Typhoon Report # 1 (2025-01-02)

This report was submitted by CMDR-TACA/CPT Jagged Fell III/Typhoon/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III

Typhoon Patch


Date: 02 January 2025
From: CPT Jagged Fell III
To: VA Locke Setzer
CC: TIE Corps


The door to the Typhoon Squadron’s Commander’s suite slid open, in that almost alarming rapid speed of Imperial engineering. Jagged entered the command suit and looked around. It felt strange being in this room without B here, for his whole career in the TIE Corps this had been the domain of his stalwart leader General Triji Boliv and now it was his.

Jagged wasn’t a fool though and immediately began searching the room and the adjoining sleeping area and refresher for whatever “fun” surprises General Master had managed to sneak into the chambers. After disabling the two trip wires he found that had been set to activate some “hilarious” presents for him he settled into what was now his chair at the desk and terminal.

He had never aspired to command the squadron, but now that he was here, he would do his damnedest to make sure he was the best commander in the Fleet. Now just to do all the data-work that B had so graciously, even joyously, left for him to do on his first day.


Well...in case you missed the announcements, GN Triji Boliv has decided to step back from a command position and be a Flight Member once again and I have accepted the honor of being asked to be the newest Commander of Typhoon Squadron. I still feel like the new guy here in the club having joined only 15 months ago but I have loved my time here in Typhoon and am excited for the things yet to come for us. At the same time CPT Anthony Starr has agreed to step into my old SQXO position. We are still looking for someone to replace Tony as the Flight Leader of Flight 3, if anyone is interested in the role, please contact me.

As for the immediate future I will be messaging each of you on what activities you are most interested in and what kinds of competitions you would like to see us run here in the squadron and beyond. In the meantime, Tony and I are going to be running a new competition where all of you will be competition against me in the realm of MSE this month, see more details in the competition section below.

We have had two new pilots, SL Artanno Lach’Beria and SL Vaxim Sturn, and several returning pilots, LT Alun Tringad and LT JKast, join us in the last month (or two) and many have gotten off to a great start here in the squadron and I hope they are having fun. The next steps in their careers here in the Emperor’s Hammer is advancement to higher ranks and the details of how to go about that can be found down below.

I did want to take a moment to outline what I see as the squadron identity of Typhoon for a moment. In my time here in Typhoon I have come to think of us as a laid-back squadron of eclectic interests but united in our love of Star Wars and hanging out with others who share those passions. We don’t grind it out until we are dead in Fleet competitions, but we are always in the upper echelons of any squadron competition because we are generally all active, some more than others. My desire for this squadron is that we are a welcoming place for all who want to be around those who love Star Wars and that we are all a bit active, especially during the Fleet competitions. You will never see me shaming anyone for not being active, this is an internet fan/gaming group where we get to hang out and earn internet points and medals. Real life will always trump anything going on in the squadron and we will always be here when you can come back.

But saying all that, this is an Active squadron. The TIE Corps requirement is that you are active at least once every 60 days and are in regular (read at least once every 30 days) communication with me/the group. If you don’t think you can be active at least once every 60 days, please let me know and we can have you transferred to the Reserves. It is important that if you are not able to be active that we move you to the Reserves so that we have openings for new pilots who are just joining and learning about the club and returning pilots who are wanting to take part in the competitions in the group. In the Reserves you will still be a part of the club, have full access to the website, and be able to access the general channels on Discord. The only things you will be missing out on in the Reserves is that you won’t have access to squadron and Battlegroup level Discord channels and won’t be able to compete in competitions.


This year's iteration of Imperial Storm is on the horizon. For those who don't know, this is a fleet-wide exercise/wargame that is one of the largest events of the year! It will offer something for everyone, and more details will be shared as they become available.


Here is a brief rundown of the current competitions available to you all in the squadron, remember this is just a list as of today and you should keep an eye on the Competition Page of the website for any new ones that get posted.

  • Galactic Holidays Art Submission 2024
    • End Date – 2025/01/25
    • Synopsis – Create your best Fridge-Door-Worthy piece of art possible. Anything count, crayons, pencils, noodle collage, ketchup. And then post a picture of it to the form: https://forms.gle/w2KKARd8QMfksNAZ8
  • The BG3 Crossword Challenge
    • End Date – 2025/03/31
    • Synopsis – On the 1st of each month a Star Wars themed crossword will be released to the group via Discord. Once you have it all filled in, send the completed puzzle to GN La’an via Discord DM or email and he will rank all the entries based off of the most correct answers and then who had the fastest submission time.
  • Trivia for the Challenged
    • End Date – 2024-04-27
    • Synopsis – At the start of each week a timed test will be sent out via Discord. Click on the link and do your best to answer the questions as fast as possible. The winners are scored on who had the most correct answers and then who had the fastest completion time.
  • Star Wars: Hunters - Season 4 Ranked
    • End Date – 2025/01/28
    • Synopsis – Play ranked matches in Star Wars Hunters and if you attain the rank of Chromium III or better before the season is done, take a screenshot of the rank placement just before the season ends via email to darth.sidious819@gmail.com showing your end of season placement and leaderboard (if applicable).
  • Ring in the New Year
    • End Date – 2024-01-31
    • Synopsis – Warning, this one should only be done if you consider yourself good at TIE Fighter. Simply fly TIE-TC 244: Lord of the TIEs and submit your pilot file to the website like normal. But this is widely considered the hardest TIE battle in the database and to earn any medals in this competition you will need to fly without cheats. Good luck to all who try.
  • Rho Watch Parties 2025
    • End Date – 2025/12/31
    • Synopsis – For each of the 12 months in 2025, a pilot in Rho who was chosen at random, picks a movie or tv show that is rated PG-13 or less and appears on a streaming service. Maston Dane will make a voting document with times listed for that month and everyone marks each day and time that also works for them. After a few days of voting the day with the most people available is chosen and come the day we all meet up on discord coms and each of us on our own screens start at the same time. IAR for every 2 months of joining in on the watch party for at least a minimum amount of time.
  • Design a new patch for Battlegroup II
    • End Date – 2025/01/31
    • Synopsis – Members of the TIE Corps are requested to assist in the design process by submitting an image of the patch to RA fr0Zen by email to adamwietu@gmail.com or Discord DM to his user, the1fr0Zen. Battlegroup II members will rank the best patches via internal polling where voters may vote for one or many options, with the Squadron Commanders serving as tiebreaker for any conflicts or tied scores.
  • SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 6
    • End Date – 2024-04-29
    • Synopsis – Pilots within the official organizational guilds on the Star Forge server (“Emperor’s Hammer” for the Sith Empire and “Infiltrator Wing” for the Republic) will compete against each other for placement awards while they aide the organization to meet its in-game goals.
  • SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
    • End Date – 2025/04/30
    • Synopsis – Simple, fly Single Player missions from the Database and submit a BSF with the pilot file to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like. Missions can only be flown once per year for credit.
  • PvE Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
    • End Date – 2025/04/30
    • Synopsis – Simple, play any approved primary TIE Corps PvE game and submit the winning screenshots to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like.
  • PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 - Season One
    • End Date – 2025/04/30
    • Synopsis – Simple, play any approved primary TIE Corps PvP game and submit the winning screenshots to the website. Different games have a different point value to them but fly the platforms you like.
  • TIE Corps in Battle Season Eight
    • End Date – 2025/04/30
    • Synopsis – One battle each from TIE, XvT, XWA and TFTC will be assigned monthly. Pilots will fly the battles and submit their pilot files through the database normally. You will get points based on how high your scores are compared to the others submitting to the competition too. And bonus points if you manage to set any High Scores for the missions or battles, even if they are later surpassed. But even if you can't shoot for high scores I encourage everyone who owns the Single Player games to fly them, even with full cheats enabled, as you will at least get 2 points per battle you fly and that will go towards the squadron leader board and we may place as squadron high enough to earn a medal.
  • Beat the New CO
    • End Date – 2025/01/31
    • Synopsis – To have a bit of fun here in Typhoon, your new SQXO and I cooked up this idea. For the month of January, I will be pitting my MSE total against all of you, combined. The idea is to see if my MSE out put this month can top the combined effort of the rest of the squadron. There are prizes (ORA) if the squadron tops my score, and for any individuals who get close (50% = ORA) or top my score (IS-BW). As a ground rule though, while carry over points will of course count towards your merit medals this month, they will not count for this competition. Warning, I don’t intend to make this an easy task...


For those who are new, or just never knew the behind the scenes rules of how to earn medals and promotions here is a "quick" run down of it:

  • The primary way the club recognizes your activity is through the awarding of merit medals. The awarding of those medals is determined by the Monthly Squadron Evaluation where the different activities you do are quantified and totaled up. Each activity has a different point value associated with it.
    • Each Single Player mission completed - 1 point
    • Each LoC (PvP win) awarded - 2 points
    • Each LoS (PvE win) awarded - 1 point
    • Each entry in a competition round that awards a medal - 2 points
    • Each Mission High Score achieved - 5 points
    • Each Battle High Score achieved - (# of missions in battle) X 5 points
    • Each IU Course passed - 3 points
    • New fiction/wiki entries added - 1 point per 200 words
    • Each battle/free review posted – 1 point
    • Each bug report posted – 1 point
  • To earn a medal, you must hit certain point milestones in a month:
    • Imperial Security Medal - 20 points
    • Palpatine Crescent – 55 points
    • Bronze Star - 100 points
    • Silver Star - 250 points
  • Any points in excess of the number required for a medal, with the exception of the SS, carry over into the next month, where as long as you earn at least 11 points in that month, can be used towards the next merit medal. If a Silver Star is awarded, all carry over points are set to zero.

The requirements of promotions are detailed in the TIE Corps Pilot's Manual but will summarize here with a tiny extra detail not in the Pilot's Manual:

  • To be promoted from Sub-Lieutenant to Lieutenant you must complete one of the following activities:
    • Completing any EH custom mission or battle
    • Earning any LoC or LoS
    • Earning an Iron Star or ORA
    • Submitting a complete Imperial Navy Pilot Record (INPR)
    • Completing any Imperial University (IU) course
  • To be promoted from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander requires the completion of the TIE Corps Core IU course and 1 month as a Flight Leader or SQXO where a medal was earned or 2 months as a Flight Member where a medal was earned each month.
  • For all other promotions refer to the Pilot's Manual for the number of months of service before the promotion can be considered but note that for a month to count towards a promotion a medal must have been awarded for activity that month.


As always, the requirements of Active Duty in the TIE Corps are communicating at least once per month, whether that is talking in a Discord channel or sending me a Direct Message on Discord or an email. And then it is important to post some activity MSE activity at least once every other month, but preferably every month.


Not sure how often I will be submitting Squadron reports but will be shooting for at least every three months if not more often. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you all here in any way.

Captain Jagged Fell III

CMDR-TACA/CPT Jagged Fell III/Typhoon/Wing X/ISDII Challenge/Battlegroup III
GS/SSx10/BSx6/PC/ISM/IAR/MoT-15rh-3gh/MoI/MoS/MoC-doc-poc-2goc-2soc-10boc/MUA/IS-6GW-8SW-4BW-8CW-2GR-7SR-6BR/ORA-2C/LoC-RS/LoS-CS/CoLx2/CoB/OV [Centurion] [Officer 1st] [Qualified]

CPT Anthony Starr at 2025-01-02 (04:54)
Congratulations on the appointment, we will watch your career with great interest

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