Battlegroup III Report # 11 (2024-12-07)

This report was submitted by BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III


December 7, 2024
VA Locke Setzer


Happy Holidays, pilots of Battlegroup III! The end of the year is fast approaching, and before we know it we'll be into a new year, and all the new events that will bring! But before the year is up, let's take a look around this battlegroup and the fleet and see what's currently going on...

Battlegroup News and Competitions

Competition Reminder - BG3 Crossword Challenge

Our own GN Jarek La'an is currently running a monthly crossword challenge for BG3! On the 1st of each month, a Star Wars themed crossword will be released for completion by BG3 members. A IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR, and IS-CR will be awarded each month for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place finishers, respectively.

Submissions with completed crosswords should be sent to GN La'an by the close of the final day of each month (GMT). Submissions can be sent to GN La'an via Discord (rlaan) or e-mail (

The crossword for December can be found here. Keep an eye on #bg3-competitions-announcements on the Discord server to see the latest results and crosswords!

For more information, please review the competition listing.

Competition Reminder - Trivia for the Challenged!

Trivia for the Challenged is back! Every Monday, a new set of four trivia questions will be posted on the #bg3-competitions-announcements channel on the Discord server, with topics ranging from anything from Star Wars proper to people and places in the Emperor's Hammer! Questions remain open for one week.

This week's trivia can be found here. This will remain open until end of day (EH/UTC time), December 8th, 2024.

Next week's trivia (opening on December 9th, 2024) can be found here.

For more information about this competition, please view the competition listing.

TIE Corps News and Competitions

Competition Announcement - Star Wars Squadrons Fleet Battle Pinball

We have a fleetwide single player competition for Star Wars Squadrons this December!

Pilots are challenged to engage in unranked solo battles against the AI in Star Wars Squadrons, with the goal being to obtain the highest score possible.

Score must be obtained in a winning solo match where the pilot has flown as the Empire. Pilots may select whichever difficulty level, map selection, ship type, and loadout configuration that they prefer.

Winning screenshots should be sent to CM Sid_amos at Please only submit one screenshot. Submissions are due by the end of the month (December 31, 2024)

Iron Stars will be awarded to the four best scores. Additionally, the winning pilot will receive the title of Squadrons Ace Starfighter Virtuoso

For more information, please review the competition listing. Good luck!

Competition Reminder - TIE Golf Invitational Final Round

Our own CPT Jagged Fell III is currently running a nine-round TIE Golf tournament! If you haven't played TIE Golf before, the goal is pretty straightforward: obtain the lowest possible score without hitting 0! There's a few extra conditions (no cheats, no destroying friendlies, laser scores will be normalized so that you don't benefit in TIE Fighter from firing at nothing), but in general, it's all about completing a mission while doing the absolute least possible!

We're entering into the last hole, but it's not too late to join in! The latest hole is for XWA-FREE #133 and runs through Friday, December 13th!

For more information, check out the competition details as well as the TIE Golf competition thread on the Discord server. And if you'd like to know more about TIE Golf as a competition, check out the EH wikipedia page for TIE Golf!

Competition Reminder - Imperial University Banners

The Training Office has opened a call for graphic designers to create new banners for the Imperial University.

Specifically, the TO is looking for banners for the Imperial University as a whole and each of its contingent academies: Imperial Weapons and Tactics School (IWATS, associated with the TIE Corps), the Dark Jedi Shadow Academy (SA, associates with the Secret Order), and the Carrida Stormtrooper Military Academy (CSMA, associated with the Hammer's Fist). You're welcome to create entries for one or more of the above four entities!

Banners should be 1500 x 1500 pixels in size. Submissions can be emailed to

This competition runs through the end of the year! All submissions should be in before January 1, 2025, EH/UTC time. For more information, please review the competition listing.

Competition Announcement - Star Wars Hunters - Season 4 Ranked

A new season of Star Wars Hunters is upon us!

Like before, competition awards will be given out to pilots based on their final season rank. Specifically, the following awards will be granted to pilots who obtain the listed rank in-game:

  • IS-PW - Kyber I Top ten
  • IS-GW - Kyber III-I
  • IS-SW - Beskar III-I
  • IS-BW - Aurodium III-I
  • IS-CW - Chromium III-I

To qualify, make sure you submit a screenshot to CM Sid_amos at showing your end of season placement and leaderboard (if applicable).

I'll send a reminder out about this one as we approach the end of the season (January 28, 2025), but this is a good one to have on your radar if you're playing Hunters.

For more information, please view the competition listing.

Happy Hunting!

Competition Reminder - SWTOR Conquest 2: The Search for More Conquest, Season 5

Friendly reminder that there is an ongoing competition for SWTOR players for earning conquest points while being a member of one of the Emperor's Hammers guilds!

The official guilds are on the Star Forge server ("Emperor's Hammer" for the Sith Empire and "Infiltrator Wing" for the Republic). Each week, the top three pilots in each faction that earn the most conquest points are awarded Iron Stars and "placement points", with placement points being used to determine monthly awards, as well as final standings for season awards and the title of Legacy Conquest Champion! Additionally, an ORA is given (up to two, one for each guild) for every pilot that earns over 100,000 conquest points.

If you're a SWTOR player, I recommend reviewing the competition details for more information! Season 5 ends this month, on December 17, 2024. Please reach out if you have any questions!

Competition Reminder - Ace of the TIE Corps 2024: Season 3

Friendly reminder that season 3 of this year's Ace of the TIE Corps event will soon come to a close at the end of this month!

As a quick reminder, Iron Stars are awarded to the top fifteen pilots who earn the most points in each category (SP, PvP, and PvE). Points are determined by platform used for completing missions (SP) or winning matches (PvE,PvP).

For more information on points per platform and awards, please view the following competition listings:

Best of luck to all our pilots as this season winds down!

Battlegroup III Awards and Stats for November 2024

Battlegroup III Monthly Awards for November 2024

For the Battlegroup III monthly awards in November, congrats to the following:

  • For Battlegroup III Squadron of the Month for November 2024, congrats to Typhoon Squadron! Typhoon had the most pilots participating and the most activity overall, making this an easy one to award this month. Congrats!
  • For Battlegroup III Pilot of the Month for November 2024, congrats to Typhoon Squadron's CPT Jagged Fell III! Similarly, CPT Jagged Fell III had the most overall activity in November, which is impressive considering his custom mission output! Congrats!
  • For Battlegroup III Leader of the Month for November 2024, congrats to Typhoon Squadron's GN Triji Boliv! No one's more consistent with all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into being a commander as GN Boliv is, and in a month where his squadron shined, it feels like a good time to acknowledge that. Congrats!

Battlegroup III Monthly Stats for November 2024

Stats of the Month:

  • SP was the most popular activity type by pilot count, followed closely by PvE.
  • Most popular platform by participants was TIE Fighter (what year is this??).
  • Platforms used this month (from most unique pilots to least) included TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Helldivers 2, Balance of Power, EA Battlefront 2, Star Wars: Hunters, Star Wars Squadrons, and Star Conflict.


Top Platforms (by number of participants):

  1. Star Wars: Hunters
  2. EA Battlefront 2 (tie)
  3. Star Wars Squadrons (tie)

Pilot with most PvP wins: MAJ SirCaleb


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. Helldivers 2
  2. Balance of Power
  3. EA Battlefront 2 (tie)
  4. Star Conflict (tie)

Pilot with most PvE wins: LT Cyan Vytuia


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. TIE Fighter
  2. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
  3. X-Wing Alliance

Pilot with most SP missions completed: CPT Jagged Fell III


That's it for now! As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about things going on in Battlegroup III, the TIE Corps, or anything else. My email is and my Discord name is LockeSetzer. My door is always open!

In Service,


BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III

LCM GamerRat at 2024-12-07 (23:39)
Nice job to Jagged Fell III for the SP
love the styling for these reports too.

LT JKast at 2024-12-07 (22:50)

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