Delta Report # 17 (2010-07-10)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Gilad Pelleaon/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer

Delta Squadron Report #17 - 7.9.10


Squadron News:
-I've made my decision on Flight Three Leader, they will be installed by my next report
-Medals! We finally got our RtF medals and hopefully the MSE medals from May will be coming down the pipe...
-Trivia continues and somehow I strung together a theme for this week, "IW-type Stuff"

Wing News:
-Wing Reports #7 and #8 have been released.
-The Wing Commander is on leave for a little over two weeks. Party!

TIE Corps News:
-Fiction submissions for the DEAN's competition are due today!
-A string of new Free Missions have been released by the TAC.
-Security Office Report #25 was released. You can read it here.
-Apparently there is a Multiplayer competition coming. Details are few right now though.

Medals Awarded:
-IS-BW awarded to LCM Tuba for being Delta Squadron Ace for June 2010
-IS-BR awarded to CM Sergeyli for being Co-Winner of Round Eight of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia
-IS-BR awarded to LT Shado Fenn for being Co-Winner of Round Eight of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia
-IS-BR awarded to LT Shado Fenn for being Wing I Student of the Month for June 2010
-IS-GW awarded to CM Gistenjunge for winning the XvT Single Player Division of RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to COL Gilad Pelleaeon for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to LCM Tuba for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to CM John T. Clark for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to LT Chris Page for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to CM Sergeyli for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to CM Gistenjunge for completing the Secret Mission for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to COL Gilad Pelleaeon for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to CM John T. Clark for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to LCM Tuba for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to LT Chris Page for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to CM Sergeyli for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-GW awarded to CM Gistenjunge for being a participating member of the winning squadron for RtF May 2010
-IS-SW awarded to LCM Tuba for winning WC's Wingman -TIE

IWATS Course Completed:



Squadron Activity:
1-1: COL Gilad Pelleaeon – Email and MB.
1-2: LCM Tuba - Email and MB. Flew TIE-TC #1. Trivia Participation. Going on leave until the 20th.
1-3: LT Tom O'deevs - On Leave
1-4: LT Shado Fenn - MB. Trivia Participation.

2-1: CM John T. Clark – MB. Trivia Participation.
2-2: None
2-3: LT Chris Page – No Contact
2-4: None

3-1: COL Zosite Konstyte Styles – AWOL
3-2: CM Sergeyli – IRC. Trivia Participation.
3-3: None
3-4: CM Gistenjunge – MB. Trivia Participation.

Squadron Orders:
-Go check out the thread on the Trivia Competition on the Message Boards!
-Fly some missions or complete an IWATS!
-Write Fiction or create graphics!

Competition Updates:
Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia
This week's questions and answers were:

Q1: What top tier medal is named in memory of the second Executive Officer of the Emperor’s Hammer?
A1: Renegade
Q2: Before becoming Executive Officer, Renegade served as a liaison between the EH and various Rebel Organizations. What was the name of his position?
A2: Rebel Tactical Officer
Q3: After his passing, a ship was named in Renegade's honor. What class is this ship?
A3: MC-90
Q4: Name one of the other MC-90s.
A4: Neo and Warspite
Q5: What is the name of the MC-80b that was active until the consolidation last August?
A5: Redemption
Q6: The Infiltrator Wing has a PLT in what system?
A6: Karana

Tuba: 8
Gist: 7
Shado: 6
Clark: 6
Sergeyli: 0

Five participants this week! With Tuba on leave until the 20th, this competition will get tighter! Next round starts tomorrow!

Delta Squadron July Monthly Ace Leaderboard
1st - LCM Tuba - 5 missions (Leader)

Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia
Deadline: Weekly by the time I release my report.
Description: Every week I will enclose five trivia questions in my Squadron Report. Trivia questions will relate to Star Wars and the Emperor's Hammer. Answers can be found at any number of sources, Wikipedia, Wookiepedia, the Encyclopedia Imperia, etc.
Rewards: IS-BR to the first pilot that submits the correct answer to all of the questions.

Delta Squadron Monthly Ace
Deadline: End of each month
Description: Just fly!
Reward: The pilot that flies the most mission in a month receives an IS-BW!

Delta Squadron Links:
TIE Corps Homepage:
Delta Squadron Roster:
Delta Squadron Message Board:
Delta Squadron Battleboard:

Commander’s Thought’s:
Another successful week of trivia and no tie this week, which I was briefly worried about. Congrats to Tuba on his win this week. I actually came up with most of the questions in advance this time, instead of on the fly (which I did last week), which took off most of the stress of it. Keep your eye out for Round Ten, Question One tomorrow!

After Tuba gets back on the 20th, presuming no one else goes on leave around then, I'll run a high score competition. Probably using TIE, as I think most of us all have it now. I'm open to suggestions on different platforms though.

Time to get June's MSE done... Wohoo...

That's all for this week!

Cordially Submitted,
Colonel Gilad Pelleaeon

CMDR/COL Gilad Pelleaeon/Delta/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
GoE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx4/PCx4/ISMx15/IS-4GW-2SW-1BW-2GR-5SR-13BR/LoC-IS-CSx4/MoI/MoC-1SoC-9BoC/CoLx4/CoB/LoAx2/OV-10E [TSRS]
Delta Squadron: TIE Corps Commander's Own

Star Wars Galaxies Chilastra Server:
Gilad Pelleaeon - Dark Jedi Adept
Konstantinus Tagaris - Master Structures Trader

JH Gilad Pelleaeon
SE/CR-1A-1T/OV-4E {SA}

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