Date: 01 February 2025
From: CPT Jagged Fell III
To: VA Locke Setzer
CC: TIE Corps
It had been a busy month, getting used to the paperwork and extra responsibility that came with running a squadron, but Jagged thought he was holding up well. He had run a few extra training missions for his pilots and they seemed to be doing well, even excelling. The security programs that Triji had left him had managed to keep Master's hijinks to only two incidents and the janitorial staff had almost forgiven him for being an easy target that day. Jagged looked forward to another month leading the best squadron in the Fleet.
Well, one month down, many more to go. I am so glad you all pulled together to outscore me this last month in MSE points, the ORAs are either in the mail or have been awarded by now. We had a good turn out for the month with most getting on the board, but I hope everyone manages to do so here soon. The standouts for January for activity were Tony and JKast, you two did amazing and both earned extra ORAs for getting over 50% of my personal score and the IS-BR for topping my score. Hats off to you two.
Other big news, we have several promotions to celebrate. First, we have LT ScottyTheGeo who passed his TIE Corps Core Exam and got enough flying in to secure him a second MSE medal and a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Second, we have LT JKast who has just been a wrecking ball of activity since his return to the Fleet and has been demolishing the Imperial University exams, TIE Corps Core included, and grabbed his second Silver Star in a row securing a promotion to Lieutenant Commander as well. Third, LT Alun Tringad also put up enough points this month to secure himself a second MSE medal since his return from the Reserves and therefore a promotion to Lieutenant Commander. And last, but not least, SL Artanno Lach'Beria was promoted to full Lieutenant for letting us get to know them by filling out their Imperial Navy Personnel Record. Great job all of you.
Additionally, JKast has stepped up into the Flight Leader position for Flight 3. I am looking forward to his help in making sure we have something going on around here for all the different activies in the TIE Corps supports. Congratulations to now LCM JKast!
On a slightly personal note, two more TFTC Free Battles released this month, TFTC-F 3: To B Free and TFTC-F 4: Operation Takedown. The To Be Free mission is a fictionalization of the conversation between B and I for me to takeover the squadron last month. Give them a whirl if you play TFTC and please Post A Review.
1-1: CPT Jagged Fell III
- Assumed Command of the Squadron
- Won an Iron Star - Platinum Wings and the Title SP Ace of the TIE Corps Season 3 2025 for placing 1st overall for the season
- Won an Iron Star - Copper Ribbon for taking 3rd in January for Trivia for the Challenged
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 17th Echelon
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank of Private 4th
- Advanced to Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank of Executor
- Earned 2 Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer for creating TFTC-F 3 and TFTC-F 4
- Earned a Silver Star for December's Activity
- Earned 2 Imperial Achievement Ribbons
1-2: LCM Alun Trigad
- Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
- Awarded the Qualification Certificate in Flight Operations
- Won an Iron Star - Copper Ribbon for taking 2nd in Week 3 of Trivia for the Challenged
- Earned an Imperial Security Medal for December's Activity
- Earned 2 Imperial Achievement Ribbons
1-3: LT Artanno Lach'Beria
- Promoted to Lieutenant
- Earned an Imperial Achievement Ribbon
1-4: CPT Atashi Rain
- No TC accomplishments but I see some on the SO side
2-1: CPT Anthony Starr
- Assumed the Squadron's Executive Officer Role
- Won an Iron Star - Copper Wings for placing 13th overall for SP Ace of the TIE Corps Season 3 2025
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 12th Echelon
- Advanced to Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank of Aquilifer
- Awarded the Qualification Certificate in Force History
- Earned a Palpatine Crescent for December's Activity
- Earned 3 Imperial Achievement Ribbons
2-2: GN Triji Boliv
- Earned a Bronze Star of the Empire for his service in the Training Office
- Won an Iron Star - Copper Ribbon for coming in 2nd for Week 4 of Trivia for the Challenged.
2-3: MAJ Prost Varsis
- No TC accomplishments
2-4: CM Kieran Yoyo
- Earned an Imperial Achievement Ribbon
3-1: LCM JKast
- Assumed the Flight Leader Role
- Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
- Won an Iron Star - Gold Wings for achieving the rank of Kyber in the Hunters Season 4 competition.
- Won an Iron Star - Gold Ribbon for placing first in the BG3 Crossword Challenge
- Won an Iron Star - Copper Wings for placing 8th in December for PvP Ace of the TIE Corps
- Won an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for taking 1st in Week 3 of Trivia for the Challenged
- Won an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for taking 1st in Week 4 of Trivia for the Challenged
- Won an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon for taking 1st in January for Trivia for the Challenged
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 7th Echelon
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 8th Echelon
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 9th Echelon
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank of Private 4th
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank of Officer 4th
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank of Officer 3rd
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank of Officer 2nd
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank of Officer 1st
- Advanced to Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank of Lancer
- Awarded the Qualification Certificate in Flight Operations
- Awarded the Qualification Certificate in Force History
- Awarded the Qualification Certificate in Galactic History
- Earned a Silver Star for December's Activity
- Earned 3 Imperial Achievement Ribbons
3-2: SL Vaxim Sturn
- Joined the Emperor's Hammer
3-3: LCM Marlore Julren
- No TC accomplishments
3-4: LCM ScottyTheGeo
- Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
- Advanced to Flight Certification Wings 2nd Echelon
- Advanced to Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank of Qualified
This year's iteration of Imperial Storm is on the horizon. For those who don't know, this is a fleet-wide exercise/wargame that is one of the largest events of the year! It will offer something for everyone, and more details will be shared as they become available. I am really excited for this competition as I think it is my favorite of the big Fleet comps due to the lore and story elements of it.
Here is a brief rundown of the current competitions available to you all in the squadron, remember this is just a list as of today and you should keep an eye on the Competition Page of the website for any new ones that get posted. I am going to try and sort them by activity type too.
Single Player
- SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
- End Date – 2025/04/30
- Synopsis – Simple, fly Single Player missions from the Database and submit a BSF with the pilot file to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like. Missions can only be flown once per year for credit.
- TIE Corps in Battle Season Eight
- End Date – 2025/04/30
- Synopsis – One battle each from TIE, XvT, XWA and TFTC will be assigned monthly. Pilots will fly the battles and submit their pilot files through the database normally. You will get points based on how high your scores are compared to the others submitting to the competition too. And bonus points if you manage to set any High Scores for the missions or battles, even if they are later surpassed. But even if you can't shoot for high scores I encourage everyone who owns the Single Player games to fly them, even with full cheats enabled, as you will at least get 2 points per battle you fly and that will go towards the squadron leader board and we may place as squadron high enough to earn a medal.
- Where It All Began: TIE Fighter
- End Date – 2025/02/07
- Synopsis – Earn ORAs for flying the first TIE Fighter Battles (TIE-TC 1 through TIE-TC 28) and TIE Fighter Frees (TIE-F 1 through TIE-F 21)
- Battlegroup III Training Maneuvers: Imperial Storm
- End Date – 2025/02/20
- Synopsis – In preparation for Imperial Storm, Battlegroup III will be running a short, two-week competition, intended to serve as a preparation and as a refresher for the battles to come in the fleet-wide Imperial Storm competition (expected to start in March). This is both a SP and a MP competition (that is why it is repeated in both categories). I am really looking forward to this comp myself.
- Star Wars: Hunters - Season 5 Ranked
- End Date – 2025/03/26
- Synopsis – Play ranked matches in Star Wars Hunters and if you attain the rank of Chromium III or better before the season is done, take a screenshot of the rank placement just before the season ends via email to darth.sidious819@gmail.com showing your end of season placement and leaderboard (if applicable).
- SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 6
- End Date – 2024-04-29
- Synopsis – Pilots within the official organizational guilds on the Star Forge server (“Emperor’s Hammer” for the Sith Empire and “Infiltrator Wing” for the Republic) will compete against each other for placement awards while they aide the organization to meet its in-game goals.
- PvE Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
- End Date – 2025/04/30
- Synopsis – Simple, play any approved primary TIE Corps PvE game and submit the winning screenshots to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like.
- PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
- End Date – 2025/04/30
- Synopsis – Simple, play any approved primary TIE Corps PvP game and submit the winning screenshots to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like.
- Battlegroup III Training Maneuvers: Imperial Storm
- End Date – 2025/02/20
- Synopsis – In preparation for Imperial Storm, Battlegroup III will be running a short, two-week competition, intended to serve as a preparation and as a refresher for the battles to come in the fleet-wide Imperial Storm competition (expected to start in March). This is both a SP and a MP competition (that is why it is repeated in both categories). I am really looking forward to this comp myself.
- A Banner for ISD-II Relentless
- End Date – 2025/03/02
- Synopsis – Make a banner for the ISD-II Relentless and send it to CM Sam Arsio on Discord. Absolutely no AI generated art. See the competition page for more details.
- A Patch for ISD-II Relentless
- End Date – 2025/03/02
- Synopsis – Make a patch for the ISD-II Relentless and send it to CM Sam Arsio on Discord. Absolutely no AI generated art. See the competition page for more details.
- Alpha Patch!
- End Date – 2025/02/28
- Synopsis – Make a patch for Alpha Squadron and send it to CPT Witchblade on Discord or via email. See the competition page for more details.
- Alpha Banner!
- End Date – 2025/02/28
- Synopsis – Make a banner for Alpha Squadron and send it to CPT Witchblade on Discord or via email. See the competition page for more details.
- Trivia for the Challenged
- End Date – 2024-04-27
- Synopsis – At the start of each week a timed test will be sent out via Discord. Click on the link and do your best to answer the questions as fast as possible. The winners are scored on who had the most correct answers and then who had the fastest completion time.
The BG3 Crossword ChallengeEnd Date – 2025/03/31Synopsis – On the 1st of each month a Star Wars themed crossword will be released to the group via Discord. Once you have it all filled in, send the completed puzzle to GN La’an via Discord DM or email and he will rank all the entries based off of the most correct answers and then who had the fastest submission time.
Due to the lack of participation, the BG3 Crossword Competition was discontinued.
- Rho Watch Parties 2025
- End Date – 2025/12/31
- Synopsis – For each of the 12 months in 2025, a pilot in Rho who was chosen at random, picks a movie or tv show that is rated PG-13 or less and appears on a streaming service. Maston Dane will make a voting document with times listed for that month and everyone marks each day and time that also works for them. After a few days of voting the day with the most people available is chosen and come the day we all meet up on discord coms and each of us on our own screens start at the same time. IAR for every 2 months of joining in on the watch party for at least a minimum amount of time.
I won't repeat all of what I said in the first report here (go see the First Report for the detailed MSE breakdown) but will remind you all that for a month to count towards a promotion a Merit Medal (medal awarded from MSE points) must be earned.
As always, the requirements of Active Duty in the TIE Corps are communicating at least once per month, whether that is talking in a Discord channel or sending me a Direct Message on Discord or an email. And then it is important to post some MSE activity at least once every other month, but preferably every month.
I think I will be shooting for at report every month. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you all here in any way.
Captain Jagged Fell III
CMDR-TACA/CPT Jagged Fell III/Typhoon/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
GS/SSx11/BSx6/PC/ISM/IAR/MoT-15rh-5gh/MoI/MoS/MoC-doc-poc-2goc-2soc-10boc/MUA/IS-PW-8GW-10SW-5BW-9CW-2GR-7SR-9BR-2CR/ORA-2C/LoC-RS/LoS-CS/CoLx2/CoB/OV [Executor] [Officer 1st] [Private 4th]