WO Report # 7 (2024-12-30)

This report was submitted by WO/AD Phoenix Berkana/TC-4/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II


REPORTING OFFICER: Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE SUBMITTED: 30 December 2024

WOW! Whats that? It's a Warfare Officer Report...

Jokes aside, these have been few and far between this last quarter and your Warfare Officer has also been somewhat quiet as many of you have noticed.

So I'd like to take this moment, and soapbox, to give you an explanation as to why I've been a little quiet and things have been rather slow on my end - for which you have my sincere apologies.

A few weeks after Raise the Flag ended at the start of October many of you will have noticed I started to get a little quiet, this wasn't just something reflected in the online world of the TIE Corps but also in the Real-Life work world and family world. I myself noticed I was getting anxious about things and unable to put my head down and concentrate, to be blunt I was letting things slide.

Fast forward to the end of November and my wife sat me down and made me talk to my boss and we all came to the realization that my mental health was in the dumpster - net result is I've been signed off work for December and January, potentially longer depending on what the therapist says.

Now, why am I sharing this?

Well - a few reasons.

First and foremost it's a explanation as I know the position I am sitting in requires timely administration and for the better part of 2 months it's suffered.

The first fix here is the creation and appointment of a WO:A - MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana will be joining me in ensuring the administration flows smoothly as possible hence forth.

I hope many of you will notice that the backlog is now starting to ease as the RtF medals are now dropping and we're working our way through any outstanding awards.

The second reason I am sharing the background is that I've always thought of myself as being unflappable, mental health wasn't a problem etc.
I know that a number of us in our community have suffered losses and had to deal with their own worries, so as we come to a end of the year, this for me is a stark reminder of the value this community has - beyond the gaming it's a group of friends - and we look out for one another as my experience has shown me.


Firstly as mentioned above - thank you to MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana for stepping forward to become my assistant. HA Turtle will be coding the access into his profile in due course.

Secondly TIE Corps in Battle is making it's arrival. I've spoken to several CMDR's and the consensus is ASAP, so we're starting on January 1st! The battles to play will be released on New Years Eve to ensure nobody can get a head start. We'll also be reverting to a schedule that aligns with the months for this season, we'll see how pilots like it!

Finally, Ace of the TIE Corps 2025 is now live in the database. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice that the PvE & PvP scores have been altered compared to 2024, now being in alignment with the TC scores. The reason for not changing them in 2024 was to keep all three seasons the same, the change of year gives us the opportunity to swap to the TC scores.


The following TIE Corps wide competitions are now live in the TIE Corps database, all members are able to take part in them as of January 1st 2025 until their specified closing dates.

Warfare Office Contacts

WO/AD Phoenix Berkana/TC-4/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II
GSx5/SSx4/BSx10/PCx25/ISMx28/MoI-BC/MoC-7doc-7poc-7goc-8soc-59boc/MUA/IS-GW-3SW-4BW-3CW-2GR-5SR-34BR-CR/ORA-1C/LoC-CS/LoS-RS/CoLx11/CoB/LoA/OV-25E [Decurion] [Certified] [Campaigner 3rd]

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