta 3-1

·        SP: 6


GN Gilad Pelleaon – Theta 3-2

·        Discord


COL Silvius – Theta 3-3


GN Pickled Yoda – Theta 3-4

·        SP: 12

·        Discord


Squadron Competitions

To Be Announced…


Get ready to rumble!

CMDR-TCCOMA/COL Pete Mitchell/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

GOE/GSx5/SSx22/BSx12/PCx19/ISMx12/IAR/MoI/MoC-4doc-4poc-4goc-4soc-33boc/IS-2PW-32GW-112SW-112BW-6SR-35BR-1CR/LoC-RS-TS-CSx5-Rx1/LoS-PSx12-TS-CSx9-Rx2/DFC-BW/CoLx3/CoB/LoAx39/OV-21E [Templar] [Officer 1st] [Top Ace Ranger] {TCCORE-COE-MCBS-MP/2-SM/2/3/4/5-XAM}


SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2017



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